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New Committment

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    New Committment

    YOU GO GIRL....
    I will support you in any way you need. I have loved you, I have yelled at you, I have chastized you and supported you. And I will keep doing that as long as it takes. Do not be afraid, do not go away.
    I love you
    I love my family more than alcohol.:h
    Live in the Solution....not the problem


      New Committment

      You know u have my support! And the funny thing is is that the harmful poster(s) that said those things about u and others are off the wagon in other ways as we speak. Don't let them be the rulerr by which you measure your journey Vicky. Stay close to the ones that offer support and above all love.


        New Committment

        Don't know about the drama, but sounds like you are well liked to me! Stick to your guns and just do your best. That's the only thing we all can do. xxxooo


          New Committment

          SOBS :l
          Please don't ever walk away, I for one enjoy your honest posts. As far as how you count your sober days, I feel that it's a personal choice. My signature says 224 days...that's not continual, that's for the entire year of 2010. But guess what? That's how I've decided to count.
          Please keep hanging in there and know that you have many friends here!
          :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

          Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


            New Committment

            What Doggy Girl said!!!

            Take care of business and don't worry about what you can not control....

            xo Belle
            "Be still and know that I am God"

            Psalm 46:10

