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Having a tough evening

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    Having a tough evening

    It's snowing outside and I can't get out. I've been inside all day apart from a trip to the shops where I managed to stay well away from the drinks section.
    I've tidied the house, tidied my room top to bottom, made myself a healthy dinner.. but now I'm starting to itch and get aggitated as this would normally be an ideal time to have a glass of wine.
    I've made a herbal tea but it's really not doing the trick.
    Anybody got advice. It's too early to go to bed.

    Having a tough evening

    Hey Juley!

    How about a good book? Anything on TV or the computer? Perhaps watch 'rain in my heart'? Hop on to chat? Take a bath?
    Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

    Winning since October 24th, 2013


      Having a tough evening

      Ooo, maybe a bath actually. Although the house is so cold.
      Might do a mini pampering session.
      There's a tv program I want to watch but it's not on for another 2 hours


        Having a tough evening

        exercise, yoga, meditation, write a letter you've been putting off, bake cookies, think of a hobby you've always wanted to do and research it,
        Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
        awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.awprint:


          Having a tough evening

          150 things to do instead of drinking.

          1. Read a book
          2. Take a walk
          3. Play a musical instrument
          4. Knit
          5. Clean your closets
          6. Research your genealogy
          7. Cook a gourmet dinner
          8. Write an article for your local newspaper
          9. Go take some pictures
          10. Clean the mildew in your bathroom
          11. Start writing that book you've been planning
          12. Plan a garden
          13. Plant a garden
          14. Play with a pet
          15. Read to a child
          16. Visit someone in an old folks' home
          17. Watch a news special on TV
          18. Set up a family budget
          19. Make a web site
          20. Take up archery
          21. Exercise
          22. Go to an online recovery meeting
          23. Surf the internet
          24. Call your mom
          25. Learn a foreign language
          26. Write a poem
          27. Play golf
          28. Take a bubble bath
          29. Draw
          30. Teach a parakeet to whistle
          31. Take a nap
          32. Listen to music
          33. Paint
          34. Clean your desk
          35. Start a stamp collection
          36. Go window shopping
          37. Browse in a book store
          38. Go to an art gallery
          39. Go for a drive
          40. Paint a room
          41. Watch the clouds go by
          42. Play darts
          43. Do target shooting
          44. Do home repairs
          45. Clean your garage
          46. Sort your photographs
          47. Make a scrapbook
          48. Climb a tree
          49. Plant a tree
          50. Make marmalade
          51. Make a list of things to do
          52. Write a letter to the editor
          53. Volunteer somewhere
          54. Take a hike
          55. Take a college class
          56. Try yoga
          57. Meditate
          58. Get a massage
          59. Make fruit smoothies
          60. Bake cookies
          61. Do a crossword puzzle
          62. Go to the gym
          63. Plant a color bowl
          64. Sharpen your pruning tools
          65. Change your engine oil
          66. Sew
          67. Groom your dog
          68. Go see a play
          69. Write a sonnet
          70. Sort your recipes
          71. Play solitaire
          72. Go bird watching
          73. Write a letter to a friend
          74. Read a poetry book
          75. Repot your houseplants
          76. Go to a movie
          77. Mow your lawn
          78. Put up (or take down) your Christmas lights
          79. Make pickles
          80. Go jogging
          81. Watch sitcoms
          82. Plan menus for a diet
          83. Do a jigsaw puzzle
          84. Play chess
          85. Write a country-western song
          86. Watch a video
          87. Go for a bike ride
          88. Plant an herb garden
          89. Start an online journal
          90. Dye your hair
          91. Go to a restaurant
          92. Lift weights
          93. Bake some bread
          94. Learn a martial art
          95. Polish the furniture
          96. Make a flower arrangement
          97. Read the newspaper
          98. Start some seeds
          99. Sort your magazines
          100. Do some laundry.
          111. Take a nature walk
          112. Play with your kids
          113. Volunteer at a homeless shelter
          114. Volunteer at a school
          115. Pick up garbage in a park
          116. Tickle your kids
          117. Play basketball
          118. Volunteer at an animal shelter
          119. Read to a child or pet
          120. Sign up for obedience training with your dog
          121. Take a walk and pick up litter you see on the way
          122. Spend time at the library
          123. Sort all your digital photos and make an album to print for holiday gifts to family.
          124. Help your kid organize his closet.
          125. Figure out the melody and chords to your current favorite tune on the piano.
          126. Practice your holiday cookie recipes
          127. Make crackers from scratch (that one didn't go so well).
          128. Make tortillas from scratch (better).
          129. Reread a book you haven't read for years.
          130. Tango
          131. Learn about someone else’s religion.
          132. Reread one of your college textbooks.
          133. Key out a wildflower.
          134. Do your nails.
          135. Do word puzzles.
          136. Play a board game.
          137. Burn CD’s of some of your favorite music for a friend.
          138. Plant a bonsai.
          139. Play Mad Libs.
          140. Speak only in heroic couplets for an hour.
          141. Read poetry online.
          142. Ride a stationary bicycle.
          143. Set up a domino topple.
          144. Play backgammon.
          145. Build a house of cards
          146. Make an entry in Wikipedia.
          147. Read a world almanac.
          148. Publish a family newsletter.
          149. Throw cards at a hat.
          150. Go to bed.
          "It's not your job to like me, it's mine!"

