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Underoos Friends - November

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    Underoos Friends - November

    Morning Missy - I thought you were up a bit late last night!

    RC - yes, that barrel of wood will go a long way towards heating next winter, providing I just use the heater in the Froghouse. The barrel actually deeper than it looks in the pic but don't forget, our winters aren't anything like yours. We rarely go below 0C and then only during the night. We never get snow where I live. When I've phoned a Canadian mate to tell her I'm freezing my arse off because it's 8C she pissed herself laughing. I can't wrap my head around your winter temps and don't even try to understand Wind Chill Factor. LOL

    So I'm going to change my attitude and totally look forward to today's people invasion. I might even make some new BFFs.


      Underoos Friends - November

      byebyebridgetjones;1008721 wrote: 'Bout time you turned up.
      Ona date were we ?
      Nope, i was experimenting with me drumming, and laying down some punk rocker/metal sort of stuff. I don't reckon i gave the neighbour's too much grief. And i am absolutely delighted Mad Moselle is running around like that. :h

      Morning Missy and subsequent/consequential rooter's,

      That's no good, you're feeling knackered Missy. I know you eat well, and i presume re-fuel your body properly. Do you train too hard, or too frequently, or you're happy with the balance? Do you usually feel energised after a workout, up late or not? (No, Bridget. I know what you're about to say) Just interested, as i train too, and am interested in the possible link between old age, training, and being knackered. :H

      Off to check the latest new's. Go hard, or go home.

      'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

      Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


        Underoos Friends - November

        So I'm going to change my attitude and totally look forward to today's people invasion. I might even make some new BFFs.
        That's it. Times like these it's good to go with the flow, and go in with an open heart. A little, (or massive) tweak of our outlook on the event from a negative to a positive one can make all the difference, just as long as they don't overstay their welcome. Have a marvellous day Tawny.

        'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

        Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


          Underoos Friends - November

          Morning all.
          Grown up job for 4 x days now.
          It'll be good for the coffers, but honestly not looking forward to it.
          We'll just have to press on with our days Missy, and if the Frog can change her thinking and attitude, so can we.

          I am going to relish the opportunity to learn something today, because we always do, and to break my self imposed exile.

          Zippidy - do - da.....
          If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
          Rejoined life 20/5/19


            Underoos Friends - November

            byebyebridgetjones;1008925 wrote: Morning all.
            Grown up job for 4 x days now.
            It'll be good for the coffers, but honestly not looking forward to it.
            We'll just have to press on with our days Missy, and if the Frog can change her thinking and attitude, so can we.

            I am going to relish the opportunity to learn something today, because we always do, and to break my self imposed exile.

            Zippidy - do - da.....
            Me too. Excellente!

            'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

            Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


              Underoos Friends - November

              sup all, lifes good, that is all...
              glad ya puss is home and safe bridge.
              AF since 10/26/2009

              It will be five years sober 10/26/2014


                Underoos Friends - November

                tawnyfrog;1008913 wrote: Morning Missy - I thought you were up a bit late last night!

                RC - yes, that barrel of wood will go a long way towards heating next winter, providing I just use the heater in the Froghouse. The barrel actually deeper than it looks in the pic but don't forget, our winters aren't anything like yours. We rarely go below 0C and then only during the night. We never get snow where I live. When I've phoned a Canadian mate to tell her I'm freezing my arse off because it's 8C she pissed herself laughing. I can't wrap my head around your winter temps and don't even try to understand Wind Chill Factor. LOL

                So I'm going to change my attitude and totally look forward to today's people invasion. I might even make some new BFFs.Just a quick post before I head off to plead with the Sleep Fairy.

                I was born, raised and lived in Ontario til the tender age of 31. Canadian winters - month of February - temps between -15 to -25F every frigging day. The cars had a special thingamajig that went into the oil-level shaft to keep the oil warm. Another warming cable attached to the battery so that the liquid in it didn't freeze. A small air heater inside the car with a timer to start working an hour before you had to leave for work so the car was warmed up inside and the windshield was almost defrosted. Dawg help you should get rain that was falling from an atmosphere warmer than the temps on the ground, which were freezing, and the rain, upon hitting the car's windshield would turn to ice so you had a half-inch crust to scrape off just to be able to see where you were going. Not to mention frozen key-holes. No such thing as remote controls and electric door locks back then. You had to smear the key-holes with vaseline to keep them from freezing shut. Iced-over key-holes needed a bottle and a half of rubbing alcohol to un-freeze them and frigged up the paint job. Now you know why I live in this land of sunshine where the temps fall below zero only about once a year and then doggy and I get to play in the snow, and we love it...

                Tawny dear, make the best of the visit. As I can see, you're already looking at it from the positive side. Hope you enjoy it to the fullest.

                byebyebridgetjones;1008925 wrote:
                Morning all.
                Grown up job for 4 x days now.
                It'll be good for the coffers, but honestly not looking forward to it.
                We'll just have to press on with our days Missy, and if the Frog can change her thinking and attitude, so can we.

                I am going to relish the opportunity to learn something today, because we always do, and to break my self imposed exile.

