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Miserable when not drinking

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    Miserable when not drinking

    Well ive been AF for 78 days now and ive never been so miserable . So today ive had a drink only problem its lead to 10 more :upset: .
    I realy wish i could just have a few drinks . But it looks like i will have to start taking the antabuse again as i canot go back to the way i was.
    I must find some way to chear myself up

    Miserable when not drinking

    Bounce, I was just looking at the drink tracker and was thinking how impressed I was with yours. Have you considered antidepressants? Are you depressed, or are you just bored because you are finding it difficult to figure out what to replace drinking with? I am sorry you are in a bad place today and I really hope you can find a way to not be miserable because you have a lot to be proud of. Good luck!!!
    I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


      Miserable when not drinking

      I know how you feel.I too am down when I dont drink but I think its a deeper problem that we have and that's what makes us drink.You've let yourself down a little but look at well you have done so you just go and do it again.Try to figure out what you were thinking or feeling when you fell off the wagon and try to deal with those feelings so it doesnt happen again.78 days is fantastic! I'm on 25 and the last couple have been quite hard for some reason but I know I can come on here and vent if I feel close to stepping off the wagon for a while.Keep going, you can do it.


        Miserable when not drinking

        God i feel shit this morning . Never again "when have i said that before"
        Day one here i come


          Miserable when not drinking

          Hi Bounce,

          One night's overindulgence will only be really detrimental if you let it drag you back into it being a regular occurrence. Day 79, I would think.

          Before I found this website I had no AF days for 7 years. Now I have 38 out of 106. Tonight will be Day 39 even though they are not consecutive.

          I too have been admiring your tracker and I still am. Hope you feel better later.

          Love Waves
          Enough is enough


            Miserable when not drinking

            A little hiccup

            Thats all it is Bounce.
            And you off all people can "Bounce" back up
            78 days is a fantastic achievement - you have much to be proud of.
            Don't let a small lapse become a relapse.
            Walk, read, exercise, watch your fvourite movie - but this little lapse behind you.
            Kind wishes


              Miserable when not drinking

              Hey Bounce get back up on that wagon mate. 78 days that is still just a wild dream for me I can't go more than 4 days!!!. I'm on day three and can feel myself slipping. Hang in there buddy if you can do 78 you can do 79 or more.
              Yesterday I dared to struggle. Today I dare to win!!


                Miserable when not drinking

                Hiya Bounce,

                I agree with Stollies 1...And i went through the the same thing....Drinking just helps you cover up your problems for a little while....I think i drank because of my problems...Then the drink became the biggest problem...Your 78 days arnt wasted...There still there with one hiccup....Keep up the good work Bounce..Your doing great
                I don't care who you are...Your not walking on water while i'm fishing..
                One drink is too many... A thousand is never enough...Sober since July 2nd 2009

