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AF BOOT CAMP DAY 15 (Naughty By Nature)

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    AF BOOT CAMP DAY 15 (Naughty By Nature)

    OK you bloviating sacks of manure. You've had a few days off, so now you are going to pay. I want 20 legs a burning, 10 brows a sweating, 10 voices hoarse, 10 & 1/2 butts a kicking (xtra half for Oney), and a gat damn partridge in a frickin pear tree. NOW MOVE YOUR ASSES....and WHERE THE HELL IS NURSE JONES???

    Sarge sez: Work like you mean it. We got through holiday and the next big one approaches. Stay focused.


    The easiest thing in the world is to come up with an excuse for not taking action. No matter what the situation, there's always an excuse that sounds perfectly reasonable and that can provide you with permission to do nothing.
    Rarely does it help to fight against the excuses, because that just leads to even stronger and more compelling excuses. So how do you get around them?

    Connect with a dream that is bigger than any excuse could possibly be. Grab hold of a dream that's so compelling it makes you laugh at every possible excuse.

    If your goal is to do what you don't really want to do anyway, even the weakest excuse can stop you cold. If, however, your goal is tied to an authentic, personally meaningful dream, that's a completely different situation.

    And that makes perfect sense. Because if it doesn't really matter to you anyway, there's not much point in spending your precious time on it.

    Choose instead to live the beautiful, meaningful dreams that you truly desire to live. And no setback, no challenge, no excuse will have the power to even slow you down.

    Healthy Lifestyle:

    YOUR 20s and 30s

    Check your thyroid.
    New moms usually blame sluggishness or insomnia on the demands of parenthood, says Dr. Laura Corio, an OB-GYN in private practice in New York City and attending physician at Mt. Sinai Medical Center. But the true culprit may be postpartum thyroiditis, which 5 to 10 percent of women develop in the year following delivery.
    Typically, it starts with mild hyperthyroidism (overactive thyroid), which can rev you up and set off insomnia. After a couple of months, the condition may swing to hypothyroidism, in which a lack of thyroid hormone slows your body's functions, leaving you feeling constantly tired. If you're too jumpy to sleep or have extreme fatigue postpartum, see your doctor. 8 factors that could be keeping you awake at night
    Say goodbye to sadness.
    Feeling blue can pack a double whammy when it comes to sleep: Not only can depression (which women are most likely to suffer from during their childbearing years) cause sleep problems such as insomnia, but some antidepressant medications may have sleep-related side effects.
    Donna Arand, Ph.D., clinical director of the Kettering Sleep Disorders Center in Dayton, Ohio, and an American Academy of Sleep Medicine spokeswoman, recommends a two-fold treatment for insomnia with depression: cognitive behavioral therapy, a therapeutic approach which can be used specifically to target insomnia and bad sleep habits, plus talk therapy aimed at alleviating depression, adding or adjusting medication as appropriate. (The antidepressant trazodone may help with both insomnia and depression.) 7 signs of seasonal affective disorder
    YOUR 40s
    Notice when you go at night. If you're waking up to pee a lot more lately, don't assume it's a sign of aging -- you might actually have a urinary tract infection (UTI).
    "Decreasing estrogen levels in the mid-40s leads to a thinning of the lining of the vagina and bladder, which makes perimenopausal women more prone to infection," says Corio, author of "The Change Before The Change."
    Corio adds that women in their early 40s are often very sexually active, which can also lead to more UTIs. Talk to your doc if you notice a change in your bathroom habits. Gotta go? 13 reasons for urine trouble
    Deepen zzz's with exercise. Deep, restorative sleep (called delta or slow-wave sleep) decreases in your late 40s, making nighttime awakenings more frequent.
    Working out more may help. Your muscles and tissues are repaired during slow-wave sleep, Arand explains. When you give your body more repair work to do thanks to increased physical exertion, it responds by stepping up the amount of slow-wave sleep you'll get.
    The type of exercise that's best for triggering slow-wave sleep isn't clear, but aim for 30 minutes of moderate aerobic activity on most days, suggests Wilfred R. Pigeon, Ph.D., director of the Sleep and Neurophysiology Research Lab at the University of Rochester Medical Center. The 7 best fat-blasters
    YOUR 50s+

