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Vivid Nightmares

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    Vivid Nightmares

    Hello fellow abstainers

    I was wondering if anyone else suffered from the kind of nightmares that are so real that you are actually there and can smell, taste, feel and interact with everyting around you, I get them nearly every night (that is when I eventually get to sleep), unless I take a sleeping tablet, then I don't dream at all. My doctor has told me that I should only be taking one every other night which I have started doing, but on my night free from pills (which are only zopiclone anyway), when the insomnia eventually gives way to exhaustion I'm asleep for around four hours then wake up from very nasty dreams, most times too scared to go back to sleep.

    I's my 12th day AF today and my head is starting to clear, and for as way back as I can remember I have always had these dreams, often they come with night terrors and strange demon like beings that do naughty things to me & other times they are so vivid and frightening that I feel I am loosing my mind in my dream state, which I almost did on Wednesday 10th.

    An example from a few nights ago (I'm not going into Wednesdays dream it was even worse than this one), was that my liver was working its way out of my body, getting harder & harder & trying to force it's way through my skin I was running around holding onto the outline of it through my right side and trying to keep it in place, as it was getting harder and harder and protruding even more, I was pleading for help from people around me (I seemed to be in a train station of some kind, but not on the platform on the area leading into the station which were like marble steps), but it was as if no one could see me, eventually my liver pushed it's way out through my skin (kind of like in alien), and I was still desperately trying to hold onto it, although now there is a big hole in my right side and my liver is in my hands, I could feel the warm blood trickling through my hands and smell the coppery stench of blood, and now all my liver is being held on by is a few stringy bits of gut and stuff (I could feel all of this happening and it was very painfull, and the sight and smell of holding a part of my insides was making me wretch), eventually even the stringy bits gave way and I collapsed on the steps with my liver in hand then woke up holding onto my side sweating like a pig.

    I asked my doctor if she'd ever heard of someone having dreams like this every night and she said no, so please people tell me I'm not the only one, I'm starting to think that this was the reason I started drinking in the first place (although I have no intention of taking a drink again), it is very unplesant and I'm not sure how much more I can take.

    Strangley, aftter I wake up from these dreams it feels like someone has bored a 3cm diameter whole in the underneath right side of my brain where there is emptyness & numbness, there is no pain there just nothing, this normally takes a few hours to subside from the 3cm size although I can feel it there most of the time it just get's less obvious, it's as if there's some flaps that open up fully when it's at it's worst and almost close when it's at it's best, but never fully close, it always seems to be a little bit open.

    Any insight or similar experience would be greatly appreciated.

    Thanks in anticipation

    Sober since 01/11/10 GMT

    Vivid Nightmares

    I think these vivid nightmares are fairly common for a hardened alkie.
    I used to have terrible nightmares after a 3-5 day binge. As you have said, so vivid and real I would wake in a sweat. They say that you can hallucinate when coming down off a serious drinking patterns, and for me these dreams are a form of this. I find that when awake, my mind will race a a million miles an hour, jumping from one thought to the next, and I think when asleep, with our brains not subdued my booze, they go a bit mental for a while!
    It will subside though ML.
    To Infinity And Beyond!!


      Vivid Nightmares

      Yes!- Just had one last night-not really a nightmare-but really crazy dreams-a bunch of them, really-like watching a marathon of weird tv shows- all senses involved, as well.
      It's always YOUR choice!


        Vivid Nightmares

        Vivid dreams are completely normal when you stop drinking. Have you had any involving insects?this is a common nightmare and/or hallucination possibly due the the nerve endings in your skin going crazy after being used to being under a blanket of alcohol. I would dream my entire body was covered by crawling spiders and flies, wake up physically throwing them off me.



          Vivid Nightmares

          Hey thanks all

          It's nice to know I'm not the only one, either that or we are all mad
          Seems wierd the doc said she'd never heard of it, I thought I was loosing my mind, and strangely I have had dreams about silverfish that kept coming to get me to try and lay eggs in my skin.

          Be nice to hear some more, makes me feel quite normal.:devil:
          Sober since 01/11/10 GMT


            Vivid Nightmares

            Missing_link;1001934 wrote: Hey thanks all

            It's nice to know I'm not the only one, either that or we are all mad
            Seems wierd the doc said she'd never heard of it, I thought I was loosing my mind, and strangely I have had dreams about silverfish that kept coming to get me to try and lay eggs in my skin.

            Be nice to hear some more, makes me feel quite normal.:devil:
            Many Drs don't know any more than they are told, taught, or read. Unless someone has gone through it themselves, or had someone close do it then they aren't going to know the intricacies - just the bare facts. I heard about the insects thing from a keyworker in a treatment centre. And then I was able to recognise it for what it was. If you have been very badly alcohol addicted then the insects become a waking hallucination.

            Sounds as if the silver fish are your insects.


              Vivid Nightmares

              The first few days my skin was very itchy causing me to have intense bug dreams. I took a benadryl and it helped. I have bizarre dreams anyway, but these were much more vivid. I am on day 12 and they seemed to have gone away (knock on wood!) Hope you are feeling better!
              February 27th, 2013. A New , Successful Start. :h

              When everything seems like an uphill struggle, just think of the view from the top!!


                Vivid Nightmares

                Hi All

                Yep silverfishes are my insects we used to have a big fat one in the bathroom in our old place that used to come out all the time, we never killed him and he did get big then one day he went away :upset:

                One of them are cool but lots are creepy :eeks:

                And Wagoneer, like yourself I've always had messed up dreams and I am feeling better thanks (day 13 for me) last night was a no tab night and I still had a weird dream about a policeman that commandeered my car, made me get in the passenger seat then proceeded to tear around the streets, he knocked of one of my wing mirrors and scratched my front wing then parked my car in the middle of a field, made me follow him so some gym type place so he could pick up his son, then when we got back to the car someone had stolen my stereo, my speakers and my bass box, but he didnlt seem to care and was going to take my license away, dickhead - then I woke up.

                Still not as bad as normal so maybe they are getting better, hope he comes back in another dream I'll run the bugger over.
                Sober since 01/11/10 GMT

