The point of this thread is to say a HUGE THANK YOU for all amazing love and support I have received. The phone calls, the PM's, and the words of encouragement have meant so much to me.
Sunshinedaisies, Ruby, Panno, Tlrgs, Nora, Techie, Fennel,Nora, Trapped Dad, Topsy, RC......all you have been amazing. I am sorry if I forgot anyone. Offfers of money, sending my resume to family members, links to look at jobs, and righteous indignation all made me feel so loved. Those of you that I spoke to personally mean the world to me.
Sometimes life isn't fair and good people get the shaft. But with family like you behind me, I stayed sober and felt so loved.
Off to read the want ads!!
ps...I believe there is a tank to smash people somewhere if anyone wants to borrow it!! In the Dos gatos thread