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This is getting really hard!

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    This is getting really hard!

    My last drink was 2nd November. I felt awful for first 4 days, then felt great for a day or two. Now I feel completely horrendous. I am really, really depressed which I find weird since alcohol is a depressant so by having given it up I should be less depressed?

    At the same time as being depressed I also feel enormously anxious! And I look awful today as well - I just look really knackered (exhausted) and slightly ill. I'm really, really pale, a sort of sickly washed-out beige - despite the fact I'm mixed-race!

    I'm taking all the supplements I should be, drinking LOADS of water etc. How long is this likely to go on for?

    I actually looked better when I was still drinking. Or was I so drunk that my mirror was deceiving me? LOL
    Sober since 2nd November 2010!

    "Life is a mirror of your thoughts and beliefs. It simply reflects YOUR truth, your reality."sigpic

    This is getting really hard!

    BTC - I hear ya. I am 10 days sober and I felt kinda dodgy for a few days. I also looked (and still kind of look) a bit tired. I am feeling fine, but I think my body is taking a bit to catch up! It takes a while for that to happen apparently. Don't get discouraged though. It is a rollercoaster ride as far as I can tell. Just hang on! I firmly believe that all the water and supps are leaching the toxins and impurities from your system manifesting in ruddy skin, bags under the eyes etc. Same thing happened when I did a cleanse a few years ago. I looked like the Crypt Keeper, then it went away. But then I started drinking wine again....oy. Glad that's over.

    Anyway, stay on the path you are will feel better, I promise. Everything will be clearer and you will look and feel better. Stay positive and stay here for encouragement! All the luck in the world to you!
    February 27th, 2013. A New , Successful Start. :h

    When everything seems like an uphill struggle, just think of the view from the top!!


      This is getting really hard!

      Wagoneer;1000800 wrote: I looked like the Crypt Keeper
      Yup that's what I look like right now, LMAO. I was expecting to be a vision of glowing health at this point. Hopefully that will come later!:upset:
      Sober since 2nd November 2010!

      "Life is a mirror of your thoughts and beliefs. It simply reflects YOUR truth, your reality."sigpic


        This is getting really hard!

        Zenstyle;1000799 wrote: I can definitely relate to the anxiety setting in around that time... it's not just you that gets that! Do you have any Hyland Calmes or something similar you could take to get you over the hump?

        You didn't mention if you're getting any exercise... that can help with the anxiety, depression and looking/feeling yucky. Even some fresh air can blow out the cobwebs and make you feel better.

        Hang in there! I'm sure you'll start to feel better soon... )
        What are Hyland Calmes? I took half a Valium earlier this afternoon. It calmed me down slightly.
        Sober since 2nd November 2010!

        "Life is a mirror of your thoughts and beliefs. It simply reflects YOUR truth, your reality."sigpic


          This is getting really hard!

          BTC, just wanted to say Hi. I don't know exactly how long you'll feel bad but I know that it will pass if you can hang in there. Remember that you've been drinking for a long time and your body won't just change overnight. Are you eating well? I know that several people here have gotten on anti-ds. I've tried them and don't like them at all. I think any medication has SEs if not immediately, then long term. But if you're really down it's something to consider for an interim fix??

          Are you doing things to stay busy - exercise, fresh air, hobbies, reading? Give us a little more info and maybe we can be of more help. I'm hoping some veterans happen along with more advice.

          Have you checked out these links?

          Sobriety Plans:

          Link to Newbies Nest:

          Be sure to post in multiple places if you have time.



            This is getting really hard!

            Zenstyle, I forgot to answer your question. No I am not getting much exercise at present. I feel too weak. In general I do brisk walking and yoga but I'm not quite feeling up to it. Maybe I should force myself?
            Sober since 2nd November 2010!

            "Life is a mirror of your thoughts and beliefs. It simply reflects YOUR truth, your reality."sigpic


              This is getting really hard!

