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Army Thread 30th November

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    Army Thread 30th November

    Good morning, Army

    Mrs. T is off to Johannesburg again this morning. I'm supposed to be going next week, but am trying my utmost to get out of it...

    In other news: I have been asked to be one of the speakers at a conferences in my line of work in February next year. I've decided to say yes, so the nerves are already niggling away at me. I was talked into it by a colleague who seems to have more faith in my abilities than I do. I dread speaking in front of large audiences and am always afraid that my English won't be good enough (it's not my home language, remember). But what the hell: I'm no longer going to be shaking because of drinking myself into oblivion the night before, but because of nervous anticipation. Tha's already a start, I guess.

    Have a wonderful Tuesday. My entire week is (hopefully) going to be calmer than the preceding two, so I'm happy about that.
    I'll do whatever it takes
    AF 21/08/2009

    Army Thread 30th November

    Good morning, Well, I made it through Monday-even with the icy slush and having a slight bit of the Monday morning blues. I usually find if I can get myself out there I start to feel better. It turned out to be a pretty good day! Hoping for the same today. I find it helpful to watch all the other people rushing to work and take comfort that I'm not alone on this planet with my problems, worries...whatever! Also, sometimes just a chat or smile with a stranger at the train stop about the cold and Christmas makes my mood lift. And of course coming on here.... So off for coffee and gotta try to find something WARM to wear!Yesterday I wore my Doc's and jeans-the boss did not look too happy so I better not push my luck today:H. It is freezing and I walk quite a bit bring my son to school and then getting to the rail station etc. And Tips--I promise I'll give it a go and start the thread if I get here before you....but I must admit-it's nice to see your smiling bouncy self already on here. Have a great day all! expat xxx


      Army Thread 30th November

      Morning Tigg and Expat

      Tiggs, I know what you mean about public speaking, scares me shitless too. But dont worry about your English, if you make any mistakes my guess is that it will sound endearing rather than anything else. You have come such a long way you know xxx

      Expat, I know what you mean about lifting the spirits. I took a couple of clients into town yest and bought a few Christmas films for us to watch over the season. Made me feel good.
      Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
      Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


        Army Thread 30th November

        Morning All!
        Winter's icy grip seems to be tightening but I'm enjoying the challenge of keeping the paths clear and getting to work.
        A couple of the drivers never made it back last night. They're in a Travel Lodge and will try again this morning.
        I'm feeling good again after my crazy thoughts of drinking. I just needed to make the right decision.
        Have a lovely day, whatever your weather.


          Army Thread 30th November

          Good Morning Army!!!

          Hello Starty, Exat, Tips and Popeye and to all who drop by later.

          I guess you're all managing to cope with the cold and snow. Glad to see that Jan got through that storm okay. Kind of creepy, all that stuff blowing away. Wouldn't like that much.
          Tips, you'll be fine. So much better than trying to do it with a hangover. And you've got lots of time ahead of you to get used to the idea and practice what you want to say.
          Popeye, glad to see you're feeling more positive today.
          As usual, I'm off to walk my doggie. Will catch up with youz laterz...

          Hope you all

          For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
          AF since 10/10/2015:yay:


            Army Thread 30th November

            Good Morning Tips, Expat, Starty, Pops, & Stirly,

            It's nice to see everyone in good spirits this morning, Tips, you will be great!!!!

            I'm just about to go out to clear the driveway to get to work, Mr B leaves at 5.30 and his van is parked on the street ........ Grrrr ..........

            Have a great day everyone, and JC I hope that you are still taking your tablets!!!!

            Love & Hugs, B xxx


              Army Thread 30th November

              tiptronic_ct;1013195 wrote: I have been asked to be one of the speakers at a conferences in my line of work in February next year. I've decided to say yes, so the nerves are already niggling away at me. I was talked into it by a colleague who seems to have more faith in my abilities than I do. I dread speaking in front of large audiences and am always afraid that my English won't be good enough (it's not my home language, remember). .
              Tip, I confidently and foolishly said yes to a similar thing 6 months ago and had to front up and deliver yesterday and today. I threw up both mornings. And I was so nervous that I stumbled my words and had the shakes. But it was fine and I got some great feedback about what we are doing. I still feel happier sitting in the back room reading and writing though. (and english is my first language, so I dont underestimate the challenge :l)

              Feel the fear and do it anyway??????
              Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

              Harriet Beecher Stowe


                Army Thread 30th November

                startingover;1013201 wrote: Morning Tigg and Expat

                Tiggs, I know what you mean about public speaking, scares me shitless too. But dont worry about your English, if you make any mistakes my guess is that it will sound endearing rather than anything else. You have come such a long way you know xxx

                Expat, I know what you mean about lifting the spirits. I took a couple of clients into town yest and bought a few Christmas films for us to watch over the season. Made me feel good.
                did you buy the bishops wife??:H


                  Army Thread 30th November

                  Morning Tips,Expat,cirly wirly stirly girly,Starty, Mrs B,Pops, Missy B,limers and all those yet to drop by.

                  Unaccustomed as I am to public posting............... anyway I'll give it a go.

                  Seriously I have never done any public speaking so absolutely no tips from me, Tips.

                  Tablet taken, BB.

                  Happy St Andrew's Day to all our Scottish viewers

                  And oh it's still snowing.
                  It could be worse, I could be filing.
                  AF since 7/7/2009


                    Army Thread 30th November

                    Ohhh I still havnt seen that movie.

                    Tipps, I did Debating and public speaking in my early years, I think it will be a very good thing for you, it is character building and it WILL give to added confidence.

                    Funny..I can stand up before hundreds of people and speak but I cannot ask for directions or complain in a restaurant..
                    "It's not your job to like me, it's mine!"

                    AF 10th May 2010
                    NF 12th May 2010


                      Army Thread 30th November

                      Good morning everyone

                      Tips I think your English is far better than most people whose 1st language it is, you will be fantastic and have time to practice, it's a pity we don't have an audio thread or you could practice on us! I think it's wonderful in sobriety to take on new experiences, I'm definitely more open for things now than I used to be.

                      Pops - happy St Andrews day.

                      Wishing you all a great day :l
                      "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                      AF - JAN 1st 2010
                      NF - May 1996


                        Army Thread 30th November

                        Hiya BB, MissB, Limers, JC, Oney and Chill. Looks like the ladies are commanding the barracks today..:H

                        Something like this, Jackie??

                        For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
                        AF since 10/10/2015:yay:


                          Army Thread 30th November

                          Just about, Stirls,
                          All the kids are off school so Mr JC is getting to work in record time as the roads are all clear.

                          Yoooooooo hoooooo Chill,
                          It could be worse, I could be filing.
                          AF since 7/7/2009


                            Army Thread 30th November

                            :new:I have just tried to post here and whoosh it went!

                            I thought I would pop over here for a look around as I have never strayed from the just starting out NOvember posts.
                            Ok with public speaking but not ok with an argument. I always give in

                            Winter wonderland outside my window so much more enjoyable when I can stay indoors without a hangover:h


                              Army Thread 30th November

                              :yay: anon, you made it over here.

                              Sorry didn't yooooooooooo hoooooooooo yoooooooooo Oney
                              It could be worse, I could be filing.
                              AF since 7/7/2009

