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Army Thread Sunday 7th Nov 2010

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    Army Thread Sunday 7th Nov 2010

    I'z here. Bit bored to day as I've got nuffing to cook on the other had I might make some almond slices.

    Had to share this it's just soooooooooooo cute.[/video]]YouTube - Surprised Mouse!!!!!!!

    You have to be quick or you'll miss it.
    It could be worse, I could be filing.
    AF since 7/7/2009


      Army Thread Sunday 7th Nov 2010

      I'm here! Good Morning Army!

      Jackie-guess what? Yesterday, I slept in until 7:40 a.m. No silly o'clock rising for me....but it made me behind schedule by 3 hours! Yikes!

      GREAT TO SEE EVERYONE HERE....Mario, KTAB....sorry I'm not mentioning everyone by name!!


        Army Thread Sunday 7th Nov 2010

        No need to apoligise Rusty, I have in my time here been called the homeless guy, the tramp and the down and out guy :H

        JC that mouse is very funny. Btw I lurve almond slices, one of my favourites. Off to watch Arsenal on the box now, about to beat those pesky Magpies.
        Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


          Army Thread Sunday 7th Nov 2010

          If the Gunners beat the Toon........all chocolate cake and almond fingers privilages will be withdrawn,KT

          Yooooooooooo hoooooooooooo Spuds, get yer butt over here, me darling.

          Sounds like you could do with a :b&d:
          It could be worse, I could be filing.
          AF since 7/7/2009


            Army Thread Sunday 7th Nov 2010

            Hello Troopers. Hope you're all having a
            ladyjan;998650 wrote:
            wonder what our big puddy tat is up to...?? hope he's taken loads of pics..
            I think he's home tonight so lets hope he fills us in with all the high jinks..!
            can you imagine 6 & 1/2 teenagers each to look after camping for the weekend....!!!
            bet they had I hootJan, I was thinking about Tips earlier. It's not the 6 teenagers I'd worry about. It's the 1/2 one. :H
            expat3;998683 wrote: Good morning Army, Hi Jan! You are the only one who has passed by-it's a quiet Sunday morning here today! I'm just coming for a quick hello and to wish you all a wonderful day. Have to get back to moving shite. I know it is for a positive reason but its no fun. It rained yesterday and was cold-so trotting back and forth with boxes was miserable! Just trying to stay positive and set my mind on when we'll be settled in our cosy new flat. expat xxxEx - hope your move is going well. And hope your internet connection is done quickly.
            JackieClaire;998713 wrote: Aww BB,
            It'll only be a blink of an eye when she's coming in at 5 am
            Jackie's got that right. Can't believe how fast the years fly by....

            JackieClaire;998726 wrote:
            Can't believe this was taken 20 years ago. She'll kill me if she knew I'd posted it.

            Jackie, your daughter was just as cute then as she is pretty now. Hope she's feeling better.
            JackieClaire;998787 wrote:
            Yooooooooooo hoooooooooooo Spuds, get yer butt over here, me darling.
            I asked a couple of days ago where Spuddles is and now I see she's posting on another thread. Does that mean she won't be hanging out with us in the barracks? I miss her...:upset: We all do. Spuds, where are you???
            For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
            AF since 10/10/2015:yay:


              Army Thread Sunday 7th Nov 2010

              Hellooooooooooo, everybody

              No wonder my ears were ringing - you've been talking about me :H

              I am tired. No: make utterly ex-fecking-hausted. But happy

              Just imagine: I went an entire weekend without swearing! Woohoo!!! Thank feck that load of wanky bollocks is behind me and I can say the feck what I bloody well want to!

              It was great fun, though. I didn't end up taking as many pics as I wanted - we were too busy and half the time I didn't want to lug that along as well, but I'll upload a few to PB (prolly only tomorrow - couldn't be arsed right now). Got a few nice ones from our visit to the tidal pools and dunes, though. That outing was more leisurely. I hope the whale pics will show something. Bloody difficult to get the timing right when they breach. Saw a few dolphins, too.

              Inland, where we camped next to a vlei (wetland) there was lots of aquatic and other birdlife. We also saw game: Eland, hartbok, baboons (who raided the boys' tents), ostrich (the camp has a tame one too), kwagga (a bit like zebra, but you only find this species in the area we visited) and some other smaller species I can't remember.