              Hi BTC,
              :goodjob: on 8 days.
              Dawg do i know the first four days are awful, but honestly each day you'll feel a little better. Your body is still healing so treat yourself kindly, a bit like after a bad dose of flu.
              Can't recommend getting outside enough and blowing some cobwebs away.

              This does pass, honest

              J x
              It could be worse, I could be filing.
              AF since 7/7/2009


                This is getting really hard!

                Here are a few ideas that might help,
                Electrolyte replacement might help (the sachets you can get for diarrhoea are the best), along with plenty of liquids,Complex carbohydrates (like brown rice, wholemeal bread, wholegrain cereals etc.) will help to slowly stabilize your blood sugar levels.
                Eggs contain Cysteine, which can help the liver to metabolize Acetaldehyde (the toxic by-product of alcohol).
                B-vitamin supplements are essential, as they help your nerve cells to recover from the damage you’ve inflicted.
                We all know about the healing powers of caffeine – this constricts the blood vessels and can therefore alleviate the headache.
                Dont give in you can do this,You are not alone in this fight.

                :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

                Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
                I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

                This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


                  This is getting really hard!

                  Choochie;1000810 wrote: BTC, just wanted to say Hi. I don't know exactly how long you'll feel bad but I know that it will pass if you can hang in there. Remember that you've been drinking for a long time and your body won't just change overnight. Are you eating well? I know that several people here have gotten on anti-ds. I've tried them and don't like them at all. I think any medication has SEs if not immediately, then long term. But if you're really down it's something to consider for an interim fix??

                  Are you doing things to stay busy - exercise, fresh air, hobbies, reading? Give us a little more info and maybe we can be of more help. I'm hoping some veterans happen along with more advice.

                  Have you checked out these links?


                  Sobriety Plans:

                  Link to Newbies Nest:

                  Be sure to post in multiple places if you have time.

                  Thanks so much!

                  I've always been a really healthy eater so that stuff is all in place. However, I think there are changes I need to make.

                  I work from home as a writer so my routine is very flexible. I've been feeling so rough since I quit booze that with the exception of about 2 days where I had to attend work events outside the home, I've been relaxing at home, reading, doing a bit of work and feeling like CRAP. I really want to exercise and I've got a treadmill in my home and loads of yoga DVDs but I just don't feel physically strong enough right now.

                  To give more background I have really bad PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) from childhood abuse and I was drinking to numb the PTSD symptoms really. Those symptoms are extreme anxiety, hypervigilence, being startled at the slightest noise or movement, feelings of terror etc etc. Occasionally I'd get depressed as well. In the past I've tried various Anti-Depressants and hated the side effects. I have some Effexor (I think it's called) in a drawer here that my doctor gave me but I've not even tried it yet. I don't want to take anything that is going to make me fat. I also have a small supply of Valium my doc gave me for the most extreme anxiety days but I only usually take it about once a week and at the lowest dose.

                  So that's a bit more about me.

                  I drink 3 mugs of really strong black filter coffee per day and I am really feeling it adds hugely to my anxiety. It may well be time to give it up....To be honest I find the coffee far far far harder to give up than the alcohol!!!!
                  Sober since 2nd November 2010!

                  "Life is a mirror of your thoughts and beliefs. It simply reflects YOUR truth, your reality."sigpic


                    This is getting really hard!

                    JackieClaire;1000817 wrote: Hi BTC,
                    :goodjob: on 8 days.
                    Dawg do i know the first four days are awful, but honestly each day you'll feel a little better. Your body is still healing so treat yourself kindly, a bit like after a bad dose of flu.
                    Can't recommend getting outside enough and blowing some cobwebs away.

                    This does pass, honest

                    J x
                    Thanks! I did go outside for a walk today but after 10 minutes I ran back home! I felt really panicked - but I think that had more to do with my PTSD than the alcohol detox. I realise now that when I was drinking I wasn't getting properly drunk but I was drinking to the point where everything was quite numb and I found everything kinda funny whereas when I'm sober I find life rather frightening and I am very afraid of men a lot of the time
                    Sober since 2nd November 2010!

