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Only The Lonely

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    Only The Lonely

    Well, it has only been a few weeks since finding this site, the support, the new tools ... and today, I can finally say I am


    Some days have been very difficult, some days I am so proud of and almost in awe of myself ... a couple days just made me mad at myself.

    But in all of those days, I have FINALLY come to understand better, myself and what seems to be some of the issues that drive me forward in drinking. It's been quite an eye opener.

    The beginning of the week, I seemed to just slip away from here. My old, bad habits were beginning to surface. Again, never fall-down all out binges ... just that afternoon to bedtime buzz .. everyday. Some how justifying that first drink that just kept it going ... I'm not certain why I didn't come here ..

    Then a few days ago, I received a few PMs from a couple of people here .. asking how I was doing. I let them sit in my mail box for a day ... I felt ashamed a bit. That was the wrong thing to feel .. and I finally read them .. and re-focused again. To those who wrote me .. bless your little cotten socks!

    I NEED to be here everyday. I NEED to keep on reading... and posting. I NEED this support and interaction bacause I recently had to face the fact, that a big part of my drinking is Loneliness!

    Some if it brought on by dynamics out of my control ... but much of it brought on by myself. You see, my very best friend in the world, for years now ... has been my bottles of wine.

    I went from being a VERY social person, lots of friends and people around me, always on the go ... to one by one cutting people and things out of my life because I was staying home drinking instead ... after a long while .. people stop asking you.

    Someone posted here about missing her husbands 60th birthday .. boy, I could relate! I have missed SO much because I didn;t have the energy or interest to even get dressed and get out the door ... because of the wine.

    There remained two important men /people in my life ... my very best friend of 20 something years who lived right down the hill from me, with his daughter who I helped raise. Always there for me, he would comment on how he wished I would drink less ... but no matter what, he was still there for me.

    The other was a relationship that I really thought in the beginning was "The One". Being divorced for many years, with no kids, I had dated a bit, on the verge of serious a few times ... even did the thing for awhile. (awful .. just AWFUL!) LOL He was quite special .. so I thought.

    Then there was my sweet golden of 14 years. She was literally with me 24/7 .. at work, church .. everywhere. In the past few years, it became more difficult for her to get around. It because another excuse to not leave the house if I didn't have to. It became another reason to sit home and drink.

    I felt pretty "happy" in my isolated little world. I run four business, but three are pretty much on the phone and computer. My shop is "hands on" .. so that got me out of the house ... and around others ... but my team of seven are not the people that I should socailize with. For me, employee / boss freindships are a bad idea. So it was me, the dog and "my guys".

    The end of June, I had to put my sweet pup down. It is like losing a daughter to me. A fews weeks later, my friend's move took place to AZ. .. and he is now 6 hours away, instead of walking distance.

    As for the realtionship, the rocky three years finally came to a conclusion. I had to let it go for my health and sanity. For years I knew it was bad ... but it was a comfort zone. Getting the strength to cut that off was difficult .. but each day that passes gets better and I know in my heart it was the right thing to do ...

    But, OMG, am I lonely! I drink beacuse I am lonely. Or I am lonely because I have drank so much?!

    It's hard to admit to being lonely. It's like admitting no one really requests you into thier lives or activities. So this is a biggie for me... and I can type this here .. with tears and finally admit that I don't like my life with just that old grape juice best friend.

    How do I change it? I have no flippin idea. I am certain that will be baby steps as well. I have a pretty outgoing personality ... I just have to start using it again ...

    So ... from Stuck In Stupid ... to the "Ah Hay" moment of admitting to being lonely ... I will turn this thing around and gain better control of all aspects of my life .. starting with controling that best friend.

    I am actually off to take a walk this morning .. something I have been very bad about doing! It will be the start of what I hope will be another "controlled" day for me ...

    I will be back later .. because I now I NEED you guys here.



    Only The Lonely

    Get thyself to an exercise class. Two birds with one stone. Spinning, aerobics, pilates, anything. You will begin to appreciate your body, you will meet people, and you will build your self-respect.


      Only The Lonely

      Waiting to Exhale -- I can totally relate our stories almost mirror each others except my pup is still with me... I agree that lonliness is tough & when I realized it I had lost touch with SOOOO many people ... and you are right they just stop calling after a while. I recently went to a highschool reunion -- I had to trael there but I realized that I had lost touch with them ALL... I managed to drink enough wine that night to tuck myself in at midnight -- I wasn't a sloppy mess but I knew it was time to go... i felt empty after the event...
      I can fly ... I just don't know it yet


        Only The Lonely

        So, imnewhere, how do we get our butts back "out there' ?? I actually looked at an adult class brochure this morning at the local college ... that might be an idea. Any others you may have? Wanna be lonely buds finding our way back?!

        fso .. not really any gyms around me. But I DO have a complete gym in my house! LOL Sad huh? There was a time I actually had a personal trainer 3 times a week as well. Always have been very slim, and I'm 5'10" so the weight was never an issue .. now it's getting back to FEELING Good. Thanks for the reminder. (but where will I hang my laundry to dry if I start using my ParaBody again?) LOL

        OK, have to get away from this desk ... triggers coming on! Be back later ...


        PS: took a 20 minute walk here in the hills ... was escorted by 5 of the neighborhood dogs (we have no fences) NICE! Felt good and fun to have the dog energy back again ... anyone know of a hypno CD that would work well with walking?


