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Army Thread 3 November

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    Army Thread 3 November

    Good morning, folksies

    Now fess up: who stole the sleep fairy??? Hmmmmmm? Hmmmmmmm?

    An overcast day here and fairly humid, which is unusual.

    Camping preparations coming along nicely: I now have a tent, and inflatable mattress (no comments, please), a kettle, torch and a gas bottle.

    Have a fantastic day. I'm going to be sequestered in a fair number of meetings. At least my doodling skills will come to my rescue, along with a discreet-ish MWO lurk or two on my mobile phone
    I'll do whatever it takes
    AF 21/08/2009

    Army Thread 3 November

    Morning Tip.
    I've been up for and hour and it's only 5:10am.
    Campings brilliant and a mattress is always good.
    My daughter's having a scan today so we'll get to see her latest addition to the family. She's due in April. My eldest grandchild starts school next year and the youngest is nearly walking already.
    I've an appointment to see about my tingly fingers today; a result of my abuse of my body apparently which could, and probably should have been much worse. Nothing to worry about though.
    I hope everyone has a happy day


      Army Thread 3 November

      Hiya Pops

      It is rather amazing to see the little ones grow, isn't it? Especially the really, really little ones still in the womb. When Mrs. T was expecting, they didn't have these new-fangled 3D scans yet, but even so, I still think its kinda miraculous to be able to have a peek at them!

      Yep - have those tingly fingers looked at.

      I usually get up at 5.00. At least now that its summer, it's already light outside. In the middle of the winter, it kills me, I'm afraid.

      I hope you still get the time to conquer a hill or two in between all the other activities
      I'll do whatever it takes
      AF 21/08/2009


        Army Thread 3 November

        Good morning , The sleep fairey is Not visiting around these parts either! Bit tired this morning but a nice cup of coffee will sort that out, YAWN! Aww, Tips , glad to hear the prep for the camping trip is advancing. I think it sounds wonderful. You are giving your child memories that he will keep forever:l. Good luck with the doc visit Popeye-you're a smart man to keep on top of things like you do. Hope everybody has a positive day! Just finishing up a ('long) "to-do" list. OK-I can do this! laters-expat xx


          Army Thread 3 November

          good morning gentlemen:l
          can't wait to read your post from the campsite...they are gonna be classic reading.....:H
          Pop's I hope all goes well for your tingley bits.. another .how many grandchildren do you have now??
          me also have been up since silly o'clock..about 3:15 and couldn't get back to kip..!
          Jamie walked in from being out at his friends..suprised asked "what you doing up mum"..
          I think maybe a little suspicious coz of old reasons..but it's ok I explained to him it's part of the price we pay for an af life..and a small one at that..

          anyway have a fab day fellas..:h


            Army Thread 3 November

            I'll hopefully get up a hill or two at the weekend.
            Gotta keep the old bod healthy expat. I'd be snookered without it.
            This'll be #4 Jan. 2 boys and a girl so far
            I'm off to see if I can get back to sleep for an hour.


              Army Thread 3 November

              oooh sorry mummy JC..wnet to the loo and when I came back you'd popped in before me..wouldn't miss you out for the world..:l
              good morning my darling, it is rather early foryou isn't it..
              friging sleep fairy is defo sleeping with someone else, the old trollup..!


                Army Thread 3 November

                ooh gawd should look clearer at the names not just the avatars..I wondered what our Jackie was doing up this time of morning....
                was only till I read pop's reply to you did I realise it was you expat.....sorry....
                but the warm morning greetz are still the same..:l


                  Army Thread 3 November

                  Good morning All

                  No sleep fairy here either, where the hell is the dirty little stop out?!

                  Jan, I did the same yesterday :H thought Expat was JC up at dawn....

                  Tips when's the camping trip?

                  Pops - I think I might try to get another wee kip myself, still pitch dark here.
                  "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                  AF - JAN 1st 2010
                  NF - May 1996


                    Army Thread 3 November

                    OK!!! I think the pug/deformed lab pup has to go:H! I'll look for a different avatar when I get home from work but gotta run now so I won't be late. Hi Jan! You asked the other day the age of my kids--my daughter is 13 and my son is 6. Chill, I have a couple of yoga questions for ya later. AUGHHH-it's 7am-gotta run or we'll be late!!! later-EXPAT NOT JC!:H


                      Army Thread 3 November

                      Morning, Gurlz

                      Jan: I hope you remain in your "happy space" for a long, long time to come! You deserve it.

                      Expat: good luck for the day! See you tonight.

                      Chilli: we leave immediately after school on Friday afternoon (2.00 p.m.). We come back late on Sunday afternoon.

                      There won't be cellphone reception as far as I am aware, so I'll prolly be unable to post. But will take piccies and post them here or on FB.
                      I'll do whatever it takes
                      AF 21/08/2009


                        Army Thread 3 November

                        Good Morning Troopers.

                        Jan, I did the same thing on Monday. Thought it was Jackie when it was Ex.:H:H

                        Wishing you all a

                        Off to walk the dog, then back to the mechanic...:upset:

                        Thinking of your camping trip Mr. Tips....
                        For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
                        AF since 10/10/2015:yay:


                          Army Thread 3 November

                          Morning lovelies
                          Sleep fairy keeps popping in here, then teasing me then legging it again.

                          Not sure I fancy camping, too cold and too basic for this one. But I know lots of peeps who swear by it.

                          Quite nice morning here, shortish day at is good x
                          Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                          Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                            Army Thread 3 November

                            Hey Stirly and Starty

                            Starts I can't imagine you camping although maybe the hard damp ground might get your butt out of bed for a change.....:H Anyone for a MWO carry on campers trip?
                            "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                            AF - JAN 1st 2010
                            NF - May 1996


                              Army Thread 3 November

                              OK ok I admit it the sleep fairy and I have been sharing the same bed again, I am getting more than my fair share and it feels mighty fine
                              Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?

