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The Journey is here...So Get your ass in gear for December to Remember

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    The Journey is here...So Get your ass in gear for December to Remember

    Hey grateful
    wanna jump on the truck with and go open up a can of whoop ass?????
    I love my family more than alcohol.:h
    Live in the Solution....not the problem


      The Journey is here...So Get your ass in gear for December to Remember

      It's OK. Handled for the moment. Sorry I've been such a grouch!!
      Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
      awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.awprint:


        The Journey is here...So Get your ass in gear for December to Remember

        Well, Paul worked on my computer for hours, running scans and he found no virsuses, thank goodness, but my "internet explorer" had gone bad, whatever that is, but anyway he re-ran (don't think that's a word) me a new thingy and now my computer is working so good and I'M SO HAPPY about it! Woo Hoo, Roger!!! Ruby, I was tempted to load a double barrell and blow my computer to pieces today, too. Oh, Ruby, I hate to admit it but I already use photobucket. I am doing something different because I never had all these problems with it before. I am so very sorry you had such a bad day, sweetheart. I hope hubby came home loving after reading your letter. I feel lots of people aren't talking to me. Is anyone mad at me over my pics or anything? I wanted to post some more if ya'll want to see more. Sunshine, I saw the prettiest yellow sundress in Mexico and I thought of you, but I had no idea of your size and come to think of it, I have never seen a pic of you. Have you posted one?
        I have been listening to Joyce Meyers "Approval Addiction" all week and I never realized what a HUGE problem that is for me. My whole life revolves around making everybody happy, trying to be and do everything perfect and doing whatever it takes for everyone to like me. Anyways, since I've been hearing all that, my insecurities have come out, and hopefully I am "dealing with them soberly" and they will go away! I've been making lists, too. List of reasons not to drink, not to smoke and a long list of everything me or Paul don't like about me and I am going to do a MAJOR
        overhaul until I become the person that I like. Well, we have a little mouse and I am sure he is not alone, so how do you catch a mouse when you have a little dog that notices everything hidden or new in the house? Okay, let's all dream we are in Mexico being catered to and looking at these views tonight. I love everyone and hope you all have a restful night. Love, Vicki

        I'm not what I should be, I'm not what I could be. I'm definetly not who I want to be,
        but I'm sure not who I used to be!

        There is no pit so deep that God's love is not deeper still.



          The Journey is here...So Get your ass in gear for December to Remember

          Oh gosh - SO much has gone on since I went to work! I am tired and am just going to say that I think your pics are lovely Vicki - , I LOVE the colour yellow, am wearing a yellow sweater now in fact - no I have never posted a picture but will e-mail you one sometime - not tonight, but soon. I want to reply to everyone that has posted but really feel wiped. will try and reply tomorrow. Hugs to all - hope all your days are better tomorrow - especially you Ruby - you sound as if you are about to explode!!!! I hope that you feel better tomorrow - extra hugs to you. Swannie - please check in with us.....

          Night everyone,

          Love, sun xxx
          How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


            The Journey is here...So Get your ass in gear for December to Remember

            Quick check in--still at work trying to get a last minute order in. Caved on the smokes and got locked out of my store when I went to buy them right next door! Good thing my friend lives 3 minutes away. Bit of a chili walk but her man came and hammered the knob off. I still have the deadbolt. Always something it seems. Vicki you worry WAY too much. Your pics are great! Thank you for sharing them. Hope things settle down soon for you Ruby. Love to all. xox

            Start by doing what's necessary, then what's possible and suddenly you are doing the impossible.

            St. Francis of Assisi


              The Journey is here...So Get your ass in gear for December to Remember

              Great Pictures Vicki. Now I want to go to Mexico.
              Hope all the shifters are doing good. Where has Tony been? He seems VERY quiet lately.
              Hope everyone is staying warm.


                The Journey is here...So Get your ass in gear for December to Remember

                Good morning, friends. Ruby-I hope today is a better day for you - and you are NOT a grouch! You put up with a lot gracefully. Just keep remembering how you are there for your grandkids...especially right now your granddaughters who need extra TLC. Vicki-I want to go to Mexico!!! Today the wind chill is only going to be in the mid-20's.....yuk!! And yes- I told you too - you do worry too much....nobody is mad at you, silly girl! Sunny-Tis the be tired. Hope you slept well last night and I hope Mags is feeling better today. Time-good to see it warm where you are?Rog-I can hardly wait for today's word.....ha! You really like challenging us, don't you...or should I say torturing us?
                Bird...what's on your plate today? Swannie.....big hugs, sweetheart. Please check in....we love you and miss you. :l RC-so sorry about your door you think maybe you should only give up the AL right now...then work on the cigarrettes? Seems like it would be so hard to do both at the same time.......

                To all my friends, have a wonderful day....stay warm.
                Live simply. Love generously. Care deeply. Speak kindly. Leave the rest to God.


