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AF BOOT CAMP DAY 8 (Not 4 Wimps)

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    AF BOOT CAMP DAY 8 (Not 4 Wimps)

    OK folks its Day 8 of your six week Boot Camp. Nurse Humpalot reports that most of you are on the mend. So Dr. Mike Hunter has lifted the quarantine of the barracks. Now Sarge has something VERY emotional to share with ya. There's this gal in company U that's tickled my fancy. Looking for suggestions on how to impress her. Jones told me to wear my John Deere green underwear for luck, but hell there for Sundays ONLY. Any ideas, just drop em in the suggestion box located in the mess hall behind Cooky's deep fryer!


    Don't merely seek to do it. Get busy working on it.
    Don't just think about it, or talk about it, or plan for it, or wish you could have it done. Make the effort right now to make it happen.

    Are you unsure about how to get started or what the next step should be? The fact is that you can never be sure, so go ahead and do what your heart tells you to do.

    Are you worried about making mistakes or looking foolish or wasting your time? Just remember that the biggest waste of time, the most foolish looking mistake, is to sit around worrying and doing nothing.

    There is immense value in the unique person you are. Every moment of every day is an opportunity for you to live and express that value in ways that will astound the world and fulfill your spirit.

    So what are you waiting for? Get motivated, get focused, get serious, get up, get going, get out there and make life as magnificent as you know it can be.

    Healthy Lifestyle:

    Your New Best Friends...
    Yes, you know better, but a lot of good that does your taste buds. They still prefer potato chips to beets, fried chicken to canned fish, and pasta to just about anything. But what if you didn't have to choose between good food and good-for-you food because they were one and the same? That's what we've set out to accomplish.

    Here, you'll find a short list of foods that you really ought to incorporate into your diet—because, frankly, their health benefits are through the roof. But rather than leaving it up to you to figure out what to do with them (sprinkle them on your cereal? push them around on your plate?), we've combined these wonder foods into nine dishes that taste great—as in snack-in-front-of-the-TV great, favorite-weeknight-supper great. Because we're not your mother. We don't care if you put your elbows on the table. But we do know that eating well is one of the nicest things you can do for yourself, and if you can recruit your taste buds to be your ally, you may just discover that it's fun to be good.

    Avocados - Healthy Recipes -


    GREAT Yoga workout from Women Health. Sarge tried it...! NO, you slimeballs I wasn't wearing any Gat DAMN Spandex you wiseasses. NOW STRIKE A FRIGGING POSE!!!

    Yoga Poses That Burn Fat | Women's Health Magazine


    Chicken with citrus sauce
    For citrus sauce: In a pan, warm the zest and juice of 1 lemon plus the sections of another lemon, an orange, and a grapefruit. Add 1/4 cup olive oil, 1 tsp fresh thyme leaves, 1/2 tsp minced garlic, 1 small onion (minced), and salt and pepper. For chicken: Rub boneless chicken breast
    with a small amount of extra-virgin olive oil
    and sprinkle with salt and pepper. Broil or grill for 10 minutes, and serve with the citrus sauce. Attached files [img]/converted_files/44856=5823-attachment.jpg[/img]
    Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read

    AF BOOT CAMP DAY 8 (Not 4 Wimps)

    Just curious if this gal tickled anything else besides your fancy?
    :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

    Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


      AF BOOT CAMP DAY 8 (Not 4 Wimps)

      Zen you are hillarious! Love it.

      Meech's mission today is to clean my quarters as I'm convinced my young soldiers set off several bombs here which were intended for the enemy.

      Because I have several flights of stairs in my living quarters, I am sure it will be one heck of a exhausting cleaning mission.

      Done good on the gawl dang diet today I must say. Lots of veggies, water and whole grains.

      I shall attack tomorrow with a killer run and weights.

      No AL today. Must hydrate for tomorrow's workout.

      Over and out!


        AF BOOT CAMP DAY 8 (Not 4 Wimps)

        Private Choochie reporting for duty, Sir. Commenced with yoga, Sir and thought I would contribute said photo, Sir. All rations healthy today sir, vacuuming with Jaws/Rainbow Vacuum Cleaner took place of jog today, Sir. May have to report to sick bay for back issues, Sir. Not sure if it was the yoga or the Rainbow, Sir.


          AF BOOT CAMP DAY 8 (Not 4 Wimps)

          Sir, Dewdrop :h checking back in, Sir

          Yoga and Meditation all weekend (Friday ? Monday)
          Vegetarian food all weekend
          No alcohol all weekend
          3 long walks (5 miles each) Sat, Sun, Mon

          Today ? lemon water, supplements
          Breakfast ? oatabix, banana & soya milk, green tea
          Lunch ? oatcakes, cheese & salad, orange juice
          Dinner ? bean salad on rocket, smoked mackerel strips, peach, green tea
          Exercise ? 20 minute walk at lunchtime
          Driving ? 220 miles today, difficult to find time to exercise, Sir

          On the dating front Sir, why not go commando (ladies love it with a kilt ), Sir
          Enjoy today - there will be no other one quite like it....


            AF BOOT CAMP DAY 8 (Not 4 Wimps)

            Oh you troops are doing GREAT. Private Zenny is ready to rumble. We may need the "jaws of life" to untangle Private Choochie later. I think we should have Private Meech teach the next class on rappelling. Dewdrop the excuse that you can't exercise due to a 220 mile drive is unacceptable. Drive 200 miles then push the damn vehicle the last twenty. Jeez Sarge has to think of everything. Now people I want to MOVE MOVE MOVE. Sarge is out on a mission this evening. I need to find Private Miss Behaving who's gone AWOL.

