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Underoos and Friends - December.....

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    Underoos and Friends - December.....

    Good luck, but you have to rest.

    I'm off into the sun. Catch you later.

    'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

    Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


      Underoos and Friends - December.....

      Midday check in.
      One of those inexplicably tired days here.
      Hasn't stopped me giving Jones palace the once over, but just flagging energy wise.
      Got some windows to do now, and seem to be just giving them stare-age.
      If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
      Rejoined life 20/5/19


        Underoos and Friends - December.....

        Post salad roll (with beetroot) check in.

        It's 28C at the mo with more hot days ahead so I've been hand watering the chinese pistachio seedlings. I'll try them on 2L per week ... treat them lean ... if they start looking sad I'll increase the dosage. The established ones don't get any water at all so the babies will have to learn to adjust.

        I LOVE LOVE LOVE doing windows. Used to HATE it until I found Enjo.

        Toodle pip.


          Underoos and Friends - December.....

          Enjo you say ?
          Thought that was just an excuse for your middle aged girls to get together, chuck down Yellow, and spend the tradey bucks
          If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
          Rejoined life 20/5/19


            Underoos and Friends - December.....

            Nope - I didn't even go to a bloody party because I don't 'do' parties but my sister recommended it and I totally trust her. So I just rang the local rep and ordered it. She came and insisted that she had to demonstrate so I ended up buying more stuff than just the window cleaning thingy which is brilliant.

            And no - I don't have shares.


              Underoos and Friends - December.....

              tawnyfrog;1030296 wrote: Post salad roll (with beetroot) check in.

              It's 28C at the mo with more hot days ahead so I've been hand watering the chinese pistachio seedlings. I'll try them on 2L per week ... treat them lean ... if they start looking sad I'll increase the dosage. The established ones don't get any water at all so the babies will have to learn to adjust.

              I LOVE LOVE LOVE doing windows. Used to HATE it until I found Enjo.

              Toodle pip.
              Oh yeah Frog even I can happily clean stuff listening to Orinoco Flow. Love Enjo!
              Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


                Underoos and Friends - December.....

                Very funny, Techie ... if I tried cleaning to Enya I'd probably be hypnotised and draw doodles in the dust or vacuum in a wavy pattern ... she's most soporiphic ...

                Undies (and others) - serious question ... have any of you ever employed the services of a counsellor/therapist/psychologist/shrink - not necessarily related to drinking issues but Life issues in general? In my immediate circle of friends, no-one ever has (unless of course they're lying and just won't admit it) and I'm wondering if it is it an Aussie thing to think we've got to sort out our shit on our own?

                Sorry if this is too D&M but it has become of interest to me lately.


                  Underoos and Friends - December.....

                  So glad you added that rider, Reggie, 'cause I was just about to quote you to keep it here.

                  As another lapsed catholic, I remember being sent to confession on a Saturday. I used to go with my cousin. On the way to church we'd compare notes as to what we were going to confess to. We were bloody 11 at the time! WTF? So we used to confess to lame stuff, like not obeying our parents or teachers but totally gloss over the fact that we might have played with ourselves. Then, after being given penance, we'd say three Hail Mary's instead of six, two Our Fathers instead of four, genuflect nicely, back out of church and run like the clappers in case HE got us on the way home. Yep - we lied at confession.

                  Now - henceforth, my one and only experience with a State-provided Psychologist was after I was in a bushfire. I/we stayed to defend the property and only lost one room. As the fire was deliberately lit, we became a "Victim of Crime' and eligible for compo. She assessed me and although I had a "shit happens" attitude and did suffer some residual trauma which didn't become evident until much later, she sort of insisted that I could "benefit from further sessions" at my expense. I went once. Role-playing a scenario where she was my father just didn't work for me.

                  Having said that, I've lately been thinking that I'd like to talk to someone about feelings of "what's the bloody point?" I'm having a bit of trouble believing that "the best is yet to come". I hasten to add that I'm NOT suicidal or anything sinister like that. Just a general blah. And I know that I'm going to be incredibly ageist if I find a counsellor, walk in and find a 30-something person who ain't there yet offering me platitudes or asking me to "elaborate a little more".

                  Guess I would be seen as antagonistic.

                  Good thoughts, Reggie. Thanks.

                  Fusk it - I'm just gonna hit "Post quick reply" without reading back or editing. Stuff the typos.
                  (I thought you said you weren't going to delete. Please don't.)


                    Underoos and Friends - December.....

                    Yep I found one.
                    Psychologist that is.
                    Been seeing her for a while. She still doesn't know I'm an alki. I just don't want to let her down.:H
                    I would actually like someone to see through my bullshit (at which I am an expert), and confront me a bit more.
                    This is a very small place too, and I worry about disclosure.
                    Most times I see her, which isn't very often, we talk about some of her things, some of my things, and deteriorate into a giggling session. It's not really getting me anywhere.
                    Horses for courses I expect, but I had an appointment with one once who was apparently an addiction specialist. She was a frigging space cadet, who only wanted to talk about paedophiles. Man I legged it out of that one fast
                    If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                    Rejoined life 20/5/19


                      Underoos and Friends - December.....


                      Attitudes towards therapy are much the same over here in Saffaland.

                      All I can say is that onceI worked up the courage to go, it turned into one of the best decisions I ever made. It helped me to chuck the "blahness" right out of my life. Dealing with AL is piss-easy by comparison.

                      You need to find the right person, the right approach and then be prepared to stick with it - change / improvement doesn't happen overnight. I went for just about a year, and will be returning for the occassional session in the new year, as soon as my medical benefits kick in again. Just to kinda "re-orient" myself when required.
                      I'll do whatever it takes
                      AF 21/08/2009


                        Underoos and Friends - December.....

                        And having read Bridge's post - you need to be honest and open to get maximum benefit

                        And I reiterate: you need to find the right person. Bridge clearly hasn't yet :H
                        I'll do whatever it takes
                        AF 21/08/2009


                          Underoos and Friends - December.....

                          Reggie;1030347 wrote: Brave Tigger :H i would suggest a run and hide scenario Tiggs if Bridge finds you... hope not..... you have the advantage of distance between N.S.W and Cape Town I spose you have room to move...but as Bridgee is a registered nurse she has probably witnessed a Colorectal surgery proceedure!!!!! i would be wary of that tail of yours and were it might end up ...just sayin:H:H
                          Oh dear... I've become rather attached to my tail...
                          I'll do whatever it takes
                          AF 21/08/2009


                            Underoos and Friends - December.....

                            Reggie;1030347 wrote: Brave Tigger :H i would suggest a run and hide scenario Tiggs if Bridge finds you... hope not..... you have the advantage of distance between N.S.W and Cape Town I spose you have room to move...but as Bridgee is a registered nurse she has probably witnessed a Colorectal surgery proceedure!!!!! i would be wary of that tail of yours and were it might end up ...just sayin:H:H
                            He's right though. She's nice though, and I'm having trouble sacking her.
                            Can you imagine me in a relationship ? (Now, John you just can't have my house....yes I know you like it, I know)
                            What about in politics ? (Now North Korea, we all get a bit antsy sometimes. Just step away from the red button and we'll have a little confab)
                            If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                            Rejoined life 20/5/19


                              Underoos and Friends - December.....

                              Evening Folks,
                              I've managed to resurrect my old account!


                                Underoos and Friends - December.....

                                Evening Ficks.
                                Yep, that's more you.
                                If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                                Rejoined life 20/5/19

