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Fitting in

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    Fitting in

    To cut a long story short, have been lurking, drinking again, lurking again......stayed AL free for six days, blew it on the seventh and in spite of that slip I have clocked up almost two weeks AL free.

    I need a hand. I don't suffer terrible withdrawals, have never had a DUI, I am the classic, high functioning...........person who relies too much on drink to help her through stressful times. Am I am alcoholic? My Dad thought he was, yet when he got to the age I am now, he never drank again.

    He said that when he was growing up, there was nothing else. You drank, you were sober for a while, and then you drank again when it all became too much. My Dad was a real family man, and me being the youngest, I was his favourite, yet when I was twelve years old I grappled with him, trying to stop him breaking into the gas meter with a hammer to get money for drink. I had beautiful teeth; he smashed one of my front teeth with the hammer, broke it in half. He was very remorseful when he sobered up, offered to take me to the dentist and get it fixed, I made him wait five years before I got that tooth fixed. I wanted him to see it everytime I smiled, every time I opened my mouth.

    He was two people. When he was sober he was loving, supportive, hard working, yet when he was drunk he didn't give a damn about anything but getting his next drink.

    My Dad got to fifty years old, despite drinking heavily since his early teens, he transformed his life.

    I am not in any way comparing myself to him. My dependency is well controlled, I drink, I work, I function.

    But do you know what? I witnessed first hand what a gift sobriety can be to a person like my Dad, for the last twenty years of his life he was a wonderful support, the strong father figure he always wanted to be and was capable of being.

    I don't want to throw the better half of my life away. I want to kick the poison completely, absolutely and totally. I want to be like my Dad and live what's left appreciating everything, letting the old regrets go, and savouring each wonderful day at a time. That's why I am here.

    I need to hear postitive, reinforcing messages, but I have to say, the politics of this place make me nervous. Aren't we all trying to achieve a mastery of our addictions and aren't we all at different levels of addiction? And perhaps, just perhaps, some of us aren't even addicts but have strong, underlying issues that we need to address? Abstainers v Moderators, what is your plan, etc etc.............well, I am sorry, but if you think back, your plan is to get through today and then, tomorrow, if you are lucky.

    If we are such a strong community,we are a realy strong community, why do I feel inhibited? I want to get sober, or maintain eventually, so why do I feel so scared about pressing the 'submit' button.

    I want help, not a lecture. And I am sorry, but I have to tell you, I said it before,this forum is a double-edged sword. You long termers are wonderful, your advice, experience and support is invaluable for us just starting out. But the pressure can be immense. Baby steps, please.

    I don't know if I will ever fit in, I hope I do. Well done to all of you :l

    Fitting in

    Fight, we are all human, and we are all battling AL. So there will be conflicts, and differences of opinion. I would suggest you post when you see something that interests you, ask people you have been reading and respect for help. I re-posted 'The Awakening' today here, and it means a lot to me. Maybe read it and see if you identify with it.
    Let me know if I can help you, OK? Most people really want to help.
    Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
    awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.awprint:


      Fitting in

      Fight Back! You are not your dad hun! I personally don't believe in al dependency genes. However we do have genetic health issues and environmental issues-be that emotional or spiritual in nature or whatever. Well done to you for such an emotional and reflective post. You are caught up in an addiction attitude right now...imho. You are new here--as I still consider I am....the journey is long and hard but just keep on this path of discovery and enlightenment. There is no other way than that....:l

      Start by doing what's necessary, then what's possible and suddenly you are doing the impossible.

      St. Francis of Assisi


        Fitting in

        FB, you will find tremendous support here.
        I for one am grateful for finding this site as it has been a huge help for me, I have found that when I feel the urge that just opening up this site and reading what is there gives me great help.
        AF with a few speed bumps during 2014 & 2015 but will succeed.
        As of 4/12/2014 I have not smoked at all and feel great.


          Fitting in

          rubywillow;1007314 wrote: Fight, we are all human, and we are all battling AL. So there will be conflicts, and differences of opinion. I would suggest you post when you see something that interests you, ask people you have been reading and respect for help. I re-posted 'The Awakening' today here, and it means a lot to me. Maybe read it and see if you identify with it.
          Let me know if I can help you, OK? Most people really want to help.
          Rube, I posted tonight from the depths of my heart. I have been encouraged by other people on this site to do so . I don't really unserstand your answer. Should I not post till I have all the answers?


