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what triggers the first drink?

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    what triggers the first drink?

    I have said I thought I found the job that I wanted so badly, news flash I've been so miserable and unhappy that I can't stand it. I know what the problem is finally, after 3 weeks. The human disreard for the patients. Meaning, you walk in at 7 am and have a schedule for feeding,dressing, bathing and getting everybody ready for breakfast by 8 am. I though it was because I was lost and maybe part alien......Guess what it can't be done suffeciently!

    Today when a patient messed up bedding I asked for help (due to her weight) the person that came to help me, pulled the women from one side of the bed to the other. The patient screamed in pain and was told to be quiet! I was shocked... I walked out and came back 5 min later. I apologized to the patient for the lack of concern and patient welfare that was shown to her. She told me not to worry she would definelty report the other employee and then, she thanked me for me for my concern about her welfare during the procedure.

    Also, when I spoke to a recruiter who I had dealt with in the past, she told me my wanting to be in the field that I am in currently is not UTILIZING all of my medical experience and schooling (things to look at).

    OK so I need to keep looking, but as of tonight, I came home cried for 2 hours, when out to dinner and then decided that to keep working for a company that I can't imagine ever going through the DRAMA THAT WAS CAUSED TODAY, WITH NO REGARD FOR HUMAN LIFE OR RESPECT, my main stressor for the last 3 weeks. IS NOT WORTH IT!

    Becca and Gina when you read this, you will know exactly what I mean! I told you I wanted this job when I was hired, APPARENTLY I WAS WRONG ON THIS ONE!


    what triggers the first drink?

    Brandy, I am assuming you work in a nursing home or hospital? Your story struck such a chord with me because my dear sweet mother, who passed away a little over a year ago, had to spend 3 months in a nursing home and it was just humiliating. Some of the employees were nice, most were just doing what they had to do to get to the end of the day. My mother was treated like an animal and it makes me cry right now to think about it. You obviously are of a different caliber and I want to say thank you enough for really giving a shit about these people. You have all of my respect. I hope you will find a job that is very satisfying for you. Congratulations on staying sober through all of this.
    I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


      what triggers the first drink?

      Think of it as your ministry Brandy. What would Jesus do?
      :l :l :l :l
      "Be still and know that I am God"

      Psalm 46:10


        what triggers the first drink?

        Southern Belle;

        I have been reading my bible every morning since starting this job. I found myself drinking alot on the nights when I didn't have to work the next day. This was supposed to be the job that had my name on it, so I thought. My main prayer (besides others) is something I read one morning in Psalms (forgot which one) that said "God sustains our rights and cause". I say that to myself every miserable minute of the day at this job. I have the right to be happy, helping people and enjoying my job and the cause to help and assist people that can't sustain thier lifestlye without help.

        With that being said, I guess God is telling me that to work in a place where the only concern is to get the job done, regardless to how you go about it, isn't for me.

        One of my co-workers told me that I handle patients like I'm handling my own babies! Oh well, she was trying to be insulting, but I didn't take it that way, in my heart I know that I can't just do a job without care, concern and compassion!



          what triggers the first drink?

          Thanks Lush!

          That was the problem, I was only sober when I knew I didn't have to work the next morn. I have several Certficates and I need to start utilizing all of them (EKG, Phlebotomy, Nursing Asst. and CPR). Working in a nursing home I thought would help me to get a feel for the daily routine of patient care. But not like this.

          I love people and working in the area of Geriatrics is challenging, but I won't ever be as rigid and uncaring as my co-workers.

          I'm sorry what you had to endure while your mom was in a Nursing Home. I wish I was one of the people that took care of her, she would have gotten so much love and attention from me, she would've thought I was a family member. In her memory, I'm not going to change the way I handle patients. I care very much for all that I am responsible for, it's more than just a JOB!

          Too bad it won't be where I'm working now, I haven't slept all night and called out of work for Sunday morn. I plan on meeting with my supervisor and RESIGNING MONDAY.

          :l Hugs


            what triggers the first drink?

            Both my husband and I are nurses, and were CNA's in nursing homes when we were in nursing school. I don't have any wisdom for you. I just have respect and understanding. You are an incredible caregiver, with a great deal of knowledge and wisdom behind you. As time goes on, as you find your place where you can use all your gifts and talents, you'll find that you can influence how others treat their patients! You've done a good job in getting your certs, and the area of Geriatrics is a growing field that would be very smart to specialize in. However, your care, concern and compassion are what will make a difference in your patients' lives. Good luck on Monday, and try to explain why you're resigning.
            P.S. Please take care of me when I'm old? :wings:
            Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a harder battle.


              what triggers the first drink?

              HI Brandy,

              So sorry this didn't work out. Must be a hard job no matter what the circumstances are. Such a testament to the whole nursing care system and elderly abuse. So sad and such a catch 22. You can't stay because you can't work in that kind of environment and wonderful people like you you will do the same (leave) and all that will be left there to take care of our elderly are insenstitive, uncaring people. Really upsetting. Makes you wonder why they ever got into the field in the first place. But for your own sanity you have to do this. Good luck on Monday!!!! Camper
              Sunny days, sweeping the, clouds away. On my way, to where the air is sweeeet!!! Can you tell me how to get, how to get to......LOL


                what triggers the first drink?

