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Handling a Crisis Sober!

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    Handling a Crisis Sober!

    How many times did I wake up in years past and wonder, what would I have done if I had gotten a call during the night? If there had been an accident. If one of the kids had been sick. If a loved one needed help and I was too drunk to respond. It still panicks me to think about it. Guardian angels must have been watching over me because that never happened! But it certainly could have, many times.

    This past Sunday was a beatiful day. 62 degrees, unseasonably warm for November. My husband and I were at the movies when we received the text message from my 21 year old son that my 85 year old mother-in-laws senior apartment building was on fire.

    When we got to her our son was already there. 137 elederly people watched as their entire building was destroyed. How strong they all were.

    My mother in law and most of the residents there now have only the clothes that were on their backs - but most importantly, everyone got out safely.

    I am grateful that I was able to respond that day and in the days since with a "clear head". We have had the pleasure of enjoying the company of my mother-in-law and her 92 year old friend. They have been a joy, in spite of what they have been through. I hope I am that strong when I am their age. Heck, I hope I make it to their age.

    Hugs to all :l

    "It wasn't all I wanted, but all I could stand!":bigwink: Alcohol free since April 8, 2008

    Handling a Crisis Sober!

    Best, what a poignant story. I am so glad they got out of there alive, and I am glad you were in your "right mind" to handle the situation. I think those thoughts of "what would I do if a catastrophe happened right now and I am drunk" has crossed many of our minds. Thanks for sharing the story.
    I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


      Handling a Crisis Sober!

      Wow, good for you Best.
      Gabby :flower:


        Handling a Crisis Sober!

        That thought has crossed my mind many times too, and I'm so glad that you were on the right side of sobriety when the call came, Best!
        AF as of August 5th, 2012


          Handling a Crisis Sober!

          Important reminder for all of us, Best. I'm so glad everyone is OK. Are they telling you some great stories? Enjoy the company, and I'm so glad you are getting so much accomplished these days in your new clarity. Isn't it great?
          Love ya!


            Handling a Crisis Sober!

            I actually had something bad happen. I was drunk and my daughter's best friend got killed in a car accident. She found out about it at 2 am and I could hardly talk to her and I don't remember much. It was awful! And later that day, she had her tonsils out.......I had a hangover. I won't be doing THAT again, that's for sure!
            Noelle sez "Do want you like, like what you do. Life is Good."