          AF 10th May 2010
          NF 12th May 2010


            Having a tough evening

            Great list, one2many!

            I was going to ask if you had any hobbies. I have been trying to find things to do that don't revolve around alcohol. I also suffer from boredom in times when I would have had a drink, but have nothing better to do. Computer games are a brief respite, as is playing my guitar.

            What did you make for dinner?


              Having a tough evening

              That's a great list. I've been on Ebay since. Not sure which is the less of two evils.

              I made lamb burgers for dinner. Lovely with a baked potato and stir fry veg. I've only started cooking/eating properly the last few days again. I've discovered that I missed cooking.
              I'm tempted to bake a few cupcakes now. Must see if I have the ingredients.

              Yes Moglor, my problem is boredom. I get bored very easily and like to be distracted so I don't think so much. I spend a lot of time on my own which gives me too much time to think. I don't yet have the mind to read, I give up after a page or two but must see if I can find a good page turner. Last time somebody gave me a really good book I read it over a weekend and avoided all alcohol that weekend as a result!


                Having a tough evening

                Glad you're staying strong Juley. Thinking, yes that can be my problem at times. Although I am still well ahead of where I was 6 months ago I still need to tweak my behaviour. Lamb burgers sound divine. Have a great night!

                Start by doing what's necessary, then what's possible and suddenly you are doing the impossible.

                St. Francis of Assisi


                  Having a tough evening

                  How do you teach a parakeet to whistle. Their beaks are hard, how do they purse them?
                  Just askin
                  Wally22:confusedmonkey::confusedmonkey::confusedmo nkey:
                  If I don't want to brag but I can still wear the earings I wore in highschool
                  November 2, 2012


                    Having a tough evening

                    Go to the "What We're Reading" Thread and you'll find lots of great ideas there!
                    :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                    Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                      Having a tough evening

                      :H:H:H Wally

                      I reckon, a thought like that could keep you busy for HOURS!
                      Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                      Winning since October 24th, 2013


                        Having a tough evening

                        Lamb burgers sound great!

                        Being distracted so I don't think so much is a common theme for me. There's an episode of House where the guy takes some crazy concoction to make himself less intelligent.. I always identified quite strongly with that episode. I often drank just to quiet down my overactive brain. I'm still having a hard time finding things to do to fill the void that I once filled with beer.

                        Posting here helps me quite a bit. It's something to do, and everyone here has a set of shared experiences that you don't usually find in daily life or social engagements.



                          Having a tough evening

                          Juley I am wishing you the best. Finding healthy activities that distract us from the cravings are key. I can tell you from experience that it gets much easier the longer you're AF. Thinking of you...John
                          Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


                            Having a tough evening

                            Well, I did it. Off to sleep now. I could probably set up a market stall at the weekend though selling all the cakes I baked tonight! :H

                            I don't mind what it takes though! Even cleaning today was out of character for me. Or maybe I was too lazy and occupied before to bother or care.

                            Thanks all..!


                              Having a tough evening

                              So glad you got through the evening ok Juley. Well done. Finding things to do instead of drinking is the hardest part of staying AF. Try planning ahead what you're going to do the next night and spend the day getting enthusiastic about it.
                              :h Mish :h
                              Never give up...
                              GET UP!!!

                              AF since 25th November, 2011

                              What might have been is an abstraction
                              Remaining a perpetual possibility
                              Only in a world of speculation.
                              What might have been and what has been
                              Point to one end, which is always present. T.S. Eliot

