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Underoos Friends - November

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    Underoos Friends - November

    byebyebridgetjones;999011 wrote: Morning All
    Very sad day here.
    My poor little 15 year old cat was savaged late yesterday by a couple of Staff. bull terriers. Luckily I was just inside the window, and saw it.
    I managed to prise the little bastard's jaws open and release her, but there was blood everywhere and she ran off and still hasn't returned.
    I'm terrified that those viscious little mongrels are still out there. I have ABSOLUTELY NO doubt that they are capable of attacking a child.

    No sense in denying I headed straight to the bottle shop after hours of searching. Just to rub salt into the wound. Only a small amount, but in combination with baclofen, enough to cause a fairly cracking hangover. I was also up half the night waiting for her to come home.

    So it's back up on that horse today.
    One day I will be able to handle a crisis without caving.
    Oh Bridge, I'm so sorry to hear that. I hope she survives. Are you okay given the circumstances?

    'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

    Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


      Underoos Friends - November

      Guitarista;999045 wrote: Oh Bridge, I'm so sorry to hear that. I hope she survives. Are you okay given the circumstances?
      I always pull through Mr G, but she had such a gentle life. What a hideous way to go
      If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
      Rejoined life 20/5/19


        Underoos Friends - November

        byebyebridgetjones;999048 wrote: I always pull through Mr G, but she had such a gentle life. What a hideous way to go
        So bloody unnecessary. Many people just don't get it that dog's are a big responsibility.

        'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

        Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


          Underoos Friends - November

          Guitarista;999052 wrote: So bloody unnecessary. Many people just don't get it that dog's are a big responsibility.
          That's exactly the pproblem. And back yard breeders and puppy farms are pumping out dogs bred for profit only, not temperament and soundness......
          I'll have to go and look for these dogs before they get a little child or something.
          I'll be on the undie bus if you need me folks
          If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
          Rejoined life 20/5/19


            Underoos Friends - November

            Ok. Take care Bridge. Let us know what's happening later. x

            'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

            Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


              Underoos Friends - November

              Oh Bridge, that's so horrible. Damn irresponsible dog breeders and their revolting greed! I feel sick thinking about your poor wee puddy. I can't imagine she's ever known anything but love, gentleness and respect in your home and my heart bleeds for her. You are such a wonderful sweet soul and I imagine you were in shock when you hit the bottle shop. I'll be thinking of you today. Love and hugs. :h:h:h:h:h:h
              :h Mish :h
              Never give up...
              GET UP!!!

              AF since 25th November, 2011

              What might have been is an abstraction
              Remaining a perpetual possibility
              Only in a world of speculation.
              What might have been and what has been
              Point to one end, which is always present. T.S. Eliot


                Underoos Friends - November

                Bridge I'm so sorry to hear this news. I hope and pray she'll be ok. Thinking of you sweetie..John xx
                Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


                  Underoos Friends - November

                  Bridge that's just too awful for words. Thinking of you and your son ...... :l
                  Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

                  Harriet Beecher Stowe


                    Underoos Friends - November

                    Morning all visitors gone so now silence...just bliss

                    Bridge what awful news...and to see it too.
                    I feel for you & your son today.

                    She probably won't come home but has found a nice comfy place for herself.

                    Animals know when their time is up and they are not makes me think that they understand the cycle of life and might just know more than us....

                    Will read back when I can hope everybody else is OK.
                    Just keep on swmming, just keep on swimming!


                      Underoos Friends - November

                      Morning Undies

                      Bridge, I read about your cat. I am so sorry. Two bulldogs attacked my Collie and ripped him to pieces. A cat wouldnt stand a chance.
                      Poor cat and poor you. My heart is going out to you right now and praying that your cat is no longer suffering xx
                      Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                      Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                        Underoos Friends - November

                        Jonesy...really sorry to hear about wee fluffy - a horrible thing to have to witness.


                          Underoos Friends - November

                          Bridge, just saw your post about your cat. I am so sorry, especially for your son. Things like this are hard on us adults but even more so on kids.
                          Maybe your cat will show up within the next couple of days. Hopefully she's more scared than injured. Cat's have a way of surviving impossible circumstances. Hoping for all the best...

                          P.S. Hello to all the Underoonies...
                          For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
                          AF since 10/10/2015:yay:


                            Underoos Friends - November

                            Hmmmm ... seems we're all a bit subdued today - for obvious reasons.

                            Missy - hope you got through your day ok. Still going to the docs tomorrow?

                            Shas - good to see you back.

                            Oh bugger it ... I've actually got sweet FA to say other than I've been rocking back and forth on tennis balls. Highlight of the day.


                              Underoos Friends - November

                              tawnyfrog;999190 wrote:
                              Oh bugger it ... I've actually got sweet FA to say other than I've been rocking back and forth on tennis balls. Highlight of the day.

                              G-man - you're a Melbourne muso of a certain age - did you hear about James Freud?? How sad...I thought the Models were the best ever thing when I was about 12-13yrs old. Naive innocence protecting me from the sordid goings on behind the scenes...I raced to the library to get his 1st book ('I am the voice left from Drinking'- if anyone's interested)'s pretty depressing but he had a great sense of humour. I was looking forward to being a bit uplifted by the 2nd one (I am the voice left from Rehab) but now I know the overall ending it's just so depressing...


                                Underoos Friends - November

                                Thanks everyone for your compassion and kindness.
                                I always feel so safe here.
                                No my little miss has not returned and she's not going to.
                                But I have to tell you the rest.
                                As soon as I started knocking on doors, the whole neighbourhood dropped everything and galvanised into action. They spent hours looking for a cat they didn't even know. Most particularly 2 teenaged boys over the road. You know those guys that we really wonder about sometimes ? They had to be told to go home by my housemate. They were crawling under buildings, canvassing other neighbours.
                                I made three calls today to the council and the RSPCA. I could not have hoped for kinder, more understanding people.
                                Someone actually phoned back from the council to say that the officer concerned was at a a funeral, would get back to me tomorrow re the dog attack, and was I OK. Have you ever even heard of that ?
                                Every neighbour and friend has stopped today and asked for updates, and even tolerated my blubbering when they did.

                                Here's my point. The world has got MUCH more good stuff in it than bad.
                                Might not seem that way sometimes, but it has.
                                If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                                Rejoined life 20/5/19

