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    AF BOOT CAMP Day 2

    Alright folks we had fun with Sarge but he'll play less of a role a we move forward. Oh, you'll still get a push from him every so often, don't you worry. Remember, this is serious stuff. We have all done damage to our bodies by abusing alcohol. We CAN reverse most if not all of it by making changes in our lives. Our thinking, healthy lifestyle, diet, and exercise affects all of our cells. By removing the toxins and replenishing the deficiencies we can make dramatic changes in our overall health. Sarge is just providing the framework. It is within you all to take action and achieve your goals!!!

    Best of luck,

    P.S. Now MOVE your fan... I mean asses and do me proud!!!


    Do what must be done when it must be done, and you'll always be keeping up. Do more than what must be done, before it must be done, and then you'll always be moving ahead. A little extra effort today can give you a lot of extra advantage tomorrow. Add to that a little more extra effort tomorrow, and the day after that, and soon you'll be way out in front.

    The hours and minutes of this day will quickly pass by. While each one is here, you might as well get the very most out of it.

    Sure, it can be a little dreary and tedious when you're working to do what must be done. So add some excitement, enthusiasm and passion to your efforts by challenging yourself to do even more.

    Go beyond the minimum requirements and find new ways to create maximum value. Instead of just getting by, spend your time and efforts getting great.

    Don't be content to merely deal with whatever life hands you. Instead, enthusiastically embrace what comes your way, make the effort and make the commitment to make the very best of it all.

    Healthy Lifestyle:

    1. They work out simply to burn calories.
    What matters more is exercise intensity. Vigorous exercise dulls your appetite, while moderate exercise stimulates it.

    2. They strength train with two-pound dumbbells.
    Heavier weights will help you build bone mass. You should be able to complete only 8 to 10 repetitions of each exercise.

    3. They substitute pie for the pie chart.
    Draw a circle and divide it into wedges, like a pie. Label each wedge with some aspect of your life—your finances, your kids, your spouse—then, using a plus or a minus sign, note whether each area is going well. Work on nurturing areas that you're unhappy with, and your weight will be easier to control.

    4. They aren't aware of third-hand smoke. These foul-smelling toxins can linger on your hair, clothes, carpet, and furniture. Even if your partner isn't lighting up inside the house, third-hand smoke can harm you and your family.

    5. They keep eating until they go to bed. Make a hard-and-fast rule: no eating within two hours of bedtime.

    6. They don't pay attention to the hunger scale. Imagine a scale from one to five—one being full, and five being ravenous. If you're hitting a three—your stomach's grumbling, you're physically dragging—it's time to eat. Any lower than that, and you're eating to fill an emotional need, not a physical one.

    7. They don't think about how relationships affect their motivation. If you've got a strong support network, you're less likely to de-stress by crashing in front of the TV or eating poorly.

    8. They think a finite goal is the only thing that matters.
    I've seen clients reach their goal weight, then gain it back once they realize that life isn't suddenly perfect—even at a size 6. Make your goal to live a healthy life, no matter what's on the scale.

    9. They fall for the latest fad.
    A "cookie diet" is not a sound nutritional plan.

    10. They underestimate the power of 80 percent.
    People tend to have an all-or-nothing attitude when it comes to living healthy. But if you can put these tips into practice even 80 percent of the time, you're still going to be successful.


    Remember you have got to move during the day. Walk, run, stretch, lift weights, work the garden. Doing some form of exercise works synergistically with your improved healthy outlook and nutritional goals.

    GREAT Resource @ Exercise Routines | LIVESTRONG.COM

    Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read

    AF BOOT CAMP Day 2

    more good words to think about
    im taking baby steps on the exercise front. a realistic daily plan for me is a good walk with the dogs, some stretching/gentle yoga and a few sit up type exercises. ive a bugger of a back at the moment and want to help that along with the general bonuses of exercise. my main demon (apart from alcohol of course) is smoking. im trying to just cut down a bit (stop eventually of course) and if im living a better lifestyle it tends to go hand in hand with this. craving day on al but i didnt cave so ill give myself a pat on the back. thanks techie for getting us in the boot camp. i need this
    Today is the tomorrow i worried about yesterday and it turned out fine
    Keep passing the open windows


      AF BOOT CAMP Day 2

      spuddleduck;1000901 wrote: more good words to think about
      im taking baby steps on the exercise front. a realistic daily plan for me is a good walk with the dogs, some stretching/gentle yoga and a few sit up type exercises. ive a bugger of a back at the moment and want to help that along with the general bonuses of exercise. my main demon (apart from alcohol of course) is smoking. im trying to just cut down a bit (stop eventually of course) and if im living a better lifestyle it tends to go hand in hand with this. craving day on al but i didnt cave so ill give myself a pat on the back. thanks techie for getting us in the boot camp. i need this

      Your doing fine there Spuds. In fact I'm gat dang impressed. She now you've gone and got Sarge all soft hearted. You just keep making progress...We'll get there Spudzy...DON"T YOU WORRY!!!
      Attached files [img]/converted_files/1422868=5823-attachment.jpg[/img]
      Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


        AF BOOT CAMP Day 2

        Zenstyle;1000933 wrote: Great post Techie!

        (I have Livestrong on Facebook... I need to go to their site and read their articles.)
        YOUR WELCOME :l
        Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


          AF BOOT CAMP Day 2

          Well troops. Made it to the barracks al free for the moment. I have some al free events planned for the evening then try to get to bed. Is too much lglut too much for gravings??