                Zippidy - do - da.....
                Yes we can, Bridge. We have so much to be thankful for, we just have to see it and recognize it. Hope your job goes well. Still so pleased about the kitty..:h
                For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
                AF since 10/10/2015:yay:


                  Underoos Friends - November

                  Morning MIssy, Tawny, Aspy, Bridge, Stirly, and the G. Man, (I'm buggered after that roll call)

                  Tawny you will do just fine, the thought is far worse than the actual event. Bridge your four days work will give you the 'aaarrrrhhhhhh' thats better when its done and you will enjoy your "time off". Missy I feel like that sometimes, just go with the flow and listen to your Sheilas sometimes have hormonal reasons for feeling less energy than usual, and over training is a risk!! (I suffered a complete burnout when I was training seriously (marathons) - I think I have always been running away from myself)...anyhoo watch the signs - faster resting heartrate, muscle fatigue/pain know the drill. G. Aging has a lot less to do with workout recovery if you go through the right processes. BTW if anyone out there wants a tailor made workout (free of charge) let me know...gotta bit of time on my hands at the moment and I dont want my brain going to mush. I'm off into the day and waht a beautiful day it is. Oh and I have great news!!!!! Listen up everyone. My eldest son Michael is coming home for a week long visit on Sunday!!!! He has been in France and the Caribean working for almost two I havent seen his darling face for that whole time. When I saw him last, I was not sober and it wasn't good, this time he has me sober, relaxed and so much different. I cant wait. See ya later alligators
                  I am a part of the family of humanity. Not one person on this earth is a stranger to me. Rev. Ted Noffs


                    Underoos Friends - November

                    tawnyfrog;1008913 wrote:
                    So I'm going to change my attitude and totally look forward to today's people invasion. I might even make some new BFFs.
                    not gonna happen.

                    THE TURD BURGLARS JUST PHONED TO CANCEL. 3 hrs before they were due.

                    back when I've stopped seethefusking


                      Underoos Friends - November

                      tawnyfrog;1009029 wrote: not gonna happen.

                      THE TURD BURGLARS JUST PHONED TO CANCEL. 3 hrs before they were due.

                      back when I've stopped seethefusking
                      Oh well Tawn saves you having to put up with them, more time for your garden chooks, cats etc.
                      I am a part of the family of humanity. Not one person on this earth is a stranger to me. Rev. Ted Noffs


                        Underoos Friends - November

                        tawnyfrog;1009029 wrote: not gonna happen.

                        THE TURD BURGLARS JUST PHONED TO CANCEL. 3 hrs before they were due.

                        back when I've stopped seethefusking
                        Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


                          Underoos Friends - November

                          Nah, it's alright Techie - I've taken lots of glossopharyngeal breaths and I'm calm again. I think I figured out what happened ... I sent them an email last night to confirm their ETA. Didn't hear back until this morning and got a fairly lame ..."oh, more visitors arrived, won't be able to make it ..." blah blah blah. Bullshist, I think. You forgot! Prolly made the initial phone call whilst a bit tired and emotional and then just forgot. This makes me very happy. Why, you ask?

                          Because it wasn't me that made an arrangement in a drunken stupor and then clean forgot. It wasn't ME. Yay yay yay

                          Now I just have to chomp my way through a mountain of delicious food but I'm happy to suffer for my craft.

                          oh btw, I think poor Helmut is having a rough time of it lately ...


                            Underoos Friends - November

                            tawnyfrog;1009108 wrote: Nah, it's alright Techie - I've taken lots of glossopharyngeal breaths and I'm calm again. I think I figured out what happened ... I sent them an email last night to confirm their ETA. Didn't hear back until this morning and got a fairly lame ..."oh, more visitors arrived, won't be able to make it ..." blah blah blah. Bullshist, I think. You forgot! Prolly made the initial phone call whilst a bit tired and emotional and then just forgot. This makes me very happy. Why, you ask?

                            Because it wasn't me that made an arrangement in a drunken stupor and then clean forgot. It wasn't ME. Yay yay yay

                            Now I just have to chomp my way through a mountain of delicious food but I'm happy to suffer for my craft.

                            oh btw, I think poor Helmut is having a rough time of it lately ...

                            Yep marvellous when ya stop doing shit like that innit. I used to have to look on my phone to see who I had drunk dialled the next day...oh the was usually my ex husband copping an earful about why he was such a dreadful absent father. Ah the joy of having ya wits about ya....
                            I am a part of the family of humanity. Not one person on this earth is a stranger to me. Rev. Ted Noffs


                              Underoos Friends - November

                              hello all undies. hi tawny just read your post - enjoy all your food! send some here if you have excess.
                              well, mother has left, thank fuck.
                              a better visit than last time as a) I didn't blow my top with her, & b) she didn't leave in a huff. so small mercies huh.
                              harvest continues. the mummy dog draws closer to birthing date (I think this Fri when I'm having a spa with Mish)....she has milk already & i've felt pups moving in her exciting. i'm getting all clucky.
                              spectacular thunderstorms a few nights ago. the one thing i love about living out here - how incredibly awe-inspiring the lightning is - so clear, so vivid, so close.
                              reading back, i miss you guys. ah well.
                              it's Tuesday. that would mean of course, that tomorrow is Wednesday & then Thursday. fascinating.
                              going to buy a digi camera when I'm in Perth so i can take photos of doggies & send them to Bridgee to post for me as PB thinks I'm an alien.
                              hi to all.
                              hugs to all.
                              need some hugs back if you can spare 'em.


                                Underoos Friends - November

                                hello saph cross posted.

