Have now resorted again to SD'ing (secret drinking) when I'm not "allowed" to have a drink during the week ..... if I had my own way I wouldn't go over-board, but certainly I'd be opening a bottle a day - sometimes I may finish it, sometimes I may not. The problem is, when I'm not "allowed" then it makes me NEED a drink even more so SD a few large vodka's early doors to get my kick. Frightful I know

I know I should stop - what else do I need to make me do this than to look at my 2 girls asleep at night and think what would I do if I knew they wouldn't have me around when they were 21 and 19 ??? Would that make me stop?
But, am too frightened to ask for help :blush: and am waiting for that magic wand to wave over me and let me wake up not even thinking about a drink when it's approaching wine o'clock. SO, if you've finished with the wand - wing it over my way will you?
If this rings any bells with anybody - love to hear from you.
:thanks: for reading!