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AF BOOT CAMP DAY 11 (@!#*)

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    AF BOOT CAMP DAY 11 (@!#*)

    I thought the Day 11 title would draw you in you bumbling sacks of human waste matter to take a peek. well, PEEK-A-BOO you slimey dogs. I WANT YOU PEOPLE MAKING PROGRESS TODAY. IT'S GETTIN CLOSE TO THE HOLIDAY AND THERE'S NO SLIPPIN ON MY WATCH. You understand? I said DO YOU UNDERSTAND??? Well just to show you Sarge has a heart. WHAT? Who said that? GET A HELMET ON THAT MOUTH SOLDIER!

    Sarge sez: In my day, we didn't have self-esteem, we had self-respect, and no more of it than we had earned.


    If you seem to lack the energy to move forward, ask yourself this question. What is draining you?
    Are there negative habits or thought patterns that steal your energy away? Make the effort to identify them and make the commitment to change.

    Are there people in your life who drain your energy with their negativity? Choose to get yourself more often around more positive, enthusiastic, empowered and empowering people.

    Are you being constantly depleted by your focus on the world's difficulties? Challenge yourself to identify the positive possibilities that are present in every difficult situation, and remember that the future is what you make it.

    Is too much of your energy being consumed by a particular shortcoming in your skills or abilities? Take the time to make improvements in those skills, and transform weakness into strength.

    Whatever may be draining your energy, you can find it and successfully deal with it. Once you do, you'll find you have all that is necessary to accomplish whatever you choose.

    Healthy Lifestyle:

    So you've vowed to make this a healthier Thanksgiving. But instead of feeling like you're in your finest form, you've been indulging in leftover Halloween candy. You're stressed about preparing for your part of the celebration and about spending a whole weekend with family. Well, relax; we've done some legwork. Get a jump-start right now on a healthier Turkey Day with these tips from a personal life coach, a chef, and a naturopathic doctor.
    Prepare your body
    Your body is a temple, though today we suggest you think of it more as a template on which you may forge a get-ready plan. Here are some steps to take to improve your body's ability to digest food on the big day.
    What to do:
    Fine-tune your metabolism. You may have a busy week ahead, but be sure to schedule in exercise. Exercising the three days before Thanksgiving is essential if you want your body to work efficiently on T-day. "Getting exercise in the days leading up to Thanksgiving will ensure good health," says naturopathic doctor Mona Morstein, chair of nutrition at Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine in Tempe, Ariz. "Exercise gives you higher metabolism, so your body is going to digest better, move blood better, process things better."
    Take in premium fuel. Your body will have more energy and handle stress better if you feed it quality foods. Morstein suggests eating well as a way to stay healthy and support your body before the stress of a holiday. "Get in the veggies, the fruits, the whole grains," she says. "Have your protein. We all know we are supposed to avoid the fried foods, the fatty foods, the processed foods. These three days especially, tighten things up."
    Supplement. Fortify your nutrition by taking a good multivitamin and mineral supplement, especially one with B vitamins. "B vitamins are needed for neural production and help with stress by supporting the adrenals," says Morstein. "People should be taking a good multivitamin and fish oils every day." Look for a cold-pressed fish oil to ensure it's low in or free of contaminants like mercury.
    Health Tip
    Drink up, but only water. "We've got to have fluid in us for our bodies to work," says Morstein. "Spend the three days before Thanksgiving just drinking water. No coffee, no pop, just water. That is one of the best ways to detox."
    Plan a healthier menu
    Think through your food choices if you want to eat better and manage your weight, both in the days before Thanksgiving and on day itself. The trick is to stay focused on your goal of being healthy—and be flexible when it comes to achieving it.
    What to do:

