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How to keep up the good work in the long-term?

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    How to keep up the good work in the long-term?

    Hi Breaking, welcome, it is good to have you here. You will hear many different perspectives on whether or not it is possible to "learn" to drink moderately. For me, I know this is not possible. Like you, I am in a business where alcohol and "social drinking" is the norm. I have now been AF for almost three years and only on rare occassions to I get somone trying to push alcohol on me. Sometimes I find that simply saying a firm "no Thanks" works or even just walking away stops this! Oddly enough some very successful business people are none drinkers, Donald Trump and Gene Simmons to name a couple. Odly enought neither has ever had a drinking problem! Also I see no reason to offer any explaination as to why I do not drink as it is really no ones business.

    Many here have shared some great information. I know that you will get this figued out!

    Best Wishes!
    A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

    AF 12/6/2007


      How to keep up the good work in the long-term?

      BTC, just wondering how it's going for you. I too found, like most people here, that moderating wasn't an option for me. I am just now dealing with the social side and have recently successfully navigated my way through sitting in a bar with others drinking when I didn't. It wasn't too bad. And, like Sunshine, I got the feeling others were actually envious of my not drinking. I think there are lots of people who struggle with it and admire those who can say no to it.

      Best of luck - will be curious to see what you decide and how it all unfolds with your social outings.


