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Have a Plan B

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    Have a Plan B

    Excellent post Time!! All great information on this thread. I have found my way back again and starting over at day one. And is the spirtit of all this advice I am going on a mission to find my Carr book, my big book, already dusted of the hypno cd's and found three meeting locations close to my flat. I am thinking about changing my screen name to "SlowlearningGuy"! Glad to be back...again! ;-)

    Love Guy,
    Another day one.
    "I've done it. I don't need to drink anymore. I'm free!"-Jason Vale


      Have a Plan B

      cmhguy3;1017033 wrote: I am thinking about changing my screen name to "SlowlearningGuy:

      Welcome Back CMHguy!


        Have a Plan B

        Glad you are back. Sounds like you have alot of tools ready for the fight. Just never give up. I'm no expert and will not claim to have this beat but for now I am feeling good and keeping my guard up. Keep at it and use all of those tools!! Stick around and stay in touch!!
        Congrats on Day one. Hope its the last one!!


          Have a Plan B

          cmhguy3;1017033 wrote: I have found my way back again and starting over at day one. And is the spirtit of all this advice I am going on a mission to find my Carr book, my big book, already dusted of the hypno cd's and found three meeting locations close to my flat.
          :yougo: Good for you. Leave no tool untouched! We can do this.

          Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
          Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

          One day at a time.


            Have a Plan B

            Wellcome back Guy
            AF 5/jan/2011


              Have a Plan B

              I know exactly the morning vision and the afternoon reality
              I went to a gathering last night and didn't drink( it was a minute by minute challenge for awhile) now today and not hungover didn't let the kids down. Made people laugh way more then I would have after being in the wine...thanks for the words rudemama

