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    ive thought all day about if i should post this or not but stuff it. here goes. after falling off the sober bus i set myself for a 'NEW NOVEMBER'. ive been looking at what i did when i stayed sober for 3 months and trying to work out what has gone wrong. i started writing a diary again of my thoughts and feelings. take my tablets (campral) regularly and focus focus focus. so 1st of november on monday and i lasted till friday 5th.RUBBISH. i knew it was gonna be a challange. mr spuds always has a bonfire party.... super spicy hot punch. so i had plan in place. make my al free punch, spend the day cleaning (very much needed) baking and keep out of the way as much as i can. well, i lasted till about 2pm. the fridge was full of beer, i was full of nerves about people coming round. just one little can of cider will take the edge off. ha ha needless to say we can all guess where that ended. burnt flapjack, hotdogs in the dogs and me pissed and annoying.
    Today is the tomorrow i worried about yesterday and it turned out fine
    Keep passing the open windows


    sorry i thought i was gonna lose my post cos puter is playing up so ill carry on rambling. my sister has been home for a couple of weeks and im so upset that i have disapointed her.. ive been telling her how well ive been doing.... but all evidence showed differently, though im a hell of a lot better than last time she came home..... couldnt be much worse. i feel i need to get in my head with a torch and some spanners and tools to find out whats going on in there cos i sure as hell dont seem to be getting it. my latest plan is to draw a ladder (someone else did this) with days up the ladder. starting at 30 days. maybe this is the problem. aiming too high. my first aim was 5 days and i was over the moon when i got there. SO WHAT WENT WRONG?????? i dont want a pat on the head and be told its ok but i dont want to be told im rubbish cos i already know that. just a bit of advice maybe. it may seem im not trying but i am. i find its consuming all my thoughts and then i make mistakes in other things cos im not paying attention and focusing on not drinking. though i know i have to focus 100% on not in a bit of a flap with all this and am really struggling to collect my thoughts and get a plan in place
    Today is the tomorrow i worried about yesterday and it turned out fine
    Keep passing the open windows



      Hi Spuds - I know so well what you are talking about. Just keep working on your plan. I know that I am still working on mine. I started taking antabuse and that helped me so that I knew I couldn't drink. That way I didn't have to spend all my energies thinking about it. I don't know if that's an option for you. But, it has helped me tremendously. I am using that right now so that I can focus on other things. Hang in there, the ladder approach is a very interesting idea. :l
      "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
      AF - 7-27-15


        struggling are not rubbish...this disease is!! I'm so glad that you came back here and posted. The plan to draw a ladder sounds good....also writing in your diary each day. Is there any possibility of Mr. Spuds not keeping alcohol in the house? Keep posting, please.....and don't give up. One day - or one rung (of the ladder) at a time....
        Live simply. Love generously. Care deeply. Speak kindly. Leave the rest to God.



          someone else did the ladder thing a while back. i thought it would be a good visual aid. after a few disasters mr spuds does now keep any booze in the basement.. LOCKED AWAY. this was a one off for the party. im please to say that by the time i surfaced on saturday the fridge was empty.... maybe they all drank it after i passed out. so long as its not there its one less temptation in the way. i think i may have got over confident as i really did think i would manage this party sober and was looking forward to the wonderful feeling of achievment afterwards... instead i got the usual.... well need i go on..i think we all know that awful feeling the next day.
          Today is the tomorrow i worried about yesterday and it turned out fine
          Keep passing the open windows



            you were faced with all 3 of the strongest cues to relapse:
            the addictive substance
            the setting in which you typically drank

            All of these in the first week of your newest attempt at abstinence. I am sure you can see how you can modify the next plan so you don't have all 3 factors going on at once!
            You WILL succeed, you learn something new with each partial success. The fact that you are back here again speaks mountains about your resolve. Your example teaches and inspire us.



              Hiya Spud!

