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Connection between alcoholism and blood sugar issues....

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    Connection between alcoholism and blood sugar issues....

    I've noticed that as soon as I began eating every four hours and including protein with EVERY meal, my alcohol cravings went away and my sugar cravings went away too. I've been diagnosed as having hypoglycaemia in the past.
    Sober since 2nd November 2010!

    "Life is a mirror of your thoughts and beliefs. It simply reflects YOUR truth, your reality."sigpic

    Connection between alcoholism and blood sugar issues....

    BTC, I'm shite at all this nutrition stuff and everything. I don't get the problem with sugar - I never wanted it when I was drinking but I do now - presumably to replace the sugar in the booze - so why can I not eat sugar?
    Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
    contentedly NF since 8/04/14


      Connection between alcoholism and blood sugar issues....

      BTC my neurologist has discussed the connection between protein/lowered cravings and the importance of regulating blood sugars. Almonds make a good snack rather than lollies (sweets).

      Molly, I think with sugar you get higher highs and lower lows with more sudden spikes and falls.
      Correct me if I took me twenty minutes this morning to work out why I couldn't get my tv back from DVD to ...oh, you know, the channel thingy...(Bac really messing with my brain).
      :h Mish :h
      Never give up...
      GET UP!!!

      AF since 25th November, 2011

      What might have been is an abstraction
      Remaining a perpetual possibility
      Only in a world of speculation.
      What might have been and what has been
      Point to one end, which is always present. T.S. Eliot


        Connection between alcoholism and blood sugar issues....

        I have noticed eating protein has really helped with my cravings and headaches. I knew to avoid sugar when I went AF because I remember when my Dad stopped drinking ( I was a kid) - He began a habit of eating a TON of ice cream and was very protective of "his" ice cream. He ballooned up big time. My mother was so happy he was off the booze that she welcomed the change. I just didn't want to gain anymore weight because I was already overweight when I started my AF journey. I eat an apple if I need a quick boost. It's the last thing I really want but I'm starting to enjoy them... especially if they are chilled in the fridge. Also, a glass of water instead of soda (even diet)... I found soda just wasn't doing anything for me anymore except making me cranky. Not giving up the coffee though- whew! I tried that- not a successful experiment. :H


          Connection between alcoholism and blood sugar issues....

          Hypoglycemia and alcohol are inter-related. The body uses sugar as a fuel before any other source (protein or fat). When we ingest large amounts of sugar (alcohol) it creates unstable blood sugar levels. the blood sugar rises sharply when drinking alcohol, followed quickly by a drop. In an effort for the body to get more sugar, cravings develop. The rationale about giving up sugar when we become alcohol free, is to reduce the see-sawing blood sugar effect and creating cravings. Many folk with alcohol problems develop sugar metabolism problems and these need to be addressed. A diet that provides the body with a steady blood sugar level will help to stop alcohol cravings. Low Glycemic Index foods are foods that provide blood sugar at a slow and steady rate, thus avoiding highs and lows. These foods include, high complex carbohydates; lean protein and good fats. There is loads of info online about which foods are Hi or Lo Glycemic index and it is not a difficult regime to follow. If anyone would like to PM I could provide a bit more info. Onwards and upwards Saff xx
          I am a part of the family of humanity. Not one person on this earth is a stranger to me. Rev. Ted Noffs


            Connection between alcoholism and blood sugar issues....

            So Saff, everyone's battles will be a lot easier then if they sort out their eating, right? When I merely gave up alcohol but ate haphazardly I didn't feel that good. When, in addition to doing AF, I began eating a healthy meal with plenty of protein and low GI carbs, every four hours - I went from feeling blah to feeling AMAZING. And the cravings have simply GONE.
            Sober since 2nd November 2010!

            "Life is a mirror of your thoughts and beliefs. It simply reflects YOUR truth, your reality."sigpic


              Connection between alcoholism and blood sugar issues....