              The bunch of kids were quite incredible, actually. Apart from a grumpy Belgian tourist who had to get up at 5.00 on Saturday to resume his trek (on a bicycle tour) and complained that the boys were noisy at 8.30 p.m., no one had problems with them (even me - I am noise-averse).

              South African kids from small towns like ours are very different from the teenagers who hail from cities and large towns. Much more respectful, and what their teacher or the parents said was listened to. There were no cellphones or other electronic equipment, so it was peacful to boot. No mobile signal in any event.

              To make a long story short: a good time was had.
              I'll do whatever it takes
              AF 21/08/2009


                Army Thread Sunday 7th Nov 2010

                What's up with the delinquent duck??? THat kind of attitude simply won't do!
                I'll do whatever it takes
                AF 21/08/2009


                  Army Thread Sunday 7th Nov 2010

                  Oh, oh, oh... I almost forgot... the fireside beers and wine left me cold. I was more than happy to brew my coffee instead
                  I'll do whatever it takes
                  AF 21/08/2009


                    Army Thread Sunday 7th Nov 2010

                    Hi Everyone!

                    Tips Im glad you had a good time, all that game sounds wonderful I would love to see a baboon in the wild but I guess you tiggers are used to that kind of thing...

                    A very quiet army today, I hope everyone is having a fantastically chilled out Sunday.
                    I have been on a 45km cycle and intend to put my feet up, watch some crap tv and eat
                    "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                    AF - JAN 1st 2010
                    NF - May 1996


                      Army Thread Sunday 7th Nov 2010

                      Good afternoon Army ...........

                      I have had a great weekend with my inlaws, its was my Father in Laws 60th birthday friday and his wife organised a suprise party for him, we live 5 hours away so we don't see them very often, it was soooo lovely to see his face when he walked through the door ......... and is was GREAT to stay sober and watch everyone getting stupid, my sister in law used to be my drinking partner at family do's and she couldn't believe that I wasn't drinking, she even bought me a drink and put it down in front of me and after I had refused it 3 times she knocked it back in one!!!! Just watching her get more and more drunk made me cringe!!

                      It was really sad as we left today though, FIL was diagnosed with early onset dementia last year and as he hugged us when we leaving he cried, and said that he hopes he will remember us when we see him next, that had me and Kerrie in floods of tears, and Mr Boop very sad :upset::upset:

                      Tips, your weekend sounds amazing, Chill after a 45k bike ride you deserve to put your feet up and eat crap!!!


                        Army Thread Sunday 7th Nov 2010

                        Glad you're home safe and sound, Tips and had a blast with the kids. And you even saw an ostrich. Was it our very own Deebee

                        So sorry about your FIL, Betty me darling, blooming awful disease. Way to go on handling your SIL.

                        I was talking to and old drinking buddy last night and told her I'd given up drinking and rather than ask me a mound of questions she just said 'Good for you'. Unfortunately I'm going to her Mum's funeral on Thursday (hence the chat) but we're going to plan a lot more coffee dates as I've been avoiding her in case she wanted a boozy night out.
                        It could be worse, I could be filing.
                        AF since 7/7/2009


                          Army Thread Sunday 7th Nov 2010

                          Oh and I spoke to our little feathered friend. When I say spoke..........I spoke and she tried to get a word in edgeways.

                          She will be getting her feathered little bottom here soon.
                          It could be worse, I could be filing.
                          AF since 7/7/2009


                            Army Thread Sunday 7th Nov 2010

                            Yo, I cannot believe that I didn't post here already today..thought I did!

                            WB Tippers xx
                            "It's not your job to like me, it's mine!"

                            AF 10th May 2010
                            NF 12th May 2010


                              Army Thread Sunday 7th Nov 2010

                              :l:l Betty x
                              "It's not your job to like me, it's mine!"

                              AF 10th May 2010
                              NF 12th May 2010


                                Army Thread Sunday 7th Nov 2010

                                Thought you weren't speaking to us.Oney :upset:

                                The daughter's gone home today so there's plenty room on the settee and a spare bed and hotty bottle if you want it.

                                Mr JC wants me to tell you he's got a bald head and a hairy chest...............wonder why that would be
                                It could be worse, I could be filing.
                                AF since 7/7/2009