              Keep working, reading, and thinking. I would've not been there on the bonfire night. Yep, that's right. I would have to have been somewhere else. Friends and family would be asking question's for sure, and probably not impressed, but so be it. Giving up the booze needs some big, gutsy, unpopular, drastic action. I had to hibernate from ALL social event's, even some family ones to get myself sober. You must be ruthless, look after number one, which is you, (put yourself ahead of your family for a few months till you're on track) and do WHATEVER is needed to get off the grog. Then, when you are well, all is well.

              Do what you have to do Spud, and keep going. It'll click again for you. AND. Don't forget yer

              Best wishes, G-bloke.

              'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

              Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-



                Well said G...I'll second that!
                :h Mish :h
                Never give up...
                GET UP!!!

                AF since 25th November, 2011

                What might have been is an abstraction
                Remaining a perpetual possibility
                Only in a world of speculation.
                What might have been and what has been
                Point to one end, which is always present. T.S. Eliot



                  Hey, Spuds: I don't have much to add in terms of what to do, but I just want to say that I know you CAN come out successful. You have been both delightful and strong, voicing your story and your support for others when you weren't beaten down by our disease. I love it that you are back, looking at the demon full-on and sharing that with us, too. I chose baclofen over a year ago, after finding this board and the amazing souls who keep on posting their efforts to find a way out. I owe my life here. You, too, can put together the pieces from this extraordinary resource, or whatever else might come into your life, for your own path to freedom from the fear of alcohol. I just know it.:h
                  "Wherever you are is the entry point." --Kabir



                    spuddleduck;999038 wrote: i dont want to be told im rubbish cos i already know that. just a bit of advice maybe.
                    The best advice I can think of is change your thinking. You are not rubbish, I'm not rubbish, no-one here is rubbish for having a hideous addiction which by the very nature of it means we may have to make a number of false starts on the road to sobriety. You were just starting to have problems when I first came here and I could tell by all the responses that you are very much loved here and valued highly. So, please try to look inside at the real spuddleduck you are striving to become and just keep paddling...:h
                    :h Mish :h
                    Never give up...
                    GET UP!!!

                    AF since 25th November, 2011

                    What might have been is an abstraction
                    Remaining a perpetual possibility
                    Only in a world of speculation.
                    What might have been and what has been
                    Point to one end, which is always present. T.S. Eliot



                      well you made it once 3 months .. you will do it again just keep working it keep your guard up ... this is your road and you can choose how you want it as for a party thing going on spend the time away from that ..till you get stronger no buying or having any al in or around the house changing all you habits and yes even the good ones .. good luck rememeber we are here to help not judge so please keep on posting asking for help ..
                      :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
                      best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..



                        spuds to have gone that nice stretch without grog is a good achievement.
                        focus on that perhaps?
                        i'm in no position to hop on any pedestal here but i offer you my full support.:l



                          Guitarista;999060 wrote: Hiya Spud!

                          Giving up the booze needs some big, gutsy, unpopular, drastic action. I had to hibernate from ALL social event's, even some family ones to get myself sober.

                          Best wishes, G-bloke.
                          Yep, Truer words never spoken. The think is, when you quit, you can't carry on as if all is "normal." It's so important to put not drinking as #1. And, if that pisses anyone off, so be it. On the other end, you will be so proud of yourself. Like Mr. G., I stayed far away from any drinking parties or venues. Now, it doesn't much matter if I'm around other people who drink. Only problem is, I get rather bored. I don't stay at parties nearly as long as I used to.

                          AF Since April 20, 2008
                          4 Years!!!



                            Oh Spuds...I hate the pain you are in. Mr G hit the nail on the head, that was too much too one would have survived that.
                            I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                            Live in the Solution....not the problem



                              Thinking of you Spuds, so glad you came back and are trying. Its all to easy to give up but you are made of stronger stuff my little feathered friend. Please dont say or think you are rubbish, you are a witty, sweet, caring person who just happens to have an addiction but youre not alone in that. Remember how much happier you were when AF?, come on you can do this again girl.
                              Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?