                  The Journey is here...So Get your ass in gear for December to Remember

                  Hi all
                  Great pics Vick and we love the pics and you. I gotta get ready for work and I'm really tired and went to bed at 9 and slept. Anyway only 2 more days work.Xmas a bit stressful and not even close to ready.....later


                    The Journey is here...So Get your ass in gear for December to Remember

                    good morning grateful stay warm girl its cold out there and be careful driving ...
                    have a good day at work birdy.... time baby how are you doing girlfriend ...WELL TODAYS WORD '''CPAUOCIIRS''' GOOD LUCK AND HERES THE HINT I never know how he'll react."

                    well got some work today and not sure how long it going to to take but its going up in an addtic and cleaning and leveing an ac pan that has been leaking and mess the ceiling up and then repairing that ... im really its hot up there i dont like the cold .. but a mans gotto do what a mans got to do and im the only one that can fit up there ... well love and hugs one and all
                    :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
                    best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


                      The Journey is here...So Get your ass in gear for December to Remember


             are not a grouch. remember this is your safe place so vent away.
                      Vicki...for the 1,00000000000000th time...YOU ARE TOO SENSITIVE.....don't worry what others think, just be true to yourself, your family and God and you will be fine. And keep on posting baby!!
                      Roger...I am glad you are working today and I hope Sue is mending. What type of surgery did she have, if I am not being rude.? I dont remember seeing that.
                      Morning Sweet Grateful..where do you work?
                      Has anyone seen or heard from Tracy?? ANd Swannie?? Are we losing memebers of our family??
                      Hi Time! It's always good to see you.

                      Rc_ I agree..give up one thing at a time. Both seems awfully darn tough for now, especially at Christmas.
                      here's to a calm day for everyone, except those of us in retail (Sunni Bunni)
                      I think I am becoming a hermit and I rather like it...quiet, lazy days....just no money!!!!
                      Good morning Birdy!!
                      I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                      Live in the Solution....not the problem


                        The Journey is here...So Get your ass in gear for December to Remember

                        sorry mama but not the right word and theres NO T I THAT WORD HEHEHEHEH sue had neck surgery on l4 d3 something like that ... im losing count ...please try again heheheheh
                        :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
                        best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


                          The Journey is here...So Get your ass in gear for December to Remember

                          Good morning, family! Ok, I admitted I am very insecure. I am not sensitive! Ok, maybe just a little bit. :lol3: I do love all of you so much and I am so thankful I have you guys to talk to. It is so much cheapier than a therapist. :nutso: Hey, here's a thought, let's all ignore Roger's word game and maybe he will stop making us feel so STUPID! :huh: We love you, Baby. Well, I laid in bed trying to fall asleep until 4 am and woke up at 7 am. This comes from someone who has to have 8-10 hours of sleep a night, so today I'm going to be very grouchy, Ruby! I love you all and hope everyone has a great, warm day! Hey, guys, can anyone loan me $10 bucks?

                          I'm not what I should be, I'm not what I could be. I'm definetly not who I want to be,
                          but I'm sure not who I used to be!

                          There is no pit so deep that God's love is not deeper still.

                          "I CAN DO ALL THINGS THROUGH CHRIST WHO STRENGTHENS ME." Phil 4:13


                            The Journey is here...So Get your ass in gear for December to Remember

                            If I had it, it would be yours!!!!!
                            I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                            Live in the Solution....not the problem


                              The Journey is here...So Get your ass in gear for December to Remember

                              Even Google said capacitors!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                              I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                              Live in the Solution....not the problem


                                The Journey is here...So Get your ass in gear for December to Remember

                                Good Morning everyone! Gosh, I am late and everyone else is up and around! I need to go and get my cup of tea before I even start to think about your word Rog - unless it just jumps at me, I ignore it! Hey Vicki - what happened to the nice picture that was there a minute ago? Oh - I see!! never mind LOL.

                                RC - sorry you caved on the cigs - it is mindset - the Allen Carr book is excellent! I have used it a number of times!!!! The great thing is that each time I quit, it is easy - like this time - it is just staying quitted (quitted???) past a few months! It was 8 months last time. Sorry about your lock - bummer!

                                Good morning Grateful - hope things are going a bit better for you today - you sound as if they are. Mags is fine thank you and yes, I had a lovely nights sleep! I love sleep !! I love my bed. I agree with you Grateful - and you too Time - I want to go to Mexico!!!!

                                Jan - lovely to hear from you too - I so agree - I think being a hermit would be rather nice sometimes. Hope you enjoy your day today. Ruby - you sound so out of sorts! You really need to just try and take a deep breath, stand back and reassess the whole situation. Getting so mad about it isn't going to do your health any good at all. Can you go to a friend for the day or out for a coffee or something and meet up with a friend, just to get away from the whole thing? Just to get some breathing space? I feel for you - the whole thing sounds SO stressful. I don't totally understand the whole thing - all I know is I don't like them upsetting you! Take the dogs and go for a walk?

                                Back later - where is Biz? Swannie? Come back - we need you....

                                Hugs, Sun xx
                                How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....