          Only The Lonely

          Stop whining.. go get wasted or some...


            Only The Lonely

            Hi Waiting,

            Yes it's hard to know what comes first, the loneliness or the drinking. The loneliness came first for me, but eventually, they reinforce each other anyway, so no matter....

            Even though I'm tackling the alcohol okay, it's still hard to "get out there" and start making new friends, and true friendships do come slowly. That is why I value the MWO boards, because I do feel the value of these friendships, even though we're not actually face-to-face. True sharing does occur here, and we can find the courage to venture out into the real world and build friendships there too.

            I just wanted to let you know that I am moved by your post, and I can relate to your issue. Keep on posting!! You are an asset to our community!


            AF as of August 5th, 2012


              Only The Lonely

              Hi Waiting-
              I think I've just figured out that I'm lonely too. And I know exactly what you mean that it is pretty hard to admit. Plus, I don't think any of us would want pity....not the preferred outcome! I have been thinking the same things though - what do I do now. I just ended a relationship too and my two closest single friends are now in relationships that are headed toward marriage...I'm just hanging out here with my three cats I'm happy they are here - and I'm so sorry you no longer have your sweet dog with you.
              I think we just have to get out and do something - anything.
              I toyed with eharmony or (thanks for the review on that !!- but that is not for me right now. I have been going to the gym - got a trainer- and now I'm thinking about volunteering somewhere and maybe finding a church to attend.
              I've been saying to myself that it's all about ME. I've treated myself to things that I like and I've been saying positive things to myself - it all helps. None of this is simple. We just gotta keep trying things.
              Let me know what you try - ok? I just may go to church tomorrow...then go to the gym....
              then ...then...
              Thanks for your post - I related to so much of what you said.

     everyone...let's all completely ignore the post just before Kathy - ok?

              Best to you - Waiting-


                Only The Lonely

                HEY GIRLS,

                "Be still and know that I am God"

                Psalm 46:10


                  Only The Lonely

                  WHAT POST LISA?????????? I DON'T SEE ANY POST!
                  "Be still and know that I am God"

                  Psalm 46:10


                    Only The Lonely

                    to waiting. this is my 1st post and i havent even started on this (program?) yet but you almost
                    wrote at least part of my story. keep at it I am confident,( believe it or not, you have already inspired
                    me to go ahead with this) i think i believe more now that this will work for me.
                    i hope this makes sense. ed


                      Only The Lonely

                      Waiting & Lisa,

                      I have tried & found that it became a nightmare -- I was not ready ... I ended up drinking wine before the date to calm my nerves -- not cool! Also, I am a fairly attractive woman & these men were ready to pounce -- not what I needed at the time. As an ex Catholic church is not an option for me... intuitively I KNOW that I need structure & routine ... work is my constant my psychiatrist now understands why I am not willing to take a leave of absence -- it really is the only thing I do well... I will say that this site has been helpful already I only found it two or three weeks ago... enjoy Sunday! Robin
                      I can fly ... I just don't know it yet


                        Only The Lonely

                        YoungAtHeart ... Thank you for your words! I DO feel like part of this community now .. how cool is that??!! **very big smile**

                        Lisa3102 ... Wow .. ok so I am not alone.. Sucks huh? I just think when the time is ever right again to be invloved .. it won't be about eharmony or

                        just like ImNewHere ... was a nightmare .. I would have couple of glasses of wine because I was so nervous ... the dates always ended up being far from what it seemed they be ... plus .. I have to be honest ... I was not ready .. to be heathly and to bring that to a new table. Would have been very unfair had I found "the one" ... Thats a CH- CH-Changin ...

                        I think I am going to look further into some classes .. heck.. maybe even learn to paint something else than the walls?? LOL Which, BTW, I did today .. all day ... quite impressed with my accomplishments this weekend ... I don't have to get up Monday morning and say OH CRAP .. I drank another weekend away!"

                        To SouthernBell ... can i hug you? LOL You make me rock when I am ready to roll ... thank you! I just might do a "random act of kindness" in your honor tomarrow .. if you see flowers .. know they are from me to someone who maybe just needed them ...

                        MOST IMPORTANT: Mr Ed ... We are in this journey together .. I am so pleased you decided to post .. please do again and again and again ... I would love to hear about your travels as well ... its a VERY tough spot to be in ... but I'm thinking we found something special ... happy you are here .... Lonely Newbies Unite! LOL

                        Well, today was pretty damn good. I'll clock in at 7 seven ... high for many (no pun intened) ... but I am being honest ... a few weeks ago it would have been 15> or ??? in my drink tracker ...

                        I charted out things to get done .. and has relized that to get out of the house first thing is my key. Go to the grocery store, gas the car, get to Home Depot (troll for men) .. not really (ok really) NO! I bought primer I swear! Then tackle a job ... I put some Eagles in my new portable CD player .. sanded and painted my heart out ...

                        AND! OK, no one laugh at me ... I get insecure this time of the evening .. I have been fighting with a craving for a new business. Something ... um um um .. you can taste it on the edge of your lips .. but WHAT is it? I may have found a "reason to be here" idea today ... bloody amazing what being sober for a few hours can do ..

                        OK, that should maybe be another post .... gosh I feel high on life tonight!

                        To my friends in and out of the trenches that understand the war ... Bless you!


