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The Journey is here...So Get your ass in gear for December to Remember

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    The Journey is here...So Get your ass in gear for December to Remember

    Ok, Bird...can you explain to me how it works? Remember, I am not creative at all....
    Live simply. Love generously. Care deeply. Speak kindly. Leave the rest to God.


      The Journey is here...So Get your ass in gear for December to Remember

      ok me home and im one tired baaaaaaahum buggy .. but really i had a great time ... there was lots of al in the house but didnt bother me one bit ... lots good convo and great family ... and gratefull i know the feeling no one really ever notices it until i say im not drinking and havent been for now three years and they go wow that is awesome how did you do it and all .. but hey always reamember this is not for them to notice .. but for only you to enjoy on what and how you are making changes for yourself .. the rest will come ...
      well love the pic birdy that looks great ..
      ruby honey glad you are having the time of your life .. keep it going but make sure you do what you need for you and that is to make sure you are eating and taking care of yourself too ..
      mama so please let us in how was it..i know your tired so hope to hear more .. rest well my dear friend ..
      vicky thankx that was nice .. so glas you have your internet back up and running ..
      hey maslow how are you doing ... good to see you post ...
      :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
      best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


        The Journey is here...So Get your ass in gear for December to Remember

        Hey everybody - I am here - now the party can begin. What - you are all in bed????? Well, that is a real bummer!! It is so nice to be in before 11.00 tonight! And tomorrow night I will be in even earlier! Bird, I am so impressed with your oven! you are definitely a multi-talented girl!! That is a really good picture. Ruby - you sound so tired but so happy - that is so good to hear!! Maslow - good to see you here - stay with us. Pm me if ever you need to - or call if you just need to chat - I will PM you my number. After all, we are neighbours! Vicki - loved your pics! Mb - glad that your first day went well - well, I am assuming it did???? Rog - you are not really Bah Hum bug are you? You are just saying that - hey, if I can work in retail and not say it, then you have NO reason to say it!! LOL Grateful - dear dear Grateful, what are we to do with you? Chin up - you are a very dear person - and you know that, so hold that thought! RC - hi to you - I feel that I need to say keep calm to you, take a deep breath and BREATHE. And AGAIN. Maybe take some rescue remedy??? LOL

        Hallo to everyone else that I have missed or that hasn't posted. Hugs to all - I am off to bed soon,

        Love, Sun XXX
        How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


          The Journey is here...So Get your ass in gear for December to Remember

          Hi all
          Guess I am first one up huh? Well Grateful sorry you are feeling down you are a real sweetheart and nice to doggies and hope today is better for you. That oven you build a fire in it and then sweep out the embers and it stays hot for hours and you can bake bread or pizza or put something in overnight...T glad party turned out ok for you. How are pups doing sun??? hey all been drinking this tea by tazo called rest and its pretty good for cutting the edge off but will make you a bit drowsy as has valarian think I gonna buy up a bunch of it.


            The Journey is here...So Get your ass in gear for December to Remember

            Good Morning Bird - I was up earlier but my eyes wouldn't focus and couldn't be bothered to get my specs!! So I have fed and taken dogs out - have to go out with Ben even though garden is fenced - need to make sure he does his stuff, plus he just lies by back door unless I go out too! They are doing fine although Maggie has been throwing up for the past three days now!! Have a feeling I know what it is so am trying something. The tea sounds good for a change but I really only like ordinary black tea with milk! Guess you can take the girl out of the country but you can't take the country out of the girl.

            Good morning to everyone else coming along. I am up too early really - I could have had another 40 mins in bed!! Glad that we are getting there - only two days then it will be all returns and sales! But our schedule will be easier and traffic should be easier too.

            Guess i will go and start doing my food ready to take with me and get showered. Back later all - have a wonderful day!!

            Hugs, Sun xx
            How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


              The Journey is here...So Get your ass in gear for December to Remember

              Good morning, my dear family! Well, I am off to the family's this morning. I have a doctor's appt at 1:00 then we're going to spend the night with my parents. Friday night we are having christmas with the kids and then Sat. we are having Christmas at my brother's house and then we get to come home Sunday and it will all be over with! That's when I get depressed. I hope all of you have a very Merry Christmas and make many special memories. I love you all so very much. Love, Vicki
              I'm not what I should be, I'm not what I could be. I'm definetly not who I want to be,
              but I'm sure not who I used to be!

              There is no pit so deep that God's love is not deeper still.