    Scale back.
    There's no reason you have to recreate the original Pilgrim's dinner. Here's where some food editing comes in. Chef Hugo Matheson, the owner of The Kitchen, a community bistro in Boulder, Colo., agrees that at Thanksgiving, less is more. "I try not to overcomplicate the number of dishes," he says. "What I see when people cook is they get way too many dishes. Some of the traditional dishes are lovely, but what about picking just one of them?"
    rial;">Go for seasonal flavors. The healthiest foods are the freshest, so Matheson emphasizes choosing local and seasonal ones whenever possible. "I think about things like roasted vegetables, carrots, leeks, mushrooms, potatoes, sweet potatoes," he says. Matheson also selects a seasonal salad, robust with flavor and nutrients. "For salad, radicchio, fris?e, mustard greens, arugula—the heartier greens are great this time of year," he says. "They've got that peppery punch and stand up alongside a dinner."
    Trade up ingredients. Morstein suggests planning healthier versions of a recipe, such as using whole-grain bread for stuffing, or brown rice syrup as a sweetener in desserts. "Recipes can be adapted to make them healthier and still taste good," she says. When shopping, don't be afraid to swap out for improved quality. "You don't know what is going to be good or bad," says Matheson. "I watch people going in with a recipe, and getting frustrated when they can't find exactly what they want." If the Brussels sprouts look less than fresh, go for the cabbage or another vegetable, says Matheson.
    Have healthy foods on hand. Once you've shopped, Tuesday is not too early to prep and store your food. This will help you see what you have and what you need, and will eliminate last-minute throw-ins (those marshmallows are only a cupboard away). "Stuffing can be prepared ahead of time," says Matheson. "Blanch vegetables ahead of time and plan to refresh them in cold water the day of. Wash and slice, whip up sauces, gather seasonings."
    Unstick the slug. If your digestion tends to be sluggish, get your intestines on track. "I would certainly recommend digestive enzymes," says Morstein. Choose an herbal bitters or digestive formula with Western Gentian (Gentiana lutea) rather than the Chinese version. Even a tablespoon of vinegar—apple cider, white, or red wine—may help.
    Scale back if sick.
    If you feel under the weather, plan to go easy on eating. "If you are going into Thanksgiving and you already have a cold or are getting sick, overeating is going to make that worse," says Morstein. "Health really begins in the gut, in how your gut functions, so if you are clogging your system by overeating, it definitely is not good for the immune system." This means lay off the nibbling, though even the best chefs give in sometimes. "I'm the worst at that one," says Matheson, admitting to sneaking a few bites as he cooks. "It is a discipline, but I'm incredibly bad at it."
    Health Tip

    A Food Escape Plan
    . Take home minimal leftovers. Or, if the celebration's at your house, have plastic containers or large Zip-Loc bags handy for leftovers and give them to your guests to take home, so you won't be tempted.
    Anticipate and reduce stress
    Today's focus is on mental health. With a little preparation, you can get your emotions squared and solve any issues that could produce stress on your system. Anticipate emotional issues and have a plan in place. Figure out what still needs to be done and who can help you do it.
    What to do:/em>
    Disperse the work. Determine specific jobs for people on Thanksgiving and dole out tasks beforehand. Know who will set the table, figure out kid-friendly tasks to keep the little ones busy, and "make a list of the things you'll need to do the next morning, and delegate as much as you can to others," says Washington, D.C.–based personal life coach Aurelia Williams. "Try to incorporate as many people as you can in the clean up."
    Set the tone. Remember last year when your brother walked into the living room to watch football, and you barely suppressed an urge to race in there and shout, "Dibs on the recliner"? Family gatherings tend to trigger unresolved issues, so Morstein suggests a pre-event conversation with your loved ones in an effort to support your digestion and mental health. It may seem far-fetched, but Morstein says the mind-body connection counts when it comes to your health. "If there is going to be family, talk to them and try to process things so everyone agrees this is going to be a happy time," she says. "You're going to get along, you're not going to bring up family issues, or discuss politics. Make sure the mood is calm and fun, so your body can relax."
    Accessorize your feelings. If there's a particularly sensitive issue you don't want to discuss—perhaps you've recently separated from a spouse or lost a job—figure out what you want to say ahead of time. "If you've gone through something recently in your life, that you know you are going to be asked about, prepare for those unexpected, awkward questions," says Williams. "Have something lighthearted to say. Your positive attitude will change the atmosphere."
    Stock up on herbal relaxants.
    Is the holiday still looking bleak and stressful? Then dial it back with an herbal supplement like valerian, which can cause drowsiness, or skullcap (Scutellaria lateriflora). Both, combined with a full stomach, can cause drowsiness, so be careful of driving. "If you are going into an environment that may create stress—maybe there are going to be arguments [or] unhealthy foods—use some herbs to calm down," says Morstein. Check first with a health care provider to find out about any potential side effects.


