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A funny thing happened today.....

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    A funny thing happened today.....

    This morning at 3.50am my old tabby cat starting being sick (on the pale bedroom carpet and not the hardwood floors ) and sounding in a bit of pain, this went on hourly and got worse till I got her to the vet first thing this morning. She?s had an operation and is fine now; I?ll get her back tomorrow.

    I was a bit stressed as she clearly wasn?t okay and it was the middle of the night, I was late into work and had a very busy day ahead of me in a pressured job with daily deadlines. Not only was I late I was also going to leave early at 3.30pm to get to the vets, in the competitive team I work with even taking time off for a sick child is viewed as a nuisance and inconsiderate never mind a cat. Now before becoming AF this situation would have driven me straight to the bottle and it would have been the first thing I reached for whenever I possibly could, even if it was in the middle of the night. It would have been my crutch and excuse to continue drinking all evening tonight.

    I?m AF now 11 weeks and the way I coped was so different, I phoned into work and delegated a couple of pieces of work (would never have done that before due to the irrational fear of the competition) and then rescheduled a couple of appointments and the clients were fine with the change. I?ll make up the hours lost easily by catching up with a couple of things at home. But the thing that has stunned me the most about this is that until I logged on to MWO to check on everyone tonight I have not had one single thought of drink or drinking. Not once in the early hours this morning or all day ? not one single thought. I am amazed and feel that I have really turned a corner in my thinking and my attitude.

    I always thought that my pressured job contributed hugely to my stress and alcohol consumption, when I quit drinking I knew that I would have to find another job, however what I am learning on a weekly basis is that thinking is a load of crap. It was the other way around,
    it was the drinking that lead to the anxiety, stress and sleepless nights that then made me unable to cope with my work. Now that my head is clear I can see with great clarity that I can not only cope well at work but I have more experience, knowledge and better customer relationships that many of the people I work with ? and I don?t mean that in any boastful way.

    To those of you who are struggling with the ?stresses? of life and feel you need alcohol to get through them, if you could only get some AF time under your belt you might find that while the stresses are still there you are able to cope differently without alcohol confusing the picture.

    Dewdrop :h
    Enjoy today - there will be no other one quite like it....

    A funny thing happened today.....


    Thank you for this! This truly gives me hope that this might be my case as well. Can I ask what you do for a living?


      A funny thing happened today.....

      Oh Dewdrop,
      Isn't it the most wonderful feeling in the world to get through a stressful time like this and realise afterwards that alcohol and not a single thought crosses our minds. It's priceless.

      I've got a similar one,not poorly cats I'm glad to say, but it involves a leaking garage roof, workmen and heavy rain. Normally I would have gone into a blind flap and it wasn't until after they had left I realised I had not thought of drinking once. Eureka.

      Mind you let us know how the cat is,Dewdrop.

      J x
      It could be worse, I could be filing.
      AF since 7/7/2009


        A funny thing happened today.....

        Thanks Dewdrop,

        I am coming up on 11 weeks this weekend and had a rough day yesterday but back to feeling strong.

        Everything is easier with AL out of the picture, I would hate to ruin it by drinking. :thanks:


          A funny thing happened today.....

          Dewdrop - your coping skills are awesome. 11 weeks is great! I too, have a stressful job and thought that it led to my overdrinking, but you are overdrinking and being hungiver and anxious actually made the job worse. It's amazing the clarity you get.

          Anyway, hope the kitty is better. They are our furry children!

          Take care!
          February 27th, 2013. A New , Successful Start. :h

          When everything seems like an uphill struggle, just think of the view from the top!!


            A funny thing happened today.....

            Hi Dewdrop!
            I had 2 dogs at the vet on Monday for pretty severe (but not fatal) conditions...ear infections, internal problems, etc. When I saw the bill, I almost hit the floor. Not too long ago this would have brought on the "Why me?" thinking and I would have needed a 12 pack to "relax" after all the stresses of the day.
            Thankfully it didn't even enter my mind...
            So to anyone new and just starting out...please be assured that it will happen to you too eventually!
            :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

            Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


              A funny thing happened today.....

              Dew - hope kitty did well in surgery - I love cats and have 4!

              Thanks for posting this. As others have said, it gives us hope that we can deal with our problems without alcohol. So glad for you!


                A funny thing happened today.....

                Dewdrop what a wonderful example of how much better our lifes are AF!
                I can so relate to this and astound myself at how I cope with lifes stresses now compared to when I was drinking....
                "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                AF - JAN 1st 2010
                NF - May 1996


                  A funny thing happened today.....

                  Thanks Dewdrop!!
                  I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                  Live in the Solution....not the problem


                    A funny thing happened today.....

                    Hi there...I can't agree with more with your way of thinking. I handle situations much better with a clear level head, and the longer I am AF the more resourceful I am becoming, and the problems are still there but the way I handle them and deal with it is much better then it ever has been. Good for you Dewdrop!


                      A funny thing happened today.....

                      Hi Dewdrop.
                      Well, there ya go.... you just sorta proved a lot of things to yourself (and maybe some others) and all through odd circumstances. How wonderful you must be feeling... totally in control. No bad consequenses like yopu might have been anticipating. How good is that!! Keep going forward !

                      May everything you want work out well for you.


                        A funny thing happened today.....

                        Hiya Dewdrop.
                        I lost my poor old Tabby in a nasty scene on the weekend.
                        Unfortunately I caved, but I'm so pleased to hear that you didn't, and that the time will come when booze is not the only way through.
                        I love hearing stories like this......especially when the animal survives !
                        If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                        Rejoined life 20/5/19


                          A funny thing happened today.....

                          :greatjob2: Getting AL out of you life is so empowering, isn't it!!!
                          Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                            A funny thing happened today.....

                            Thanks for the uplifting post Dewdrop!
                            ​​Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free our mind ~ Bob Marley ~ Redemption Song

                            AUGUST 9, 2009


                              A funny thing happened today.....

                              Hi everyone,

                              Thank you so much for your responses - K9 I know what you mean about the bill, she wasn't insured as she's a rescue cat and was over 10 years old when I got her and it was going to be very expensive to insure her . BBJ I'm sorry to hear about your cat, we become very attached to our animals and it's heartbreaking when anything happens :l

                              Just to let you know that she got home tonight and all is well, she a little out of sorts and feeling sorry for herself but curled up at my feet, well over my feet as I type. I'm away this weekend but my parents are coming to stay and look after her.

                              Dewdrop :h
                              Enjoy today - there will be no other one quite like it....

