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What is your plan for Christmas/New Year

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    What is your plan for Christmas/New Year

    I have just been given a bottle of wine for Christmas. This will not be the only one I get. It has been a usual gift for me for so many years. What do I do now that I no longer drink alcohol?
    How do you deal with all the work and social parties, free grog, everyone drinking?
    I reckon I will attend six Christmas parties over the next month.
    On top of this I will be turning 50 and celebrating this with family and friends. More presents of wine etc, another party involving drinking.
    Any advice greatly appreciated.

    AF since 12 April 2010

    What is your plan for Christmas/New Year

    Hi Tantangra,

    When I am given bottles of alcohol (it kept happening at work last Christmas) I give it away as soon as possible to friends/family/anyone available. I've found it's best to give it to people who know about my alcohol addiction, so they know why I'm giving it to them and will never feel the need to repricrocate by giving me a bottle back sometime!

    But I've pretty much told everyone I know on a personal level about my addiction so nobody gives me alcohol any more - that helps a lot!
    AF since December 22nd 2008
    Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


      What is your plan for Christmas/New Year

      Tant, I will be avoiding parties, but if I get's my plan. If it's at someone's house, I'm going to take my own. I've ordered some sparkling Tea that comes in a wine-looking type of bottle. It's supposed to be yummy. Otherwise I would arrive late and leave early. I would also have a glass in my hand at all times so no one would be trying to give me a drink. And, if the situation presented itself, I would say that I'm not drinking - I don't have a problem with that but if you do, you could even make up an excuse like you're taking medication?? Lots of different things you could say if you didn't feel like talking about it. Hope that helps. Here is a link to the tea site -



        What is your plan for Christmas/New Year

        Good idea about passing the wine on to others as a present. Just make sure you remember who they are from so you don't give someone back the same bottle they gave you. I would drop hints to people who usually bring wine as a birthday present that you would prefer something else since you're not drinking (for whatever excuse you need to make or not make). That is if you feel comfortable telling them that.
        Wine and beer with meals is something that is taken for granted here and whenever we go out for a meal or entertain people here, there are both available. I just say no, I'm sticking to my own cocktail and pour a mix of a lemon-lime soda with plain soda and drink it out of my wine glass. Or if we're out, I'll just order soda and leave the rest to drink what they want to. They always ask me if I want wine and I say no, I'll stick to the soda. No one ever questions my answer even tho' I used to drink more than the others whenever we were together.
        Look, you've gotten all this AF time under your belt and I'm sure you've been exposed to AL on some other occasion up til now. Just say - thank you, I don't drink and leave it at that. You probably won't get so much as a raised eyebrow. Enjoy the holidays!!
        For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
        AF since 10/10/2015:yay:


          What is your plan for Christmas/New Year

          Thank for all the advice. I appreciate it. Thanks for the link to the sparkling tea supplier, it sounds lovely. I found a cordial called Bottle Green in the supermarket and its made from elderflowers. It tastes great, fresh and healthy, so I will take that along with me. I also like to drink tonic water and so I will order that at the work parties.
          Thanks again
          AF since 12 April 2010

