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    Since quitting the AL AGAIN, i can't stop eating!! I'm serious, i'm hungry ALL the time. I'm slowly gaining weight, not that it is terrible as i'm stick thin wieghing in under 8 stone but seriously i hate eating ALL the time!


    hey dont mess with the munchies ... eat enjoy.. get some af time under your belt and work on losing wight later but you can also start working out now and just keep doing your best
    :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
    best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..



      Michelle I eat costantly too - craving sugar which isn't like me. It did get better after about 30 days, though. I think it's ok to indulge yourself for a while!



        Just try to eat healthy things. Your body will thank you.
        Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT



          Michelle, if you're that thin it's probably your body telling you to get healthy! I eat like a horse but just keep loosing weight - just nature balancing out I reckon!
          Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
          contentedly NF since 8/04/14



            mollyka;999410 wrote: Michelle, if you're that thin it's probably your body telling you to get healthy! I eat like a horse but just keep loosing weight - just nature balancing out I reckon!
            I did too. But I wasn't eating sugar or wheat. Wish I could get back to that.
            Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT



              I found that eating high protein helping with the sugar cravings - I mean LOTS of high protein - it really took the edge of the sugar cravings - try that. It was amazing how much of a difference it made. good luck, Hugs, Sun xxxxx
              How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                HORRIBELE MUNCHIES!

                sunshinedaisies;999413 wrote: I found that eating high protein helping with the sugar cravings - I mean LOTS of high protein - it really took the edge of the sugar cravings - try that. It was amazing how much of a difference it made. good luck, Hugs, Sun xxxxx
                Completely agree! Hydration too. Often we eat when we are actually thirsty.
                Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                  HORRIBELE MUNCHIES!

                  Michelle, your body is craving sugar so that it can produce insulin which in turn aids in the production of some enzymes that calm you down. There is a good way to help you body reduce its cravings for this. Taking L-Glutamine suppliments really helps me. Here is an article that really explains it well.

                  The Way Up Newsletter : Benefits of Amino Acid L-glutamine


                    HORRIBELE MUNCHIES!

                    Michelle, I got the munchies too and did gain a little weight. But after about a week I lost it, then, because of the amount I was drinking daily and working on the property I ended up losing 18lbs! Another reason I don't want to start drinking regularly again. We aren't working at the property as much and I don't want to gain that weight back. My weight is good now!


                      HORRIBELE MUNCHIES!

                      lil.michelle;999280 wrote: Since quitting the AL AGAIN, i can't stop eating!! I'm serious, i'm hungry ALL the time. I'm slowly gaining weight, not that it is terrible as i'm stick thin wieghing in under 8 stone but seriously i hate eating ALL the time!
                      Hi Michelle,
                      It not a bad thing to be hungry all the time, your body must need it. Just be carefully not too much sugar, well for me it set of the craving for AL......Like Mr T said, dont worry about the weight until later, just go along with the flow of looking after yourself ... i am thinking now after 9months that i might go to a OA meeting and next year i will start doing some form of exercise, i know for me i could not rush this, all in good time. Take good Care of yourself:l
                      Formerly known as Teardrop:l
                      sober dry since 11th Jan '2010' relapse/slip on 23/7/13 working in progress ! Sober date 25/7/13 ( True learning has often followed an eclipse, a time of darkness, but with each cycle of my recovery, the light grows stronger and my vision is clearer. (AA)
                      my desire to avoid hitting bottom again was more powerful then my desire to drink !


                        HORRIBELE MUNCHIES!

                        Hi Michelle!
                        Just listen to your's trying to balance itself out right now. The main thing is to stay AL free. Your body will tell you what it needs.
                        :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                        Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                          HORRIBELE MUNCHIES!

                          I wonder also about being so hungry some days. I did a little reading this weekend on nutrition (proper eating). There's so much info that it's boggling. I did learn that eating a nutrient dense diet is essential. In a book by Dr. Furhman about lowering cholesterol he states that "foods high in nutrients and low in calories (vegetables) are the best; foods high in calories and low in nutrients (animal products and highly processed foods) are the worst."
                          High calorie nutrient deficient foods a.k.a. ~ "empty calories" seem to be the problem.
                          I actually knew of high density nutrition from training for sports over the years. High nutrient levels& low carbs are what your body is looking for. Not a low carb diet just a ratio of high nutrients to carbohydrates. Sugar, alcohol, chips, soda, etc. will give you calories and no nutrients. These foods just make you hungry & hungrier. Your body is looking for nutrients and screams ~ 'give me some' ~ but w/o eating foods high in nutrients you body is always crying out for food(nutrients) and unless you give it what it needs it will keep sending the signals.
                          I came across a couple of hormones called Leptin and Ghrehlin. Do a search there is a lot of info. One diet site explains it & is easy to understand.
                          I could go on and on but don't want to be a bore. Hope this helps!
                          Today starts my 2nd week AF and I think the nutrition plus the supplements are invaluable along with the support of this site. Cravings are near nil. I do think about drinking but my biggest thought ends up being if I start I will fall back into the pit.
                          Also don't underestimate the power of sleep. Sleep lowers your Grehlin levels also.
                          Sleepdex - Resources for better sleep


                            HORRIBELE MUNCHIES!

                            Sorry the link seems to be a bad one. If you use the homepage
                            The Monterey Diet™– Seven Steps Worth Taking and then look to the left under specialized topics and click Grelin & Leptin you will get there.


                              HORRIBELE MUNCHIES!

                              Yesterday was 5 months AL free and I am still eating more than usual, need to give up the choclate, although, surprisingly I have not really gained any weight.

