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Sleep or lack of it

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    Sleep or lack of it

    Firstly, if I'm posting this in wrong section please feel free to re-direct me.
    So, last night I used up so much energy baking etc. Relaxed watching a program I'd wanted to watch on tv. Then went to bed, fairly tired.
    It got to 1am, then 2am, then 3am and I think I may have drifted off a little until 4am.
    All in all about an hours sleep if I was lucky. Not good when I would, had I work today, been up at 6am.
    If this is 'normal' - how long can I expect it to last and does anybody have advice for preventing it. I would have taken a xanax only I'm on an antibiotic and wasn't sure about mixing them.
    I didn't feel a bit anxious going to bed but everytime I got to the point where I'd be just about to fall asleep, my brain shook itself or something so I was wide awake again..

    Sleep or lack of it

    Absolutely normal darling. The sleep fairy tends to go walk about the first week or so, but what little sleep you're getting AF is so much better than the tossing and turning drinking sleep.
    Hang in there and perhaps try some over the counter sleep remedies.
    J x
    It could be worse, I could be filing.
    AF since 7/7/2009


      Sleep or lack of it

      oh yes, i remember it well. i had 2 weeks of hell in the sleep department. it gets so much better. ive had the best sleep ever since knocking the booze down. i found 'sominax' and over counter remedy helped me most. its an anti histamine and i just took it for a few nights. it did make me a little drowsy the next day... or perhaps that was just the cumulative effect of so many nights climbing the walls not sleeping. good luck
      Today is the tomorrow i worried about yesterday and it turned out fine
      Keep passing the open windows


        Sleep or lack of it

        Hi there, it took me about a good three weeks before I was sleeping normally with no help from OTC Meds or doctor prescribed. AL takes away your body's natural sleep patterns and interupts it's natural ability to fall asleep in a natural state, you basically have to re-set and this will take some time but it is still much better then falling asleep saturated with AL. Perhaps try some Melatonin, it seems to work for a lot of people here but it didn't have any effect on me. It will get better, your body is healing and unfortunately this doesn't happen over night. Keep plugging along, pretty soon you'll be having really great sleeps, the wait is defientely worth it.


          Sleep or lack of it

          Hi Juley, like writen above, although this is hard to work through, it is normal. To help with the sleeping I recommend healthy nutrition, stay hydrated, do not drink or eat caffein after lunch, daily exercise, and for me Omega fish oil supplements and vitamin d supplements. This combination seemed to help, and is still helping.

          It is a battle to go sober, but you can do it. Fight fight fight.
          Sober since Feb 7, 2010.


            Sleep or lack of it

            Hi Juley,

            I'm going through it, too, as I am only in week one. I can't offer any remedies or help but from reading the above, I would say it looks like we're going through a normal phase.

            I would say that a few hours AL free sleep is better than 10 hours drunken sleep - that's how it seems to be going for me.

            Come back and let us know how things are going.

            One Small Step for Man, One Giant Leap for Mankind.


              Sleep or lack of it

              The sleep will come along with many other good reasons not to drink, stick it out it's really worth it
              AF 5/jan/2011


                Sleep or lack of it

                Yep, sleep does not come naturally to me - never has. But I can tell you that I have never slept better since it is no longer wine-induced! Last night I woke up at 1:45 am and did not go back to sleep, but I think it is because I am fighting a bit of a cold. I may be sleepy, but I'm not hungover! Keep at it, sleep will come. Taking a calcium supp seems to help me. Good luck friend!
                February 27th, 2013. A New , Successful Start. :h

                When everything seems like an uphill struggle, just think of the view from the top!!


                  Sleep or lack of it

                  It took me 3 or 4 days to start sleeping again. After the first night I took over the counter sleep aid and woke up hung over from it so, since that is the reason I stopped the drinking, I decided to go it alone without help from sleep aids and, even though I was tired, I felt so good it was worth it. I found eating earlier and exercising early and taking a bath right before bed helped me the most. And no caffeine or getting emotional with in 4 hours of bedtime.
                  You always succeed if you never stop trying.
                  Everyday we choose the direction of change.


                    Sleep or lack of it

                    Juley, hang in there. I'm now getting the best sleep of my life! Think about how many years you drank, and it makes sense that it will take time for your body to adjust. But once it does (at least for me) you will be so much better off. And, like Hill says, you have to do the whole program to really get the best health. You know, if you can exercise, eat right, etc. Just give it a bit of time.

                    Sending you peace and strength,


                      Sleep or lack of it

                      Hi Juley,
                      You described my night exactly! It's all just part of getting the alcohol out of our systems. I recently had a six day "slip", so I'm starting all over sleep-wise. Hang in there, it will get better!
                      :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                      Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                        Sleep or lack of it

                        Thanks guys. I might take a xanax tonight and get to bed earlier.

                        I'm very weepy today, moreso now in the evening.It could be the lack of sleep last night and the isolation. Haven't been outside the door all day.
                        Day 3 almost done. Christ, it's tough work but going to keep at it.


                          Sleep or lack of it

                          Good for you Juley - you'll feel better tomorrow, just give it some time.


                            Sleep or lack of it

                            Hello Juley, the first few days are a roller coaster, first time I started stopping I didn't believe all the different ways my body and mind had been affected by alcohol, I do now!! Sleepwise, I've always been a shite sleeper so no miracles there, most people seem to revert to normal within a couple of weeks tho. Definitely a couple of hours sober sleep is better than 6 hours in a coma!! The weepeys and all are normal, anxiety also, it really gets dramatically better every day after the first 3. After that you should be through the worst of withdrawals. Be strong fellow Irish lass - we're a strong lot and plenty of us here!:welcome:
                            Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                            contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                              Sleep or lack of it

                              Hi Juley your doing good as Molly said the first 3 days is the worst.
                              AF 5/jan/2011

