Best of luck,
P.S. Now MOVE your fan... I mean asses and do me proud!!!
Do what must be done when it must be done, and you'll always be keeping up. Do more than what must be done, before it must be done, and then you'll always be moving ahead. A little extra effort today can give you a lot of extra advantage tomorrow. Add to that a little more extra effort tomorrow, and the day after that, and soon you'll be way out in front.
The hours and minutes of this day will quickly pass by. While each one is here, you might as well get the very most out of it.
Sure, it can be a little dreary and tedious when you're working to do what must be done. So add some excitement, enthusiasm and passion to your efforts by challenging yourself to do even more.
Go beyond the minimum requirements and find new ways to create maximum value. Instead of just getting by, spend your time and efforts getting great.
Don't be content to merely deal with whatever life hands you. Instead, enthusiastically embrace what comes your way, make the effort and make the commitment to make the very best of it all.
Healthy Lifestyle:
1. They work out simply to burn calories. What matters more is exercise intensity. Vigorous exercise dulls your appetite, while moderate exercise stimulates it.
2. They strength train with two-pound dumbbells. Heavier weights will help you build bone mass. You should be able to complete only 8 to 10 repetitions of each exercise.
3. They substitute pie for the pie chart. Draw a circle and divide it into wedges, like a pie. Label each wedge with some aspect of your life—your finances, your kids, your spouse—then, using a plus or a minus sign, note whether each area is going well. Work on nurturing areas that you're unhappy with, and your weight will be easier to control.
4. They aren't aware of third-hand smoke. These foul-smelling toxins can linger on your hair, clothes, carpet, and furniture. Even if your partner isn't lighting up inside the house, third-hand smoke can harm you and your family.
5. They keep eating until they go to bed. Make a hard-and-fast rule: no eating within two hours of bedtime.
6. They don't pay attention to the hunger scale. Imagine a scale from one to five—one being full, and five being ravenous. If you're hitting a three—your stomach's grumbling, you're physically dragging—it's time to eat. Any lower than that, and you're eating to fill an emotional need, not a physical one.
7. They don't think about how relationships affect their motivation. If you've got a strong support network, you're less likely to de-stress by crashing in front of the TV or eating poorly.
8. They think a finite goal is the only thing that matters. I've seen clients reach their goal weight, then gain it back once they realize that life isn't suddenly perfect—even at a size 6. Make your goal to live a healthy life, no matter what's on the scale.
9. They fall for the latest fad. A "cookie diet" is not a sound nutritional plan.
10. They underestimate the power of 80 percent. People tend to have an all-or-nothing attitude when it comes to living healthy. But if you can put these tips into practice even 80 percent of the time, you're still going to be successful.
Remember you have got to move during the day. Walk, run, stretch, lift weights, work the garden. Doing some form of exercise works synergistically with your improved healthy outlook and nutritional goals.
GREAT Resource @ Exercise Routines | LIVESTRONG.COM