Greeneyes - Thank you for the links, I have read both of them, and I do have a plan however mine shifts daily right now. One thing I am learning is that each day I experience sober is unlike the one before it. I like the way one friend of mine on this forum calls me a shifter (thanks Rog!). That seems to fit the best. Each day I learn how to shift from doing things one way to doing things another.
Here is an example in today's shift. Usually on Sunday's we will go and rent a movie to watch and then I will be the one to return it after work on monday. Since I was hiding my drinking from my wife, it gave me a perfect excuse to go buy some wine while I returned the movie.
Here is my shift for today. I have the movie in my car now. I will return the movie during my lunch hour, grab a salad and return to work without buying any wine. You may ask why I wouldn't buy any wine during lunch? The answer is simple. I wouldn't be caught dead in public buying wine during my lunch hour in business attire close to our business park! However, it is normal for a good husband to "stop off at the store on his way home from work to pick up a few things for dinner" AFTER work. That is my shift for the day.
To lay out my plan for all to see, this is what I am doing daily in addition to SHIFTING:
1.) Each morning I take a good multi vitamin and drink a breakfast shake, 900mg Kudzu
2.) 9-10am I Take a Calms Forte, 300mg Milk Thistle, 25mg Topomax
3.) 1130-1230 Lunch (Salad, Leftovers, Something Healthy) 900mg Kudzu, B 50 Complex, Magnesium, Calms Forte
4.) 300pm Calms Forte, 300mg Milk Thistle, 50mg Topomax, 600mg Kudzu
5.) 500pm 600mg Kudzu, 2 Calms Forte, Drive Straight Home
NOTE: During the day I probably drink about a gallon of water if not more. I Try to listen to the Hypnotherapy CD's on my iPhone during lunch when I can, I post on many threads on this forum, I go for bike rides with my family when it is not raining, and I read alot.
That is my plan and I'm stickin to it...till I shift that is.
An object in motion stays in motion unless acted upon by a force outside that objects usual pattern, therefore, I must shift to change my usual motion...a combination of Newton and My Life