    Just because your job requires to sit more than we care to, we can still make time for exercise. The link below will give you some ideas that you can incorporate into your day:

    Chair Exercises | LIVESTRONG.COM

    Remember to add an extra prayer today for the New Zealand miners!!!

    Attached files [img]/converted_files/44942=5823-attachment.jpg[/img]
    Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read

    AF BOOT CAMP DAY 11 (@!#*)

    I LOVE LOVE LOVE this list!! My Monday starts 2moro, ya with me Zenners??
    "It's not your job to like me, it's mine!"

    AF 10th May 2010
    NF 12th May 2010


      AF BOOT CAMP DAY 11 (@!#*)

      Zenstyle;1009009 wrote: Bloody hell Sarge! SIR! That's one heck of a list! And Monday's almost over so I'm screwed... :upset:
      LISTEN Private Zen, do your best. I'm real sorry Monday is almost over SO YOU BETTER MOVE YOU BUTT SOLDIER. I'm NOT the frigging GOOGLEPLEX HERE. I have a '10X'15 room with an army issued camo laptop. I get a little helpful information I pass it along. IT'S THAT SIMPLE. If its a few hours late TOO BAD. NOW GET ER DONE. BTW, Private Zen I did mention how much I love your legs in them there boots...didn't I??? :h Attached files [img]/converted_files/1435592=5823-attachment.jpg[/img]
      Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


        AF BOOT CAMP DAY 11 (@!#*)

        Um, where google is headquartered out of soldier in cotton pickin Mountainview, CA.
        Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


          AF BOOT CAMP DAY 11 (@!#*)


          Private Meech will be offline for the next 9 days. Rest assured I will be going somewhere very warm with a group of buddies competing in an IRONMAN. So I shall be doing a regular morning run and workout as being surrounded by such athletes will surely motivate the heck out of me.

          As I am a road racer and stick to Olympic distance... maybe next year I'll head into the half Ironman world now that I have cleaned up my act considerably. but being in the atmosphere will keep me quite active.

          So don't worry that my lack of reporting, I'm not slacking I'm just away from computers.

          Hope everyone keeps up the battle of the bulge, the bottle, the cigs!



            AF BOOT CAMP DAY 11 (@!#*)

            one2many;1009010 wrote: I LOVE LOVE LOVE this list!! My Monday starts 2moro, ya with me Zenners??

            Private Oney. Do you own a FRICKIN TIME MACHINE? According to my calendar tomorrow is Tuesday the 23rd! Does Sarge have to do all the gat damn critical thinkin 'round here???
            Attached files [img]/converted_files/1435622=5823-attachment.jpg[/img]
            Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


              AF BOOT CAMP DAY 11 (@!#*)

              With all due respect Sarge, post atrrived at 9.51 Sir, My Monday was over Sir.
              Was gonna have another Monday 2moro Sir and incorporate all you said into it.

              "It's not your job to like me, it's mine!"

              AF 10th May 2010
              NF 12th May 2010


                AF BOOT CAMP DAY 11 (@!#*)

                Just pretend you are in my neck of the woods because it is still Monday for another 8 hours!

                But bring your woolies as it's DANG NAMMIT COLD (as Sarge would put it)


                  AF BOOT CAMP DAY 11 (@!#*)

                  Meech;1009062 wrote: Sarge,

                  Private Meech will be offline for the next 9 days. Rest assured I will be going somewhere very warm with a group of buddies competing in an IRONMAN. So I shall be doing a regular morning run and workout as being surrounded by such athletes will surely motivate the heck out of me.

                  As I am a road racer and stick to Olympic distance... maybe next year I'll head into the half Ironman world now that I have cleaned up my act considerably. but being in the atmosphere will keep me quite active.

                  So don't worry that my lack of reporting, I'm not slacking I'm just away from computers.

                  Hope everyone keeps up the battle of the bulge, the bottle, the cigs!