                So sorry that you are going through a hard time right now. When I went through nursing school (20 years ago!), we rotated thru a nursing home the first 8 weeks of the program. I cried every day! The attitudes of some of the staff was SO appalling! I would really have a hard time working in a place where I couldn't respect my boss or my coworkers.
                There are so many other jobs out there Brandy! Glad you made the decision you have made to resign! I don't think you'll regret it one bit.
                I'll be thinking and praying for you. Keep us updated! Love you, Gina:l


                  what triggers the first drink?

                  Oh Brandy,
                  I'm so sorry this has been such a rough road for you! That type of insensitivity should not be tolerated whatsoever in that environment. Hopefully the patient will follow through with reporting that employee. If not, you do it. I'm glad you were able to keep a cool head during the situation and still provide excellent patient care. Now we just gotta figure out what you are gonna do...hmmmmm.
                  As far as the recruiter saying you are not using all of your skills, well, sometimes it's not possible to find a position where we can use every single technique we were taught in school. Sometimes we just need to find a position that suits our schedule or our situation at the time. (that's where I'm at right now, so I completely understand). Maybe you could do like Gina does and do a part time phlebotomy gig on the side as she does her other job? Just to keep your skills up. I am picking up some outpatient therapy too. Starts in 2 wks.
                  I suppose the good news is that you are FINALLY finished all this training and the doors are wide open for you. But I know that's not the sentiment of your post. It's about the mistreatment of humankind and how horribly horribly miserable is is to see a health care worker abuse their privledge to provide care.
                  It's sickening, I know.
                  BUT there are so many good ones out there. You are one of the good ones who cares and bends over backwards for our patients, Brandy. It WILL pay off. I know how spiritual you are, so when I say "pay off", I mean job-wise, and with the "Big Guy".
                  Now, are there other good aspects to your current job? or are you outta there regardless? You will find something, don't despair. Wish you were here, I could get you five jobs tomorrow . Get that recruiter of yours to stop telling you what you're NOT doing and to find you a dang job that fits!! GEEZ.

                  All this being said, I'm glad Heiny is not knocking at your door:H "Hi, it's Heiny, can Brandy come out and play???" "NO! she's busy taking care of the downtrodden and she does not need you interfering!!"
                  Good for you.
                  I'm proud of you, girl. Take care of yourself, ok? Say "hi" to the boys for me. I'll call on my way to work later.
                  Love ya.


                    what triggers the first drink?

                    Can I just ask? What on earth is up with Becca's avatar?? :H
                    Sunny days, sweeping the, clouds away. On my way, to where the air is sweeeet!!! Can you tell me how to get, how to get to......LOL


                      what triggers the first drink?

                      Tumadre, Bec, Gina and Happy!

                      Thanks for the words of encouragement and inspiration. Gina, I know I can follow through and find a place where Phlebotomy and EKG go together. The only prob might be which Doctors vs. Clinic.

                      Sorry, Bec, it wasn't Heiny, I've made a new friend Saporo beer. Takes too long to wasted like on Heiny. So I drank only on nights when I didn' t have to work 7-3 am.

                      Tumadre thanks for the boost of confidence.

                      Happy, LUV THE PIC! Looks like a guy we probably stepped over during our New York weekend! It made me smile..

                      :H :h


                        what triggers the first drink?

                        Hey Bec;

                        I forgot to tell you, that with my temper I found another friend that has a buddy...SELF and CONTROL!



                          what triggers the first drink?

                          Brandy you are probably right!

                          Maybe she's afraid she'll look like that if she stops running the marathons! LOL:H JK Bec :h

                          It's the funniest avatar ever!
                          Sunny days, sweeping the, clouds away. On my way, to where the air is sweeeet!!! Can you tell me how to get, how to get to......LOL


                            what triggers the first drink?

                            ding ding ding!! You are correct, Camper.
                            That's a reminder that if I wallow in my sorrow of the hot doc telling me I can't run for a few wks, that's what I'll look like. I already feel like that!! I just have to not throw any more pity parties and do some other activity. Brandy, what do you know of that burns a lot of calories but you can do lying down? hmmmmm??....
                            Rode the bike yesterday. Now my heiny hurts. Heiny... hee hee , Brandy!!
                            Dr. McHottie needs to check it out.
                            You sound better, Brandy. Self and Control, huh? Excellent!
                            The avatar stays until I can:
                            a) start runnning again
                            b) lose 8 more pounds.

                            whichever comes first.

                            OK, off to work. I'll check in later.


                              what triggers the first drink?

                              I Like Brandy wrote: Today when a patient messed up bedding I asked for help (due to her weight) the person that came to help me, pulled the women from one side of the bed to the other. The patient screamed in pain and was told to be quiet! I was shocked... I walked out and came back 5 min later. I apologized to the patient for the lack of concern and patient welfare that was shown to her. She told me not to worry she would definelty report the other employee and then, she thanked me for me for my concern about her welfare during the procedure.
                              Thank God for people like you!!!!!! :happyheart:
                              Noelle sez "Do want you like, like what you do. Life is Good."

