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New self emerging

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    New self emerging

    Hi everyone, I seem to be at a point where I feel like I have a new self emerging. I am at a point where I really see my drinking days, and all the bad decisions, as my old life. It was something I used to do. I am at peace with that. For many months I struggled with the question of when will the time be right to disclose to people about my sobriety. Only my close friends and family know at present. Many of you have helped me to be patient, and to remember it is a personal thing.

    I can honestly say, that if someone in a kind way asked me about my drinking, I think that the first thing out of my mouth would be " I don't drink anymore". The importance of what others think has deminished so much in my perspective as time has gone by, and I have learned to live sober.

    I don't yet know my new self totally yet. I am healthier - eating, exercise, sleep, and no poison going in by the gallons each week. I really hope that my old self continues to peel away and be put in storage, for reference when needed.

    I just wondered if any of you have experienced similar things.
    Sober since Feb 7, 2010.

    New self emerging

    I vote for letting go of your old self entirely. Why would you need it for later references?


      New self emerging

      Hills, I know EXACTLY what you are saying. I'm not continuously sober as long as you but these feelings of absolute acceptance are very new for me. I AM this new person, not acting it out anymore. I would have no hesitation now to say I don't drink anymore - I'm not going into the whole 'alkie' conversation with work colleagues etc. but I don't feel ashamed anymore - I feel I'm far away enough from that person. I'm delighted you posted this I was afraid I was just in a pleasant bubble - but you are further down the road than me and feeling like that - excellent!!!!
      I presume TD what Hills means is to never forget what we were and what we came from in order that we never stumble back to that life again? Am I right Hillside? That's how I feel anyway
      Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
      contentedly NF since 8/04/14


        New self emerging

        This is brilliant. Well done !
        Sober since 2nd November 2010!

        "Life is a mirror of your thoughts and beliefs. It simply reflects YOUR truth, your reality."sigpic


          New self emerging


          I love this post and can already relate so well to what you're saying. I'm a newbie but am already feeling this transformation. And, the interesting thing for me is this. Not only am I not ashamed to admit it to others, I'm actually proud of it. I'm trying to be careful because I don't want to set myself up for a fall. You know, since I'm new I want to make sure I'm not just in the pink cloud as they say.

          I think what you're experiencing sounds extremely healthy and what being an emotionally healthy human being is all about. I also think that not being afraid of what others think of you is a sign that you're at peace with your new self.

          I know I'm still learning, but what you've described here sounds right on!

          Thanks so much for this post.



            New self emerging

            Good stuff Hillside. The transformation continues for me, and i am constantly, absolutely delighted. Treasure is everywhere!
            It just get's better.

            'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

            Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


              New self emerging

              Hill I am so pleased that you are seeing the new positive side of being AF. It is not only getting sober, but finding out who was hiding behind that bottle. Congratulations and continued success in life
              :heart:AF since May 31 2008.....Happy and Healthy


                New self emerging

                Hillside - I can SO relate to your post! When I 1st quit I was embarrassed to admit I'd stopped as if it was something to be ashamed of, I avoided people and felt like a misfit. Now I would shout it from the rooftops, I'm very proud that I no longer drink and will discuss it with anyone who asks. It's as if I emerged from this alcohol soaked cocoon and was given my brain back.

                I too sleep more soundly than ever before and feel incredibly healthy as well as looking significantly better. Yes, there has had to be huge changes in my lifestyle and it's a lot to get used to but I'm happy, I like the new me and I'm learning and improving as a person each day! Here's to a clear headed future we can be proud of :l
                "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                AF - JAN 1st 2010
                NF - May 1996


                  New self emerging

                  Hill, this is so beautiful. I am happy you posted this. It gives me a window into what I can expect as I continue to string AF days together. You should be very proud of yourself :goodjob:
                  "No matter what happens, be fearless!"
                  Sam - AF since 12/11/10


                    New self emerging

                    Hi Hill....Congratulations on your sobriety....WELL DONE! I am so happy to hear that you are experiencing your New Self! and it just keeps getting better the more you work at it!! I can honestly say that I love my life living sober! As for who I tell that I do not drink....I tell everyone! I do not offer any explainations nor apologies....just simply "no thanks, I don't drink!"

                    I want to share a quote from Wayne Dyer that I read about a year ago that really means a lot to me!

                    "What you think of me, is none of my business" with this belief is so freeing!!

                    Best Wishes!
                    A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

                    AF 12/6/2007


                      New self emerging

                      :kudos: Hill. I'm really excited for you. I like to keep the bad memories in a symbolic "box" in the back of my wardrobe. They're still there and made me who I am today, but I don't have to bring them out and look at them all the time, or ever if I don't want to.
                      Kate, what a great quote. I think I've heard it before. My thoughts are if someone has enough time to spend judging me and my life, then they really have too much time on their hands. I have learned that how I feel about myself is what's most important and I'm continually working on myself to be the best person I can become.
                      :h Mish :h
                      Never give up...
                      GET UP!!!

                      AF since 25th November, 2011

                      What might have been is an abstraction
                      Remaining a perpetual possibility
                      Only in a world of speculation.
                      What might have been and what has been
                      Point to one end, which is always present. T.S. Eliot


                        New self emerging


                        I, too, can absolutely relate to how you are feeling. In fact, I use the exact same words when I am in a situation where drinks are flowing, "I don't drink anymore". I love my NEW self and my drinking past is exactly that - a part of my PAST.

                        Great post - thanks for sharing!
                        AF since 7/13/2010


                          New self emerging

                          Thank you for your thoughts and feedback. Trappeddad, I am going to keep letting my old self go for sure. Thanks Mollyka, and yes, for perspective I feel I need to retain the memories, of the road that I have traveled, including the tough tough times. Thanks BTC and Choochie, Guitarista and Rusty, Chillgirl, Samantha T, Kate H1, Mishmasha and Paguy - I really appreciate your words, support and insight.

                          It makes me feel so good to know that some of you are going through what I am, or have already gone through, or en route to do so. This is the only place, and you are the only people, where I can talk about what I am going through.

                          Sober since Feb 7, 2010.


                            New self emerging

                            Thanks Hill for that great post. I really needed to hear that today. I have glimpsed that "old self" through my new self and I hope to see that old self slip farther and farther away.

                            Thanks again!
                            Every day do something that will inch you closer to a better tomorrow.:h


                              New self emerging

                              hillsidetime;1000996 wrote: Thank you for your thoughts and feedback. Trappeddad, I am going to keep letting my old self go for sure. Thanks Mollyka, and yes, for perspective I feel I need to retain the memories, of the road that I have traveled, including the tough tough times. Thanks BTC and Choochie, Guitarista and Rusty, Chillgirl, Samantha T, Kate H1, Mishmasha and Paguy - I really appreciate your words, support and insight.

                              It makes me feel so good to know that some of you are going through what I am, or have already gone through, or en route to do so. This is the only place, and you are the only people, where I can talk about what I am going through.


                              'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                              Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-