                  Sounds exciting Meech. Old Sarge was in Cozumel last November for the Ford Ironman. I hope that may be your destination. Its beautiful. Sarge had a co-worker that he was supporting in the race. Sarge didn't compete he was too busy with the ritas, senor & marga. Both caused a lot of problems. Well, you have fun Meech and we will want a full report when you return!
                  Attached files [img]/converted_files/1435629=5823-attachment.jpg[/img]
                  Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


                    AF BOOT CAMP DAY 11 (@!#*)

                    one2many;1009064 wrote: With all due respect Sarge, post atrrived at 9.51 Sir, My Monday was over Sir.
                    Was gonna have another Monday 2moro Sir and incorporate all you said into it.

                    Zenstyle;1009067 wrote: Permission for Private Oners and Private Zenners to have Monday on Tuesday PLEASE SIR?!

                    Ladies your ride...

                    Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


                      AF BOOT CAMP DAY 11 (@!#*)

                      Private Saff reporting for duty Sarge. Completed 1.5hrs of fairly intensive training Sir....added a bit more due to gluttoney of whole pizza the other night Sir. Diet back on track...kicking carbs to the curb for a few weeks, see if I can sort out my addiction to them???????? Bloody hard though Sir, although L-glutamine helps as well as wondering around with a sports bottle full of V8 SPicy Vege juice. Got two massages to do today Sir (remedial) so upper body will get a workout with that as well...I'll be stuffed by this arvo...see yas later when ya legs are straighter!!!!!
                      I am a part of the family of humanity. Not one person on this earth is a stranger to me. Rev. Ted Noffs


                        AF BOOT CAMP DAY 11 (@!#*)

                        sapphire1;1009077 wrote: Private Saff reporting for duty Sarge. Completed 1.5hrs of fairly intensive training Sir....added a bit more due to gluttoney of whole pizza the other night Sir. Diet back on track...kicking carbs to the curb for a few weeks, see if I can sort out my addiction to them???????? Bloody hard though Sir, although L-glutamine helps as well as wondering around with a sports bottle full of V8 SPicy Vege juice. Got two massages to do today Sir (remedial) so upper body will get a workout with that as well...I'll be stuffed by this arvo...see yas later when ya legs are straighter!!!!!

                        GREAT JOB PRIVATE SAFFY. Oh my minute Private while I change positions...Oh let me grab a couple of asprin, BRB. Ok Private where were we, oh yeah I was commenting on your massage I MEAN your message. Wonderful progress Saff.

                        P.S. You be damn careful around them friggin Arvo's they can be a handful...

                        Attached files [img]/converted_files/1435640=5823-attachment.jpg[/img]
                        Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


                          AF BOOT CAMP DAY 11 (@!#*)

                          quick check in for me after a busy day. work this morning followed by preparing kitchen for decorating... lots of carrying stuff, sanding, stretching etc etc.... so this counts as my exercise today. food went a bit chip ways cos it just felt so right with all my labouring. more of the same all week so it should keep me out of mischief.... now i just need a paint colour scheme.... camoflage perhaps
                          Today is the tomorrow i worried about yesterday and it turned out fine
                          Keep passing the open windows


                            AF BOOT CAMP DAY 11 (@!#*)

                            spuddleduck;1009094 wrote: quick check in for me after a busy day. work this morning followed by preparing kitchen for decorating... lots of carrying stuff, sanding, stretching etc etc.... so this counts as my exercise today. food went a bit chip ways cos it just felt so right with all my labouring. more of the same all week so it should keep me out of mischief.... now i just need a paint colour scheme.... camoflage perhaps

                            OK Spuds that counts as exercise. GOOD JOB Private. Let's just NOT overdo with the dang chips. Now I have an idea for the kitchen...

                            Attached files [img]/converted_files/1435649=5823-attachment.jpg[/img]
                            Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


                              AF BOOT CAMP DAY 11 (@!#*)

                              OMG that room is scary!!!!

                              Back on track here Sarge after I succumbed to the delights of Melbourne last week. Up early for a good hours workout this morning, and back into my regular eating habits.

                              Best news of the week sir is that while I was away one of my colleagues replaced the tiny little beer fridge that we all keep our lunches in, and bought a decent sized fridge freezer. So went out yesterday and filled it with fresh fruit and vegies, and today I bought a stick blender so I can have fruit smoothies for breakfast after my workouts.

                              And it is now light enough for me to cycle to work in the mornings, starting tomorrow!!
                              Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

                              Harriet Beecher Stowe