    Mind your meds.
    Prescription drugs you may be taking for high blood pressure and cholesterol could affect your pillow time. Diuretics (used to treat hypertension) can necessitate nighttime visits to the bathroom, says Dr. Annabelle Volgman, a cardiologist and the medical director of the Heart Center for Women at Rush University Medical Center in Chicago.
    If your doc says it's OK, try taking your pills in the morning instead of the evening. And statins for cholesterol-control can deplete your body's muscles of co-enzyme Q10, a natural protein required for normal functioning of muscle cells; the resulting muscle aches might make falling asleep a challenge.
    If that sounds like you, Volgman suggests asking your doctor if you might benefit from taking a co-Q10 supplement. Supplements for cholesterol: what works?
    Saw less wood. If you're a heavy snorer, your bedmate might not be the only one whose sleep is suffering. Chronic snoring is a major sign of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), a disorder in which breathing briefly stops periodically while you sleep, interrupting and worsening the quality of your snooze time. OSA can have some heavy consequences, such as worsening or increasing the risk of developing diabetes, hypertension, or stroke.
    "The risk of developing sleep apnea increases after menopause when progesterone levels drop," Arand says -- possibly because progesterone may help the muscles of the upper airway stay open.
    Being overweight is also a big risk factor for OSA (and weight gain is a common occurrence during menopause); in some cases, slimming down can actually cure the disorder. Talk to your doctor about your sleep issues; with treatment, you could be snoozing more peacefully in no time. Snoring and sleep apnea


    I want everyone of you lazy sacks of humanity to turn your level of exercise up a few notches. Why? Because fitness is a great defense for what ails us (cravings). Also, because Sarge loves you all!


    Recipe du jour:

    U.S. - Leftover Turkey

    Others - Leftover Chipper, Chips, or Curry
    Attached files [img]/converted_files/45039=5823-attachment.jpg[/img]
    Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read

    AF BOOT CAMP DAY 15 (Naughty By Nature)

    Morning Sarge!!! Me and the cat are still in bed sir, but its a glorious day here and its a Saturday and I plan to make the most of it!!

    Did you have a nice Thanksgiving sir? I celebrated your national holiday by buying an i-pad in the Apple post-Thanksgiving sale :H
    Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

    Harriet Beecher Stowe


      AF BOOT CAMP DAY 15 (Naughty By Nature)

      Excuse me Sarge, I didn't get a holiday. Private Fighting was a lonely wee warrior yesterday while you lot were away scoffing turkey and all sorts of goodies.

      Can I get time off in lieu?



        AF BOOT CAMP DAY 15 (Naughty By Nature)

        Miss Behaving;1011120 wrote: Morning Sarge!!! Me and the cat are still in bed sir, but its a glorious day here and its a Saturday and I plan to make the most of it!!

        Did you have a nice Thanksgiving sir? I celebrated your national holiday by buying an i-pad in the Apple post-Thanksgiving sale :H

        Hello Private Missy. Yes, my Thanksgiving was GREAT thank you. Oh that Cooky can roast a turkey like no other. Cooky says the secret is using napalm. Dang bird is done is 5 min. You have a wonderful day there Missy. Oh yeah, I hope your eye heals right up!
        Attached files [img]/converted_files/1437504=5823-attachment.jpg[/img]
        Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


          AF BOOT CAMP DAY 15 (Naughty By Nature)

          fighting back;1011123 wrote: Excuse me Sarge, I didn't get a holiday. Private Fighting was a lonely wee warrior yesterday while you lot were away scoffing turkey and all sorts of goodies.

          Can I get time off in lieu?


          OK Private FB request granted. However, I want you in formation tomorrow at 4:30am. Remember Fighting Back you ARE NEVER A WEE WARRIOR in Sarges unit. WE SLAY DRAGONS HERE. BTW, how are you feeling Private.Why the time off in lieu, do you have a bladder problem? I'll have Nurse Jones follow up with you!
          Attached files [img]/converted_files/1437509=5823-attachment.jpg[/img]
          Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


            AF BOOT CAMP DAY 15 (Naughty By Nature)

            techie;1011124 wrote: Oh that Cooky can roast a turkey like no other. Cooky says the secret is using napalm. Dang bird is done is 5 min.

            Sarge, I get my exercise from laughing now because you're such a witty commander. Thanks for making my day.

            Sir, proud to say that I fall into your 50+ category below Sir and take no prescription meds, no al, no cigs - clean and sober here Sarge.

            Hitting the pavement for a workout soon Sir - healthy eats again today Sir and survived yesterday - others drank and I didn't (yea.......big test for me sir and passed with flying colors).


              AF BOOT CAMP DAY 15 (Naughty By Nature)

              Choochie;1011134 wrote: others drank and I didn't (yea.......big test for me sir and passed with flying colors).
              well done and much applause to you Choochie!
              Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

              Harriet Beecher Stowe


                AF BOOT CAMP DAY 15 (Naughty By Nature)

                Choochie;1011134 wrote: :H:H:H

                Sarge, I get my exercise from laughing now because you're such a witty commander. Thanks for making my day.

