Evening crew just fed dogs & horses & the sun is drifting lower in the sky.
onya g-bloke for the march thing for white ribbon day. i truly have a lot to learn about fellow humans sometimes.
reg - hope you're ok
saph - can you please send me a personalised exercise regime for a slothful 41 yr old shitkicking wifey allowing ample time for doggy hugs (with baby triever pup & mummy to be kelpie), horse-riding,& oh yes just bought some spanky wanky new adidas runners so i can sparkle when i go walkies....but yes, help me please!
bridge - am buying digi cam when i go to Perth so you can receive lots of puppy photos.
tawny - i am loving danish feta currently. really loving it. have you had it/ like persian feta but cheaper
mishy - will pm you
aspy - howdie snake bloke
missy - pleased to be back home? where's the secret candid cam shots of reg & g-bloke that you promised me!
um. only 6.30 pm now & all youse prolly in beddies.....
my plan : um.....er.........a shower soon...any takers? .....then um.....oh shit hate time warps.