                    "Life is a mirror of your thoughts and beliefs. It simply reflects YOUR truth, your reality."sigpic


                      This is getting really hard!

                      Zenstyle;1000826 wrote: If you have valium that is probably better... although I try to stick to the Calms and leave the valium for emergencies myself. Here's a link...

                      Hyland's Homeopathic - Calms

                      I think you should give it a whirl. (I'm just about to force myself off my backside and to the gym right now in fact...) ) I find that exercise is a really important part of the whole recovery process... along with the supplements and water. And reading recovery books. (I suck at drinking enough water so at least I chug a little bottle to get the supps down and another one when I work out...)

                      If you have a gym membership and there's a sauna there that is a big help in getting rid of the toxins. They even use sauna therapy in some rehabs for just that...
                      You've inspired me. I think I'll do one of my yoga videos tonight. Even if just for 20 minutes. I do these and they are greatRaviAna.Com
                      Sober since 2nd November 2010!

                      "Life is a mirror of your thoughts and beliefs. It simply reflects YOUR truth, your reality."sigpic


                        This is getting really hard!

                        Zenstyle;1000833 wrote: If you'd like, I'll send you a list of supplements for anxiety when I get back from the gym...
                        That'd be really helpful, thanks!

                        I also suspect that cutting out coffee would do me the world of good in terms of anxiety
                        Sober since 2nd November 2010!

                        "Life is a mirror of your thoughts and beliefs. It simply reflects YOUR truth, your reality."sigpic


                          This is getting really hard!

                          BTC, sounds like a lot of people have stopped by to help. Just wanted to thumbs up the exercise. I like walking or jogging because the fresh air and sunshine help me so much. We have good weather here, though, so not sure if that's the case for you. And, with the anxiety from PTSD, I understand.

                          Another thing that really relaxes me is hot showers/baths. And, something I had not tried before but that I'm liking, is the MWO hypno tapes for abstaining. Very relaxing. Other people like other tapes better but this is all I have right now.

                          Have you gotten counseling for the PTSD? Sounds like you have - that's a tough one. But, as you will read repeatedly around the website, being sober helps you cope with your problems whereas alcohol just adds to your anxiety and clouds your decision making processes.

                          Keep posting and reading here. BTW, a great book is Easy Way to Stop Drinking by Allen Carr if you can get a copy.



                            This is getting really hard!

                            Choochie;1000868 wrote: BTC, sounds like a lot of people have stopped by to help. Just wanted to thumbs up the exercise. I like walking or jogging because the fresh air and sunshine help me so much. We have good weather here, though, so not sure if that's the case for you. And, with the anxiety from PTSD, I understand.

                            Another thing that really relaxes me is hot showers/baths. And, something I had not tried before but that I'm liking, is the MWO hypno tapes for abstaining. Very relaxing. Other people like other tapes better but this is all I have right now.

                            Have you gotten counseling for the PTSD? Sounds like you have - that's a tough one. But, as you will read repeatedly around the website, being sober helps you cope with your problems whereas alcohol just adds to your anxiety and clouds your decision making processes.

                            Keep posting and reading here. BTW, a great book is Easy Way to Stop Drinking by Allen Carr if you can get a copy.

                            Thanks. The weather's foul here (in England). But I just did 30 minutes of Kundalini Yoga and I feel pretty good

                            I've been seeing a therapist for 2 years for the PTSD. Now that I'm sober I'm noticing that she is actually a real b*tch. LOOOOL. She also refused to really talk to me about my drinking. When I told her how much I was drinking she said, "it's not that much really."
                            Sober since 2nd November 2010!

                            "Life is a mirror of your thoughts and beliefs. It simply reflects YOUR truth, your reality."sigpic


                              This is getting really hard!


                              Oh, I love Kundalini Yoga!

                              Re the therapist - I think they avoid things they don't know about. And, to me, it's not the quantity but the problems it creates for you that matters. I don't think anyone would call me an "alcoholic" but alcohol wreaked havoc in my life every day (lack of sleep and hangovers)!!

                              Sending you peace and strength!