                Sir, proud to say that I fall into your 50+ category below Sir and take no prescription meds, no al, no cigs - clean and sober here Sarge.

                Hitting the pavement for a workout soon Sir - healthy eats again today Sir and survived yesterday - others drank and I didn't (yea.......big test for me sir and passed with flying colors).

                Excellent job soldier. Sarge is dang proud of you. Yes Sarge too had to fight the demons yesterday. Cooky got drunk and thought he was working in a Benihana. Several were wounded. Doc had to set up triage outside the mess hall. Hopefully Cooky will be well enough by mid-December to be back in the kitchen.
                Attached files [img]/converted_files/1437539=5823-attachment.jpg[/img]
                Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


                  AF BOOT CAMP DAY 15 (Naughty By Nature)

                  techie;1011131 wrote: OK Private FB request granted. However, I want you in formation tomorrow at 4:30am. Remember Fighting Back you ARE NEVER A WEE WARRIOR in Sarges unit. WE SLAY DRAGONS HERE. BTW, how are you feeling Private.Why the time off in lieu, do you have a bladder problem? I'll have Nurse Jones follow up with you!
                  Not that kind of l.......oh never mind! :H


                    AF BOOT CAMP DAY 15 (Naughty By Nature)

                    Hi folks I want to share some thoughts I've been mulling around. I've survived the fallout of my companies recent downsizing. I have reconfigured my staff and increased span of control. However, I feel less than enthusiastic about the next year.

                    I am thinking about taking early retirement end of 1Q '11. I have discussed this with my boss. He would like for me to continue beyond that in some part-time capacity, i.e., contract work for special projects/initiatives. I said I would consider that but need some time to think it through.

                    I'm in my 50s so I only have so many races left in me. I want to raft the Grand Canyon again. I want to climb Mount Rainier before I'm too old to qualify. I want to travel. Most importantly, I feel I've contributed all I can to the business. I did the best I could trying my utmost to leave a legacy of quality in the processes I developed, and imparting a passion in the people I led. Time for me to move on...
                    Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


                      AF BOOT CAMP DAY 15 (Naughty By Nature)

                      Wow John..I have not been participating in your boot camp, but I wanted to tell you how amazing I think you have been on this thread, and I just read this post.
                      A little uncanny....
                      I say Follow Your Dreams while you can.....
                      I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                      Live in the Solution....not the problem


                        AF BOOT CAMP DAY 15 (Naughty By Nature)

                        Techie - my husband and I took small jobs so we could live a better quality life. I am all for people simplifying and it has been great for us. I call us "semi retired" in that we both still work, but at a much lower level - much less stress to go along with less money but well worth it. A total thumbs up IMHO.:thumbsup


                          AF BOOT CAMP DAY 15 (Naughty By Nature)

                          Hi John,

                          Remember that phrase ..... "Nobody ever died wishing they had spent more time in the office"?

                          I also think that with the ageing workforce, people being healthy at an age that our grandparents were dying at and international labour shortages, most companies are having to think much more creatively about flexible working arrangements that allow people to still contribute their skills past what used to be the age of retirement. (like part-year work, or working on time-limited projects). And there are plenty of community organisations who survive on the skills and talents of a volunteer workforce.

                          I was talking to a friend a couple of weeks ago ...... he used to be a senior manager in a bank, but left about 7-8 years ago after having got fed up with restructuring for about the hundredth time. He now manages a community law centre for about 15 hours a week as a volunteer, has (low) paid work for 15-20 hours a week and plays a lot of golf. He reckons he is happier than he has ever been in his life!
                          Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

                          Harriet Beecher Stowe


                            AF BOOT CAMP DAY 15 (Naughty By Nature)

                            John, I read another thread where you posted, you sounded really disillusioned and down about the downsizing.

                            Take time to consider your boss's offer, you might not want to let go completely and still be able to live the life you really want to live it.

                            Make the best decision for you, don't rush it. Whatever you decide, I wish you all the best, you are a wonderful help and support to all of us on here, and the great posts by you in this thread have just given me belly-laughs when I really needed them.

                            Bless you, do the right thing for yourself and your family.

                            (I would do fifty pressups but I have TOIL, remember?) :l


                              AF BOOT CAMP DAY 15 (Naughty By Nature)

                              Now you people listen to Old Sarge. I just spoke with that Techie feller. He is fine with whatever decision he makes. Just wants some dag blasted time to smell the frickin roses. Now he is in GREAT spirits (without using spirits) so don't get all gat danged fuzzy on him. However he said he appreciated everyone's concern. NOW MOVE YOUR ASSES!!!

                              Attached files [img]/converted_files/1437660=5823-attachment.jpg[/img]
                              Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read

