Sidney, I am so happy for you and hubby.
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Sidney I am so happy for you and your husband, I've missed you on the boards and was wondering how you were all doing. Thanks for letting us know that all is well in your world. Remember to take some time out for yourself :l
Dewdrop :hEnjoy today - there will be no other one quite like it....
Sidney, we've never chatted but I wanted to send you a post saying that I'm happy about your husband's cancer being contained. My husband has just gone back to work full time after a pretty bad year comprised of chemo, radiation and a radical surgery for colorectal cancer. Like your husband, his had not spread, so we have a similar situation. Just wanted you to know that my husband has a friend who had exactly the same treatment/surgery as my husband's and he's doing really well 11 years later. So, the fact that it was contained is a really positive thing!
Wishing you both the best - I know how hard it is to go through for both the patient and the caregiver.:l
Sid - I just saw this as well! I don't do chat either. Too quick for my feeble 46 year old So happy that your husband is on the way to recovery and you are doing it AF. You are very strong to go through this stress without a crutch. You are a great example. Sending healing thoughts your way.
Your new friend, KatFebruary 27th, 2013. A New , Successful Start. :h
When everything seems like an uphill struggle, just think of the view from the top!!
All of your postive energy has helped me and my famiy. My husband has come home yesterday after only two days in the hospital. Luck for me my daughter is a nurse in training.
Again your wishes mean everyting to me. I could have never made it AF without them.
Sidney I just now saw your post about your husband's surgery. I'm so glad that he came through it OK and is already going home. Sending huge healing and comfort vibes your way. I am so grateful to hear that you are getting through this difficult situation without drinking. I will remember your experience when the time comes for me to get through something difficult and do it sober.
DGSobriety Date = 5/22/08
Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07
One day at a time.