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Be careful what you wish for.........

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    Be careful what you wish for.........

    perhaps if you wean off them your anxiety would decrease and you would not feel so terrifed...
    I love my family more than alcohol.:h
    Live in the Solution....not the problem


      Be careful what you wish for.........

      Star, I understand that coming off of benzos can be brutal. It seems that weaning off the benzos is not an option at the moment as you have been off them for 7 days and you would have to start them again and then wean off?? Perhaps you should call your doctor and find out what the safest and bet options are for you. Is there a non-benzo alternative to help you until you stabalize? Just some thoughts.

      xxx Kate
      A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

      AF 12/6/2007


        Be careful what you wish for.........

        Star, have you used calms forte or gaba or skullcap, passion flower... anything like that? Or considered trying EFT (tapping), stuff like that? I'm sorry you are going through this.
        Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


          Be careful what you wish for.........

          If it were me, I wouldn't go back on the drug. You're already 7 days off it. You would have already experienced withdrawl symtoms.....consider yourself lucky and press on from here.
          Let me know if you want to chat....:l


            Be careful what you wish for.........

            Hi Star,

            Are you getting therapy to help you with your panic disorder? That really helped me, along with Effexor daily, and Ativan for specific trigger situations. Can you also look online for a doctor in your area who specializes in anxiety disorders/phobias?

            I also felt I got a real benefit out of self-hypnosis, particularly one on quitting drinking by an psychoanalyst named Duncan McColl. I later downloaded another for stress reduction. Not sure if they'll help, but you can check one on panic disorder out here.

            Help with fear ·|· Pilgrim Self Hypnosis Recordings

            I really feel for you; I suffered for years with panic attacks and can honestly tell you I'm MUCH better now--only take a beta-blocker for public speaking or performing--and you can be too, with the right combination of help.

            xoxo Pride

            I haven't had a chance to look over the resources on this site, but it might give you a start:
            Agoraphobia Resource Center - Agoraphobi Resources
            AF since July 15, 2010. :applouse:
            "People who drink to drown their sorrow should be told that sorrow knows how to swim." —Ann Landers


              Be careful what you wish for.........

              Thank you all for your support and suggestions re safe anxiety treatments/ make me feel that I am not so you are holding my hand in yours.

              Well, so far so.......wish I could say good, but can only far so bearable. Panic was horrendous last night, but muddled through......I even managed to watch and enjoy the Strictly final last night.......actually felt relatively calm when I finally went to bed.

              However, the fear engulfed me again just as soon as I opened my eyes this morning, but am trying hard to do the positive thinking.......4 hours away from being 8 days off that evil drug, so I`ve decided to stay off, but it`ll take about another week for me to feel confident that I have escaped withdrawal.

              I am due to start CBT with the local mental health team in New Year, but the worker who assessed me said I will have to come to the Centre to see the psychologist........I told her, "No can do as am agoraphobic" and she had the audacity to tell me to use diazepam to get myself there!!!!!!!!

              So, I will be looking into all your suggestions.......I`d rather be housebound than addicted to a benzo. Some healthcare system we have here!!!!!

              Star x
              Formerly known as Starlight Impress.


                Be careful what you wish for.........

                Another suggestion is Gaba Calm. Google it and see if it is avaiable in Scotland. I swear by the stuff and you put it under your tongue so it goes immediately into your system.

                Wishing you well from rainy CA!


                  Be careful what you wish for.........

                  Hi Star, I hope you do make it to your CBT, this will really help you a lot to over come your problems there will be people there in the same boat as you, and talking face to face with other people will help, you may think at first this is not helping, but the more you attend the meetings the more the pennies will drop from the sky.
                  I know i did moan about my C.A.T (communitiy Alcohol Team) meetings at times but i cant knock them they did help me. Also they be able to help with the mediciation, like you said try and keep away from the negative thinking and think positive, there is a book called The Secret by Rhonda do with a lot of postivie thinking attracts more postivie energy. I do believe in the Law of Attraction.
                  wishing you all the best :l
                  Formerly known as Teardrop:l
                  sober dry since 11th Jan '2010' relapse/slip on 23/7/13 working in progress ! Sober date 25/7/13 ( True learning has often followed an eclipse, a time of darkness, but with each cycle of my recovery, the light grows stronger and my vision is clearer. (AA)
                  my desire to avoid hitting bottom again was more powerful then my desire to drink !