              I agree 100%. For me I believe sugar is a big part of the problem. When I drink I become voracious and will eat anything and everything and love sweets too. After not drinking and eating nutrient dense foods for a bit the cravings are almost non existent (I also swear by Borage Seed oil). It takes some planning and cooking but is so worth it. Don't get me wrong ~ I love to drink ~
              I have fun and am fun and like Billy Joel's song ~Piano Man~ I use alcohol to

              "forget about life for awhile"

              But then life returns and it is worse than I remember and I also feel like Sh!+. Now the cycle is put into place and it just repeats. So not drinking in the beginning makes me feel like a little kid whose had all his toys taken away. What I need is a healthy lifestyle and new habits and ways to have fun. Alas my brain remembers all the fun I have & have had drinking and keeps saying "let's have some fun". Well the truth is without my body and my health my brain won't have any fun. So I am trying to convince my brain of this fact and make it realize it is time to set out on a new adventure AF. I think this site may help me achieve this by giving me the opportunity to put my thoughts out there & get feedback. So much great info in one place and also you can read and reread posts as you change and meditate on what it is you truly want.
              Phew ~ I think I'm done


                Connection between alcoholism and blood sugar issues....

                Again, Saphy is on the right track. But don't forget L-glutamine. And lots of it. Stabilized my blood sugar like a rock. All sugar and carb cravings - poof! Makes lo-glycemic a breeze. It's so great to eat because and as if my body needs the nutrients instead of from craving. And does direct good things for brains, to boot!
                "Wherever you are is the entry point." --Kabir


                  Connection between alcoholism and blood sugar issues....

                  RedThread12;1009147 wrote: Again, Saphy is on the right track. But don't forget L-glutamine. And lots of it. Stabilized my blood sugar like a rock. All sugar and carb cravings - poof! Makes lo-glycemic a breeze. It's so great to eat because and as if my body needs the nutrients instead of from craving. And does direct good things for brains, to boot!
                  Red I hear ya!!!!!! I went on a carb detox , I am on day 15 at the moment (with L-Glutamine), I conducted a little experiment this arfternoon being carb clear and feeling great. No L-Glutamine or any supplements and very little food. I ate 1/2 packet of Bar-B-Que Shapes (salty crackers, very processed)..within 15 mins I felt very fatigued and spacey....I had to lie down and in fact slept for about 2 hours and woke feeling D R U N K up staggered around and took ages to get my bearings. I am amazed at the profound impact it had on me and even more determined to stay on the low glycemic diet....and yes Red L.-Glutamine is fab for the brain, since I have been on it, my memory has improved (I though for a while that I was getting oldtimers disease).
                  I am a part of the family of humanity. Not one person on this earth is a stranger to me. Rev. Ted Noffs


                    Connection between alcoholism and blood sugar issues....

                    I have tried Glutamine in the past and didn't seem to see any difference. Maybe I wasn't taking enough which appears to be the case after reading this article. Thanks for the tip on L-Glutamine. I will now try it again in proper dosage and between meals at differing dosage to see outcome. Apparently there is nothing to lose and a lot to be gained by this amino acid.
                    Working on day 4 after a 2 day binge. That would make 21 days AF this month. I am going to add 2 grams daily divided morning/afternoon/evening and see if this helps improve how I feel.
                    The Way Up Newsletter : Benefits of Amino Acid L-glutamine


                      Connection between alcoholism and blood sugar issues....

                      Another hypoglycemic here. I never have "cravings" on a full stomach. If I eat high protein, I don't crave sugar either. If I don't eat at all, I lose my appetite for food and just want to drink. Putting aside stomach discomfort, hunger for food and cravings for alcohol feel the same to me. There must be a connection, I think.

                      I have two sisters. One had a problem with alcohol that she rather easily got over. She ate instead and had to have gastric bypass a year and a half ago because she was going to be dead soon if she didn't lose weight. My other sister never drank, and she had the bypass about four years ago - again, not as a cosmetic but as a life saving measure. Both were diabetic at the point they underwent surgery. I don't understand how it all works, but I am convinced there is a connection.
                      * * *


                      ?Our freedom can be measured by the number of things we can walk away from.?
                      - Vernon Howard


                        Connection between alcoholism and blood sugar issues....

                        Really good info here everyone. Thanks for posting!

