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A frightening situation, support needed

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    A frightening situation, support needed

    :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


      A frightening situation, support needed

      Hang In There!

      Although, I am new I wanted to wish you well. Your not being 'yellow' anymore is a very good, good sign! I will be thinking about you. A:l ll the best!


        A frightening situation, support needed

        Way To Go On Your 8th AF Day
        Life Without Drinking Is Life Worth Living.


          A frightening situation, support needed

          HI WhiteStar:

          I was looking at some pictures of myself from November of 2005. I had yellowish eyes, skin, and my gray hair was a yucky dull yellowish color. I was mildly jaundiced myself. My eyes cleared up first in about a month, then my skin after a couple of months, and then finally my hair grew out. The last of the yellow tips were cut off in April or May I think. Now my hair is a shiny silvery gray.

          My digestion is much better, and don't get the runs every other day like I used to when drinking. I was mixing hydrocodone with my booze back last year, and it would stop me up pretty good for a few days, but it was the vicodin with tylenol, and it was really doing a number on my liver. I was flirting with cirrhosis in just a matter of months. I got sick with pneumonia, and if I had kept on drinking, I know I would have been dead in a matter of months. I had no resistance to infection, and got sick easily with anything.

          So anyway, just want to tell you that I am 300% better after a year now. My glands were swollen pretty bad last year, and I had a hell of a time passing water. Thats 100% better now as well.

          Also, my nose was swollen and bit red from those pictures last year. It has gotten back to normal, but it was slow, and I just noticed that from looking at my pictures.

          Your body can heal and recover if you let it. I was on the edge, and came back. I feel so good now physically that it's hard to convey the changes. My blood pressure has gone way down (stopped smoking also last December), and my triglycerides and cholesterol have dropped by over 30% I think. Still working on everything.

          It is only when I knew that the choice was between alcohol and death, or sobriety and living that I finally got the abstinence commitment I have now. So, I read your post, and want to say, I've been there. Please be kind to yourself, and try to make a go of it. It is so very much worth it. It really is.



            A frightening situation, support needed

            Good job Whitestar......and you're an inspiration and one of my personal role models.


              A frightening situation, support needed

              Hi Whitestar.

              Sending best wishes and hopes to you.

              Enlightened by MWO


                A frightening situation, support needed

                Good job Whitestar!
                "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


                  A frightening situation, support needed

                  Hi Neil

                  I is very reassuring that someone has made it back from where I am now, I still have major problems with cravings, canot afford tooamax and is not licenced for alcohol problems here in the UK, Kuduz does nothing for them either, any suggestion s would be helpful


