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    Has anyone here tried going through rehab.
    I have been investigating it - in my area - 28 days - 8000 Euros.
    Seems incredibly expensive to me.
    Does it work??
    Would be interested in anyones experiences
    regards Changeling


    I have no rehab experiences and would revolt, especially since 97% of the treatment programs are based on the 12 step model.

    You will be successful in kicking this habit if you find your alternate behavior, have good nutrition and exercise, peer support such as found on these boards, and dedication each day. I would save my $ and invest it in things that make you feel good about yourself and support your efforts. Start with a massage.



      I agree with Lucky. I would only ever recommend it if one needed to detox and it was going to be severe. But the success rate is outrageously low for those coming out of rehabs, precisely becaue it is based on 12 step and precisly because insurance companies readily pay for repeat re-habbers, and rehabs take advantage of that. That is, the system is set up so you don't get better.

      One time I became addicted to a pain killer for migraines and went to a rehab. What a waste. They did not even take good care of me medically. The inmates (and that is how they were treated) all thought that I was their counselor because I looked so healthy. I left in 3 days, never needed that pain killer or wanted it again. That is the wayit is for Rx drug patients. Anyway, the minute I stepped foot in the door, they started callingthe insurance company and trying to convince me to stay for 3 weeks.

      I do recommend it for some circumstances such as teenagers who can and are open enough to actually get better quickly.



        I, too, tried 12 step program.......walked in ....looked around ....crap....what have I got myself into.....never went back. I, too, did not look like an alcoholic, nor viewed myself as one.

        You have to want to change, need to change and have the desire to not give up cause this is not working like it is for some of the others. Trust me, you have control to adjust it to your own body needs. We are not all the same and thereforth might need higher doses, etc. I so love the fact I now have the infro (MWO) to work with. It is truly amazing to see the transformation I have made from 16 months ago.



          I did 12 days in rehab in June...In the uk in a secure unit in hospital... I wasnt even allowed outside......I didnt look like everyone else either...but i felt the same....I made some really good friends....Some of the stories in there were heart breaking...and some of the dt's in there were very very scarey...A lot of the alcaholics in there were at a later stage of alcaholism than i was.....It was a real eye opener for me of what lay ahead if i didnt change....I missed my wife and kids like crazy...And i swore to myself i would never go through it again....I think that stands me in good stead....I'll never go back to how i was........I like it too much on this side of life....

          It was free in the uk aswell....N.H.S......I'd recommend It.....Only my opinion
          I don't care who you are...Your not walking on water while i'm fishing..
          One drink is too many... A thousand is never enough...Sober since July 2nd 2009



            Re hab worked for me in that i recovered from co dependency and from being a avictim of abuse. It was tough to deal with the honesty thrown at me by my peers. honesty about the way i was behaving. With a long history of drinking alcohol I wa a pathetic immature''littlle girl''. I was treated that way too. Not any more. Whilst i still drink on and off I am a different person. I have gained respecy for mysef and trust from my family and friends. Life is good i like the person I am.. Re hab did that for me.. It was not just about drinking abusively but more about taking responsibility for my own life. and to stop being so passive and agreeable when inside I was full of anger and pain. Punishing myself big time.. Not any more! hope this might be helful to you.



              Thanks for feedback

              Thanks everyone for your feedback.
              On reflection I don't think I need rehab - I certainly don't need detox.
              I regularly go 2/3 days without drinking - unfortunately then binge like crazy
              I need to try and find a way to change my attitude to drink
              I have accepted that moderation does not work for me and need to abstain -
              Need to stop thinking that I am missing out on something good
              and learn to believe in the devestation and poison that alcohol really is.
              Thanks for all your support.

