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What's Rehab like?

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    What's Rehab like?

    Have been seeing a therapist (the rapist, get it?) for awhile now and she's been saying the whole time I need to go to rehab. The idea is marinating, however, I've resisted thus far.

    I spose I'm afraid of going b/c I don't know what it would be like. This is for alcohol. I would love to hear from folks who've gone and have any advice or who are willing to share their experiences.

    Sobriety Is Wasted On The Sober

    What's Rehab like?

    Hi Roamer,

    I must admit I have never gone, but know plenty of people who have. In the UK at least rehab is usually a 6-month inpatient stay (sometimes more) in a house with others. You are expected to adhere to a fairly strict timetable, that tells you when to get up by, when to go to bed by etc, in the aims of teaching you some discipline and structure. You are also expected to take on domestic tasks such as cooking for the rest of the house.

    Throughout the day, a lot of work is done in groups, such as relapse prevention, workshops about addiction, learning skills and tools for recovery. You are also assigned a keyworker and have regular 1:1 sessions with them. There are also classes where you watch videos about addiction, have visits from people who facitate AA meetings, and you are also likely to have the opportunity to take part in things such as relaxation classes, acupuncture, art therapy etc depending on your specific rehab.

    Many say rehab is really difficult to do because a lot of this 'work' involves talking through painful things and sharing them with others. It really makes you face up to what you have done as an addict. But a lot of people in recovery swear they would not be sober now if it hadn't been for rehab. However, many also find it a struggle when they leave rehab to put their newly learned skills into practice, as rehab is like a bubble- a false environment and the real world is very different!

    I would say do as much research as you can before making a final decision.I always kicked against going to rehab because of the in-patient nature of it. I would be happy to attend an outpatient programme for 6 months which taught the same recovery skills, but these are fairly hard to find, if not impossible.

    I hope someone here can give you some 1st hand experience.
    K x
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      What's Rehab like?

      Roam, I went to the Friary, up in the Panhandle. It was fantastic. The results didn't 'take' immediately, but after years I still use the things I learned. There is no pain, no horrible withdrawals, care and instruction.
      I loved the place, but FL has a lot of great ones. My only advice is to take it more to heart than I did at first.
      Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
      awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.awprint:


        What's Rehab like?

        hi surprised more people havent commented,ive been in once myself,but ive also been in and out of the hospital twice,plus detox once.its work ?.depending on where you go,how much you want to put into it.yu could be coddled or in my opinion be abused,mentally ?i still feel the effects ofit,it was in 2008.i went there sober by 4 months,i wouldnt advise going on a bender the nt b4.makes it rubes said it is an xperience,when you get out.either you get it,which i did,or you dont.i met many reoffenders that had been in and out several wi;; make you sad ad it willmake happy,youll get angry,every emotion you thot you suffered,youll xperience 10 it worth it,i beleive is not all about not drinking or drugging.its understanding why you did or didnt drink.because of your mental state or depending on how long youve been abusing substance,the facility will be over whelming.when you get out,is when you find out if it worked or not.i thot there was only one way to beat this ailment,i was wrong,there are so many alternatives,one of the best things that ever happen was this place,i wish you well and thnx for letting me contribute gyco by the way i went to a place called homewood,guelph ontario canada it is ranked 2nd to the betty ford institution,i would also advise to go away from where you live hope it helps

