When the difficulties come, and pile so high on top of one another that you can't see the way forward, you have a choice. You can choose to give up, or you can choose to get stronger.
You can choose to bury your dreams under impenetrable layers of worry and fear. Or you can choose to make those dreams even more magnificent and compelling so that you cannot resist being pulled forward by them.
You can choose to feel sorry for yourself, or you can choose to feel the power of your true purpose. You can look for who is to blame, or you can look for ways to take full responsibility for the situation.
This is your life, and even the difficult stretches are very much worth living. In fact, it is during the challenging times that you build new capacity for greater richness.
When there is no obvious reason to be positive, choose to be more positive than ever before. Instead of being overwhelmed by the problems, choose to be energized by the positive possibilities hidden within them.
Feel the genuine confidence that comes from knowing you always have a choice. And choose to live the positive value in whatever life may send.
Healthy Lifestyle:
How to Kick Sugar Addiction with Nutritious Foods
There is a chemical that is only one molecule off from alcohol and one chemical (it is missing nitrogen) off from cocaine. This chemical substance causes the user to feel safe, secure and invincible. It heightens the senses and causes brain function abnormalities. The withdrawal symptoms can include anxiety, depression, a harsh craving for another shot, low or absent energy levels, headaches, flu-like symptoms, harsh mood swings, and even skin rashes. It’s addictive properties are comparable to heroin. This drug is extremely dangerous to your health and the health of others.
Would you take this substance or let your kids take it? Most likely you do. I have just described refined sugar.
Today’s world is inundated with sugar. Most quick foods that fit into our hectic lifestyles have sugars. Simple sugars, refined sugars, hidden sugars, and even sugars that don’t look like sugars. Enough of the sweet stuff! Our ancestors didn’t have processed foods and they didn’t have a lot of health problems that plague today’s society. Sugar addiction is real and sugar addiction is dangerous. It is time to get back to eating healthy, natural foods.
There are two types of sugar – complex and refined. Complex sugars are made up of three or more sugar molecules linked together. They take more energy for the body to break down. Complex sugar is found in whole wheat products, oatmeal, brown rice and root vegetables. These sugars are good for you in moderation.
Simple sugars mostly contain refined sugar which is not a food at all. Refined sugar is a manufactured chemical added to foods. Natural simple sugarslike honey and fruits, can be eaten in moderation with no adverse effects, but refined sugar is made by taking a natural food, chemically processing it, then boiling it, which destroys all vitamins and nutrients. As many as 64 vitamins and other nutrients are destroyed in this process. All liquid is removed through evaporation and a centrifuge machine, then the crystals are bleached white with animal bones such as pork or beef.
Many times manufacturers and food companies will add refined sugar to improve the taste of the item. Some foods that you wouldn’t think have sugar may surprise you; pancake mixes, meats, hamburger and hot dog buns, salads, some salt, etc. And food isn’t the only place where sugar can be found. Believe it or not, other everyday items have hidden sugar. Vitamins, toothpaste, lip gloss, lickable stamps and envelopes, laxatives, cough medicines, etc all have refined sugars. It is no wonder we have an addiction to sugar.
Sugar addiction can be beat. The best way to kick a sugar habit is to begin eating foods that can reduce the cravings – and stop eating the foods that increase your dependence on sugar. Diet is even more important than other lifestyle changes when it comes to beating sugar addiction will make it easier to succeed.
***Jonni’s New Breakthrough Diet is Based on Locally-Grown, Super-Nutritious Foods that Stop Sugar Cravings and Power-Up Your Metabolism. Discover How These Natural Foods Can Help You Lose Weight and Safeguard Your Family’s Health. To learn more, visit our home page by clicking here.
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