Wow Zen. You are a stunner girl, and lovely to see that virtuous glass of OJ sat there in front of you.
Saffy is a little darling Sapph. ANd I see we have another looker in our midst.
Yes beags as the rains fill up every available receptacle between here and Victoria, and as we know that's when frogs migrate between bodies of water. So I'm expecting Tawny on my doorstep any minute. No need to call. You all know how much I love the drop in.

No storm here as yet TF.
Ah Saph, Saffy is gorgeous. Who's the hot chick with her?

Hiya Beag's, you corker!
Thank's for sharing your pic's Zen. You are beautiful inside and out, as we already know.
A maaarvellous evening to all. :h