            Fitting in

            FT~~thanks for coming in as a long termer on this site. Listen up FB.

            Start by doing what's necessary, then what's possible and suddenly you are doing the impossible.

            St. Francis of Assisi


              Fitting in

              Ringing Cedars;1007322 wrote: FT~~thanks for coming in as a long termer on this site. Listen up FB.
              *opens ears*


                Fitting in

                fighting back;1007325 wrote: *opens ears*
                Good girl!! Don't let it take you completely down. We get down but find a way to get back up. There is always a way. I find it hard too but plans, friends and internal strength go a long way when there seems to be nothing else. **************

                Start by doing what's necessary, then what's possible and suddenly you are doing the impossible.

                St. Francis of Assisi


                  Fitting in

                  I find this site to be tremendously helpful. Take what you need, leave the rest.
                  Good luck on your journey.
                  Wally22:confusedmonkey::confusedmonkey::confusedmo nkey:
                  If I don't want to brag but I can still wear the earings I wore in highschool
                  November 2, 2012


                    Fitting in

                    Here here Wally! How are you?

                    Start by doing what's necessary, then what's possible and suddenly you are doing the impossible.

                    St. Francis of Assisi


                      Fitting in

                      Fighting Back - That was a wonderful post that you made. Thank you. My Dad has been sober for about 13 years now. It has been wonderful.
                      I know what you mean about the 'politics' here. That does happen sometimes. But people have differing opinions here just as in 'real life'. But, the support here is wonderful. Please do not hesitate to post. There are many wonderful people here that will help you as you head towards your goals.:h
                      "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                      AF - 7-27-15


                        Fitting in

                        sorry to heae that FB . great post i for one will never judge anyone we are all just one drink away. you have to pick yourself up and start again, go longer , odat and never stop trying.
                        AF 5/jan/2011


                          Fitting in


                          There is a thread over on newbies ODAT, one day at a time. I found that very helpful at the beginning. No pressure to obtain 30, 60 however number of days. Just take it ODAT, baby steps. Try a few threads and join in, eventually you will find whats right for you. Good luck.



                            Fitting in

                            fighting back;1007321 wrote: Rube, I posted tonight from the depths of my heart. I have been encouraged by other people on this site to do so . I don't really unserstand your answer. Should I not post till I have all the answers?
                            Hi FB, I think that what Ruby meant was to jump onboard a discussion or reply to a post that resonates with you and that may be a way to develop positive relationship with someone on the board that you feel comfortable with. When I first came here, I was very unsure of myself. Newly sober as well. It is like walking into a room of people that you have never met before and slowly working out who you will hit it off with. Quite daunting to begin with, and feeling the odd one out. So much to say, so many questions to ask but feeling afraid. We all feel like that more or less to begin with. I have settled in now and roam around reading a lot and contributing as I see fit. There will always be differences of opinions, no matter what group in life you become involved with, but I find that on MWO they are shared from the heart. Do not be afraid FB, dive in, take a chance and receive the help that you so richly deserve. Love and Grace Saffx
                            I am a part of the family of humanity. Not one person on this earth is a stranger to me. Rev. Ted Noffs


                              Fitting in

                              FB, great post, couple of points I'd like to make. Re. your Dad. I started stopping round the 50 mark and it has made such a difference to my kids - they talk about what a joy the house is now - it was never bad - just a bit dysfunctional I suppose, even tho I would have termed myself one of those very 'highly functional' people. I stayed married, didn't fall out with my hubs or kids, stayed working, paid bills etc etc but this sobriety is different - it's great.
                              Re. this place, yes there are differences and it can be quite daunting at first. I'm hanging round quite a while but I still feel a bit 'shy' going on to different threads at times, just getting braver lately. It does reflect real life tho. Of course there will be differences between someone who plans moderating and to someone like me, who one drink would be the deepest black hole in the whole wide world, but I think most of the time we rock along well side by side. And yes, I always think a moment before I press the submit button - it's not counselling, the reason we are here is - longtermers or newbies - that we are troubled people and inevitably there will be times of conflict. It is a good place FB -
                              Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                              contentedly NF since 8/04/14

