You are a very strong and brave woman, Starty! Not many would have the slightest bit of courage, such as yourself for posting something so honest such as this.
Although you did what you did, no one, who hasn't been through it, or through such a loss, can really understand the complexities of emotions that go along to watching someone die, such as you did. It is completely physically and emotionally exhausting. Although you knew what the outcome was going to be, it doesn't make it any easier for when that day comes.
To be perfectly honest with you, with my own father dying of cancer, I am scared to wits about what I will do when that day comes! Sure, I can be all strong right now, but as time goes on and when he gets to the stages of impending death, where will my own head be?
Your post really, really, really, helps me raise awareness within my own self of what could happen, and I realize that I should prepare myself for the worse. Which means that although, I am being strong and supportive of everyone else during this time, I am really going to have to start looking for support for me as well. I have a number for Hospice here, and they offer grief counseling. Maybe I should start looking into it now.
Thank you so very much for sharing. I cannot express you how much I appreciate it. We all really have to fight this fight ALL of the time.
You are so very wonderful. Again, I am sorry for your loss. Many hugs to you, hon. xoxoxo