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As Neil Diamond once said - Hello Again, Hello

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    As Neil Diamond once said - Hello Again, Hello

    Thought I'd better return for the sanity of my mind, the health of my liver, the welfare of my children and for the love of my marriage. Been away on vacation for a while - got lost along the way and have enjoyed this - but I'm now realising need to get my life in order - especially being in my mid-40's and over half-time now in my match of life.

    Have now resorted again to SD'ing (secret drinking) when I'm not "allowed" to have a drink during the week ..... if I had my own way I wouldn't go over-board, but certainly I'd be opening a bottle a day - sometimes I may finish it, sometimes I may not. The problem is, when I'm not "allowed" then it makes me NEED a drink even more so SD a few large vodka's early doors to get my kick. Frightful I know

    I know I should stop - what else do I need to make me do this than to look at my 2 girls asleep at night and think what would I do if I knew they wouldn't have me around when they were 21 and 19 ??? Would that make me stop?

    But, am too frightened to ask for help :blush: and am waiting for that magic wand to wave over me and let me wake up not even thinking about a drink when it's approaching wine o'clock. SO, if you've finished with the wand - wing it over my way will you?

    If this rings any bells with anybody - love to hear from you.

    :thanks: for reading!

    As Neil Diamond once said - Hello Again, Hello

    PD - Welcome Back!

    The very best advice I can give you is to read the book Easy Way to Stop Drinking by Allen Carr. It changes the way you view alcohol -- to me an essential component in being able to give it up.

    That change in thinking, along with having a plan, exercising, taking the supplements, eating right, drinking lots of water (with lemon too), etc. (all the suggestions you'll find scattered about on the site) have combined to give me 39 days of AF success.

    Spending a lot of time on this site - reading and posting
    have also been an essential part of my getting this far. I hope you can stick with it because life is definitely better (at least for me) on the other side.

    Best of luck - sending you strength.


      As Neil Diamond once said - Hello Again, Hello

      He also once said..."You have the way to move me Cherry...Ha!" Listen We're here to help, we all have been their.....Good people here with lot's of exprience with abuse (AL, etc. ) Hang in their, we can help. Tony
      ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
      those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
      Dr. Seuss


        As Neil Diamond once said - Hello Again, Hello

        The bells are deafening my friend! Glad to have you back. Know about the SD (my poison was wine) and the shame that goes with it. It's hard to stop, but it looks like you are ready - and you have come to the right pleace. I am early in my journey after many many tries. 12 days sober today and 40+ years to go! You have friends and support here. I stopped for my kids - sounds like you are too. Take care and glad you are here with us.
        February 27th, 2013. A New , Successful Start. :h

        When everything seems like an uphill struggle, just think of the view from the top!!


          As Neil Diamond once said - Hello Again, Hello

          I think you have all the motivation you need in two lovely girls. Put a plan in place, use the tools provided here at MWO, and lean on this community for support. You deserve to be sober, happy, and a role model for your girls. I wish you all the best...John xx
          Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


            As Neil Diamond once said - Hello Again, Hello

            Hi Photogirl, and welcome back. Yes your post sounds familiar, very familiar. I am a father of two children. I used to drink alone a lot, and in secret a lot. For me, I just pushed too close to the fine line and eventually landed at rock bottom - almost losing everything in my life; please don't go there.

            One thing you might consider, is to simply clear your mind with the 30 days alcohol free concept. In this time period, you are just going to remember what life is like without booze, and give your emotions and blood sugar levels a chance to level out, and give your brain a chance to think while truly sober. As this time period comes to an end, make some reflections about your life, and alcohol.

            All the best,
            Sober since Feb 7, 2010.


              As Neil Diamond once said - Hello Again, Hello

              Hi Guys and thanks so much for taking the time to a) read and b) post - re-assuring that I'm not on my own.
              Christ - have just read THE MOST MOVING post by Startingover ............ I need to get myself into gear and on track to clear myself of this. Take last night, for example, hubby away so I enjoyed drinking from 6pm through until going to bed - pottering around, doing jobs, watching TV - all with a glass in my hand ....... and THAT'S what I've got to stop as I feel so blank this morning - blank is the only way I can describe how I feel because I actually that is how my mind feels - totally blank.


                As Neil Diamond once said - Hello Again, Hello

                Hi photogirl & welcome back. I read this post by mollyka in another thread and it may be something for you to consider.

                "I was listening to the radio last night coming home from work and Christy Dignam from Aslam was talking about his heroin addiction and he just very simply said that an addict can NEVER EVER give up unless they absolutely 100% want to do it and want to do it for themselves - just won't work otherwise. I just loved the simplicity of how he said it - and it is so true. Best of luck with everything"
                Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                  As Neil Diamond once said - Hello Again, Hello

                  Hi Photogirl, I remember the blank mind feeling. You can return to a life where your brain is healthy, and full of emotions and ideas and creativity. It is hard work for sure. Like Greeneyes is saying, if you are ready to fight this battle, you can do it. All the best,
                  Sober since Feb 7, 2010.