            Attached files [img]/converted_files/1429913=5823-attachment.jpg[/img]
            Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


              AF BOOT CAMP DAY 8 (Not 4 Wimps)

              Dive 200 miles then push the damn vehicle the last twenty:H:H

              We may need the "jaws of life" to untangle Private Choochie later.:H:H

              Sarge you are just too funny. I think you and Zen should take this act on the road - so clever and entertaining. What are you doing in IT? Try standup for god's sake!!


                AF BOOT CAMP DAY 8 (Not 4 Wimps)


                Thank you Private Choochie. I'm not sure what your suggesting 'bout Private Zenner and Ole Sarge. While Private Jones is on special assignment (important shit) I don't need the gat dang rumor mill going all gaga. Now Jones is working with several intelligence agencies. As some of you know she is an expert in "remote viewing." Why hell its said she can see yer past lives. Someone said she was able to see that Guitarista fella in a past life when he played the lute in the 15th century. Back then he went by the name Sirrista. Now y'll keep a lid on this till Jones reports in tomorrow. Attached files [img]/converted_files/1429944=5823-attachment.jpg[/img]
                Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


                  AF BOOT CAMP DAY 8 (Not 4 Wimps)

                  Lance Corporal Saffy reporting for duty sir. Got up at the crack of dawn(she doesnt mind really), RAN 60mins; WEIGHT TRAINING 20mins; STRETCHING 15mins. Feelling very manic today so I will burn off more energy later in the day by a stroll in the park with the dog. On a very restrictive mega vitamin, diet detox. Gotta get this body biochemically back to pre piss head status SIR. Otherwise the barracks will be turned upside down by a whirling dervish devil with a very naughty streak SIR. BTW on the subject of how to woo the said U lady - become extremely proficient at naming every plant in the Botanical Thesaurus SIR...other than that your stuffed SIR
                  I am a part of the family of humanity. Not one person on this earth is a stranger to me. Rev. Ted Noffs


                    AF BOOT CAMP DAY 8 (Not 4 Wimps)

                    Thank you Private Choochie. I'm not sure what your suggesting 'bout Private Zenner and Ole Sarge. While Private Jones is on special assignment (important shit) I don't need the gat dang rumor mill going all gaga.

                    DON'T WORRY, SARGE, YOUR SECRET IS SAFE!


                      AF BOOT CAMP DAY 8 (Not 4 Wimps)

                      techie;1005875 wrote: Thank you Private Choochie. I'm not sure what your suggesting 'bout Private Zenner and Ole Sarge. While Private Jones is on special assignment (important shit) I don't need the gat dang rumor mill going all gaga. Now Jones is working with several intelligence agencies. As some of you know she is an expert in "remote viewing." Why hell its said she can see yer past lives. Someone said she was able to see that Guitarista fella in a past life when he played the lute in the 15th century. Back then he went by the name Sirrista. Now y'll keep a lid on this till Jones reports in tomorrow.
                      hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha h thats the funniest thing I've heard forever Sarge :H:H:H:H:H:H
                      I am a part of the family of humanity. Not one person on this earth is a stranger to me. Rev. Ted Noffs


                        AF BOOT CAMP DAY 8 (Not 4 Wimps)

                        11.30pm spuds on parade sir. couldnt find my camo gear so ive just got my helmet on.... ready for action. cut short my doggy walk as it was pissing down and im a wimp..... still a brisk walk though. eating went haywire at the cinema..... what can i say.. you just gotta have popcorn (actually its not too unhealthy... not sugared) and ice cream (no excuse for that one). changed my stretching to a 15 min yoga session...... complete with lie down relaxation.
                        thanks so much for all this info
                        Today is the tomorrow i worried about yesterday and it turned out fine
                        Keep passing the open windows


                          AF BOOT CAMP DAY 8 (Not 4 Wimps)

                          Private Spuds that is a fine looking helmut soldier. I consider you in full uniform now. In fact, I'd like you to lead the troops in our next solar/aquatic exercise session. Your expertise in water should be utilized. BTW, Private Jones tells me your were a dag blammed bottlenose dolphin in a past life. Amazing what that woman can see!

                          Attached files [img]/converted_files/1429977=5823-attachment.jpg[/img]
                          Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


                            AF BOOT CAMP DAY 8 (Not 4 Wimps)

                            Jones reporting in, Sir.

                            It appears that my secret missions are now so secret that I am not aware of them myself, Sir.

                            However one of my Spooks has located Private Miss Behaving in Melbourne, Sir and confirms that she is without radio contact, Sir. We have a GPS tag on her, Sir.

                            My hind vision detects that she was a shopaholic in a previous life, Sir.

                            Myself I was just a rantan-ing drunk in a previous life, Sir.
                            If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                            Rejoined life 20/5/19


                              AF BOOT CAMP DAY 8 (Not 4 Wimps)

                              Well today just turned into a nightmare. Leaving on emergency business trip. I'm on my way to JFK to catch flight to Phoenix. This is related to the downsizing and is very disturbing with the Phoenix PD involved. I am upset too that I will not be able to do the exit interviews for my managers tomorrow. My in-charge will handle it. I will update you with what I can tonight. I will not drink. More to follow. Thank you friends...John xx

                              Sarge fans please stay on course because I'm git damn watching you!!!

                              If anyone in the NY area would like two tickets to "The Merchant of Venice" on Broadway this Sunday at 2PM. Let me know via PM asap and I will overnight them.
                              Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read

