I've been pretty out of it for over a week - just thought I'd come back and report any findings after the experience.
I have no doubt that alcohol is making me worse mentally and physically. I found the only real advantage of being there is the initial stages of anxiety reduction with the buzz and the onset of exhaustion that pre-empts my introspection/rumination about life problems/issues.
I have anxiety problems and suffer from low self-esteem and a bizarre self-consciousness where I am constantly scrutinising certain people to see if they are picking up on my inner panick - this latter thing is what makes me drink moreso than the other things. Common sense would dictate that this kind of behaviour is brought on by self destructive tendencies but I feel like a victim to them instead of in control of them.
I drink because this is the way I deal with too much thinking/feeling/imagining. I am a frustrated artist and not great at anything. I think if I excelled at one thing I would have more of an outlet for my creativity which I think is being hijacked by my demons.
Just thinking out loud and not promising sobriety because as much as this shit is killing me it's also performing a containment function till the enlightenment, which I'm hoping for, comes. I'm waiting for the enlightenment (not the historical period you understand - laughs).
If anybody has any seeds of wisdom which might make my stupid brain default to sensible feel free to post - I need lots of Mallet's mallets. You know what I'm talking about...