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Army Thread 29th November

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    Army Thread 29th November

    Good morning, Army

    Expat: if you're lurking, you should have started the thread by now

    As I was stopped by the beep-beep of the random alcohol breathalyser test on my way through the office turnstiles, I was reminded of the sick feeling I used to get at the prospect of having to blow. I would time my drinking the night before to be as sure as possible that I would be "sober" by the next morning. No wonder I passed out at 8.30 most nights And I again relived the utter shame of having been caught one day and escorted by security to an office in the bowels of the building, made to wait until they had summoned my manager to witness the 2nd test (more accurate). My small relief at that one being negative (about 45 minutes had passed by that time).

    Thank feck for sobriety! As much as I would have liked to press the snooze button this morning, I was at least clearheaded when I got up and not feeling overwhelmed at the prospect of another week.

    Have a good one, come snow or sunshine!

    Jan: I hope you can check in and let us know if you got through the storm OK...
    I'll do whatever it takes
    AF 21/08/2009

    Army Thread 29th November

    Good Monday Morning Army, IT IS freezing outside! I woke up about 2:30 am and looked out the window-the snow was coming down hard. Was happy to climb back into my cosy bed! But up now and having coffee. A long work day ahead but with this cold weather I won't mind being locked inside all day. Tips-I was NOT lurking this morning waiting for you to start the thread:H!! I'm just moving kinda slow waiting for my blood to get moving with this cold! Just cranked up the heater and off for more coffee. Have a happy positive sober day all! :l expat xxx PS Jan!!! Check in sweetie!


      Army Thread 29th November

      Morning gang!
      Another cold one here by the looks of things.
      Had a funny old weekend, mood wise, very low and feelings that I couldnt quite touch but that were lurking beneath the surface if that makes sense
      Feeling better today tho and ready to face a new week

      Tigger that is a sharp reminder all right...what a blessing eh?
      Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
      Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


        Army Thread 29th November


        Snowy here but not like JC's!!

        Glad you are feeling better Starty.

        Tigger,fantastic feeling.

        Expat, wish I could have pressed snooze myself!
        "It's not your job to like me, it's mine!"

        AF 10th May 2010
        NF 12th May 2010


          Army Thread 29th November

          not sure wheather to send kids into school today, I dont want to drive on the icy roads.


            Army Thread 29th November

            I am lucky, Ava's school is at the top of the road, Adams is a bit further but he gets a lift....snow aint too bad where I am coz we are near the sea?
            "It's not your job to like me, it's mine!"

            AF 10th May 2010
            NF 12th May 2010


              Army Thread 29th November

              the roads are bad here and I hate driving on them like that so Im not going too.
              Starty, sorry to hear you were feeling bad, I actually was too last night and still a bit today.Hopefully your mood will lift, have a duvet day!


                Army Thread 29th November

                Morning campers, no snow here in the deep south.
                Tips are you serious about having to be breathalyzed?
                Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


                  Army Thread 29th November

                  Hey KTAB did you see it was minus 9 overnight?
                  Yeh I just I just heard that, that is a new record low for November.

                  Well thats what they said on the radio

                  Ok time for brekkie, want some?
                  Oh yeh.
                  Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


                    Army Thread 29th November

                    Good Morning Folks!
                    White out here!
                    The roads are chaos and I'll be walking to work today.
                    A lot of people won't make it in, to be honest, a lot won't even try, but I'll be doing my best to keep the mail going.
                    I know what you mean about the moods Starty.
                    I get down sometimes and it's an effort to get on, but nothing else for it, eh?
                    I've a busy few weeks coming up.
                    I see my counsellor on Thursday and the dentist (dreading it EEEK!) then the vet on Friday to get my cat her last jab so they can neuter her and I'll be able to let her out and maybe she'll let me get some sleep. Then next Tuesday I've to go see a Psychiatrist (EEEK, EEEK!) I wonder what will come of that? A straight jacket perhaps?
                    It's my work's Xmas do on the 18th...
                    Don't want to go but at the same time, I do. It's a free bar and I've been having some ridiculous drinking thoughts so I've decided to take some of my leftover Antabuse just in case.
                    Just goes to show, I'm not as confident as I thought I was.


                      Army Thread 29th November

                      Good morning all
                      Grey rainy but mild day here and a sick Chill :upset: sore throat & dose of the sniffles.
                      Starts and Limers, we will always have theses days :l but knowing you girls, you both have great abilities at pulling yourselves out of them and this is what's key.

                      KTAB you are beginning to sound like Mario :H
                      "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                      AF - JAN 1st 2010
                      NF - May 1996


                        Army Thread 29th November

                        Mm that is good coffee, what is it?
                        Seeing as you asked, it is a Kenyan AAA roast.

                        It is very nice, slight citric undertones I think?
                        Yes I think so to, I prefer my coffee a bit richer however.

                        Sheesh no pleasing some people.
                        Alright keep your hair on, I was only sayin.
                        Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


                          Army Thread 29th November

                          morning everyone - sorry to hear about you're horrible weather , but me and tips are sweltering
                          It's time I put my big girl pants on. :grannypants: I hope they fit.


                            Army Thread 29th November

                            X post Pops - if the works do will be an ordeal do you really have to go? Knowing most Scottish Christmas parties, everyone will be totally off there face....

                            I have my girls Christmas do this Thursday, I can remember the shame after last years and don't want to think about the disgusting state I was in, what's hard to get used to is not having to plan a "right off" day for the day after! I always made sure I had a clear day in order to feel as crap as humanly possible :H
                            "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                            AF - JAN 1st 2010
                            NF - May 1996


                              Army Thread 29th November

                              KTAB - seeing there's two of you, you will get through twice as much work this week
                              "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                              AF - JAN 1st 2010
                              NF - May 1996

