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Alcohol and Depression

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    Alcohol and Depression

    An interesting read!

    Facts and Statistics About Depression and Alcohol

    Have a great day!
    AF since May 6, 2010

    Forget the past, plan for tomorrow, and live for today.

    Alcohol and Depression

    Thanks for the interesting article Gaia,
    Sober since Feb 7, 2010.


      Alcohol and Depression

      Good article. Both my GP and psychologist have told me to give up drinking as it causes depression. So here I am, trying to do that.

      One Small Step for Man, One Giant Leap for Mankind.


        Alcohol and Depression

        good article,but we and the old no,mixing oil with water doesnt work,neither does al and the human body,i think the old saying says,give your head a shake,we know,no one wants to recognise the problem.


          Alcohol and Depression

          I enjoyed the article and agree that antidepressants are given out without a sense of where people are really at. I think that many people want a magic pill, rather than to do the hard work on their lives. That is a reason I like MWO, it addressed the whole person, not just a magic pill.
          Formerly known as redhibiscus


            Alcohol and Depression

            Thanks Gaia for posting this article. For years I suffered depression and kept taking AD's. Even thought the label says not to mix AL with the meds, my Doctor said it was OK. I'm 4 months AF now and completely off all medication. I get sad some days but it is not depression. There is such a difference. I think AL really affects how depressed I could get and now that I think about it manic too. Taking AL out of my system completely... I feel more leveled out.


              Alcohol and Depression

              H there and thank you. There is no doubt for me, I've proven it over and over unfortunately, that alcohol causes and intensifies depression. For me, it's best to avoid alcohol no matter what. Yes, I get very stressed (have been unemployed a long time now), but this is far different from full-blown depression. Better for me to be AL free, j
              Cuckoo for Cocoa Puff!!!