            AF BOOT CAMP Day 2

            AF so far. I walked my dog (which is technically exercise). Had a good breakfast with a multi, calcium and extra B. Ate friend brown rice for lunch. Having pork chops simmered in mushroom soup for dinner, but did resist the Resses pieces that were prominently displayed at work - and drank a few cups of green tea, no water and no coffee.
            * * *


            ?Our freedom can be measured by the number of things we can walk away from.?
            - Vernon Howard


              AF BOOT CAMP Day 2

              Reveille: 06.00 hrs
              Mess Hall : 06.15
              Capsule/tablet cocktail with Organic Whey Protein + L-Glutamine + Tony Ferguson Shake (Caramel) for flavour.
              Morning Duty:
              Make bed, put on washing, handwater patio plants, load dishwasher, visit MWO and post.
              To do: Hang out washing, blower vac the patio and garage until satisfied not a speck or spider remains. Vacuum floors and wash. Shower, dress, shop, pay bills...etc.
              Report in with activity log.
              Morning troops...
              :h Mish :h
              Never give up...
              GET UP!!!

              AF since 25th November, 2011

              What might have been is an abstraction
              Remaining a perpetual possibility
              Only in a world of speculation.
              What might have been and what has been
              Point to one end, which is always present. T.S. Eliot


                AF BOOT CAMP Day 2

                Mish, can you come and do my garage please!! Mine is in such a mess that the car permanently lives in the driveway :H:H

                I'm pooped but in a good way! Did my morning one-hour group thingy at 6:15am ...... I really love exercising outside, it makes me feel so much better than being in the gym. Had lots of energy this morning and really pushed myself. We do a lot of stuff in pairs and there are 6 of us that are a bit more "mature" (ie; over the age of 29!) and we tend to pair up together. Today I paired up with one of the fit young things ....... made me realise I can do a bit more than I sometimes think I can!!.

                Feeling very pleased with an entire 7 days of healthy eating and no al. After years of avoiding rice porridge because it sounded so revolting, I've discovered that it is really nice :H. Today's menu was:
                Breakfast: Rice porridge and yoghurt and banana
                Lunch: Sushi and greek salad and fresh pineapple
                Dinnner: Salmon and scrambled eggs

                I did have 3 coffees (I usually restrict myself to one), and tonight I have a sugar craving so am going to indulge myself with a Weight Watchers Berry Mudslide (raspberries in frozen chocolate mousse ..... mmmmmmm!). Probably has lots of chemicals and preservatives in it but I'm due for a bit of a treat!
                Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

                Harriet Beecher Stowe


                  AF BOOT CAMP Day 2

                  B: Whole grain toast/avocado
                  L: fruit and cheese platter
                  D: Vegetables / spiced yoghurt

                  Exercise: Jaw and vocal cords at coffee morning.
                  Walk dog. Clean Jones pad from a/hole to breakfastime.

                  Supps: As per MWO chart
                  Titrated to Baclofen 10/20/10 mg

                  And that's it for this little candy arsed maggot.:H
                  If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                  Rejoined life 20/5/19


                    AF BOOT CAMP Day 2

                    GOOD THINGS... Had my vits, fresh orange and a bottle of water and worked a 5 hr breakfast shift.
                    BAD THINGS... Had 3 cups of coffee, a danish pastry and 1 cig.
                    Am now going to have sausage and mash for lunch with a bottle of water.
                    Not bad ay Sarge?
                    To Infinity And Beyond!!


                      AF BOOT CAMP Day 2

                      Cymru, I'm guessing "mash" doesn't refer to beer makings prior to fermentation (it's were my alcoholic brain went)?

                      Too dang cold to walk the pup this morning. So far I've had a cup of tea, a vitamins and baclofen. Will have oatmeal for breakfast, even though I don't like it. Plan to add a lot of milk and drink it really fast!

                      I keep confusing the Army thread with the Boot camp thread.
                      * * *


                      ?Our freedom can be measured by the number of things we can walk away from.?
                      - Vernon Howard


                        AF BOOT CAMP Day 2

                        Day 11 no booze! (At least I did that right!)

                        Stretched and did a little excercise this am before I got in the shower - my neck and back are killing me lately for some reason! I will continue stretching throughout the day and sleep with no pillow - hope that will do the trick!

                        Had a fried baloney sandwich for breakfast - BAD I was in a rush to get something as I was running late and have three kids in three different schools. I call this day each week "NO FOOD THURSDAY" meaning by this time in the week, our cupboards are You eat what we have until I go to the market! We didn't even have any fruit in the house!

                        Snack - a few shredded wheats

                        Lunch will be leftover pasta with turkey meatballs.

                        Lots of green tea and water today.

                        February 27th, 2013. A New , Successful Start. :h

                        When everything seems like an uphill struggle, just think of the view from the top!!


                          AF BOOT CAMP Day 2

                          Mash is crushed new potatoes with some butter Tops. Its amazing how diff things mean diff things around the word. I was going to say I had bangers and mash, but figured everyone outside the UK wld think I was eating fireworks!!
                          To Infinity And Beyond!!


                            AF BOOT CAMP Day 2

                            Fine day here. y'all seem to be getting with the program, GREAT. However, I see we have many AWOL already. Well that just goes to shoe ya that we weed em out hear. Speaking of weeds anyone ever hear of beetroot? Now what in the hell could that be. BTW, private Jones seems to be shaping up nicely!
                            :wow: Attached files [img]/converted_files/1423156=5846-attachment.jpg[/img]
                            Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


                              AF BOOT CAMP Day 2

                              Morning campers. It is a beautiful fall day here in the Northeast. I was up early and did a 20 mile bike ride. Pre bike breakfast was peanut butter on whole grain toast. Remember when you wake up you are catabolic. If you go directly to a substantial workout you are wasting muscle. Get some nourishment in you before. Breakfast was whey protein shake w/chia, oatmeal, and coffee. I'm playing racquetball at lunch w/client. Have a GREAT day!!! Techie
                              Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read