                The Journey is here...So Get your ass in gear for December to Remember

                well good morning one and all oh where oh where are MIA 'S COME OUT COME OUT WHERE EVER YOU ARE ...... so birdy did you cook anything in it yet ... vicky baby have a great time and merry xmas to you too and thank you i love my new plack ...LIFE IS A JOURNEY ENJOY IT .. thank you sweetie ..
                well sunshine glad to hear the dogs are getting along have a great evening at work and no im not really baahum buggy .. one more day to xmas eve... EVERYONE DO THEIR LAST SHOPING FOR THE FOOD AND OK A GIFT HERE AND THERE TOO... well enjoy love and hugs ... STAY STRONG AND KEEP THINKING POSITIVE AND KEEP THOSE SWEET LOOKING ASSES IN GEARS .. LOL
                :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
                best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


                  The Journey is here...So Get your ass in gear for December to Remember

                  I'm dragging around a bit, running non-stop right now which is not the way I like to do things. Hubs is home (ARRRGGGHHHH!) and running things like his business, so I won't get much down time. Love!!
                  Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
                  awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.awprint:


                    The Journey is here...So Get your ass in gear for December to Remember

                    well here I am back after months; you all must have done great in December...I'm starting AGAIN. Guess I can get a week of December in, Christmas and all....
                    From the Sanskrit prayer;

                    "....For yesterday is but a dream, and tomorrow is only a vision,
                    But today well lived makes every yesterday a dream of happiness and every tomorrow a dream of hope."

                    determined to be AF


                      The Journey is here...So Get your ass in gear for December to Remember

                      welcome babysteps every step forward counts just do your best ... and a merry xmas to you ...
                      ruby enjoy and hey have hubby do some of the work too ...
                      :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
                      best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


                        The Journey is here...So Get your ass in gear for December to Remember

                        we are watching vampires suck and it is so funny the kids are rolling


                          The Journey is here...So Get your ass in gear for December to Remember

                          I am home....2 -10 hour days..and my ass is tired after being off ,but I am so grateful.
                          I just have so much to learn, but Rome was not built in a it will take time
                          Off at 4 tomorrow, then Christmas at Nana's on Saturday....Hubbie is sitting here teasing me cause I got home, changed clothes, took off bra, and he wants to know why my boobs hang down under my armpits now.....I think he will get coal in his stocking.......HAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
                          gonna eat, read a bit and crash..I love you all so much,,,AND I WANT H0BNOBS.........even smarty pants hubbie loves them
                          nitey night
                          I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                          Live in the Solution....not the problem


                            The Journey is here...So Get your ass in gear for December to Remember

                            well well mama yep put coal in hubby stocking .. glad to hear your new job is keeping you onm your toes girl now learn as much as you can and do your best girl ... and enjoy and merry christmas ..
                            hey birdy glad you are enjoy your evening with your kids how are you doing with af girl
                            :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
                            best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


                              The Journey is here...So Get your ass in gear for December to Remember

                              Hello everyone - I am home. One day to go. Oh washing machine is beeping. Okay - I am back. I actually put some Christmas decs up tonight. youngest daughter came over and helped! I was going to make some mince pies but haven't. Jan - you really are cracking me up with the Hobnobs!!! I PROMISE I will send some as soon as I am able to - I work the day after Christmas - first Boxing day I have worked EVER - darn District manager, but I will try and stop on my way home where I buy them and see if I can post them maybe Monday - but NO promises - I am sort of busy on Monday - you know why!!!!! You are like a dog with a bone with them!! LOL

                              Babysteps - welcome - it doesn't matter how many times you start - as someone else said it is like riding a bike - you keep trying and then suddenly, you have it!! So, hang with us - we are pleased you are here. This is a very hard month for all of us that are still trying!!

                              Rog - nice to read your post not many here today - guess they are all out shopping or preparing.

                              Vicki - dear Vicki - thanks for the Pm - hope that your Doc appt went well? Hubs also gets depressed when it is all over - why?? I have never understood it - why do you? please PM me and explain it and hopefully I can understand Hubs a bit better!!!

                              Grateful - my friend - I will e-mail - love you! You really are special! Hope that you know that deep down. Need to go and get my wash sorted - never stops does it?

                              hugs to all,

                              Love, Sun XXX
                              How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                                The Journey is here...So Get your ass in gear for December to Remember

                                SO good to see new and old posts here. What a day!!! Shopping is my very least favorite thing to do, but things had to be done today. Took my time, smiled and chatted with everyone, though I truly wanted to go ballistic! :H The more Hubs helps, the more I want to choke his eyes out of their sockets!! He's now worried about all the little things, and I know my grands will be happy no matter how things look. The big deal this year is Hub's 'money jar'. The grand who guesses closest to the amount in the jar gets a $50 bill, 2nd place gets the jar of change. Gracie has been guessing amounts since Tuesday, when I told her about it!
                                Hubs went out today to buy local honey for SIL, scratch-off tickets for the 'adults' in the group, worked on the dog yard to try to keep them in, fed and watered all of them, and called me 50 times while I was finishing the shopping. Daughter's family will be here early, expecting food, so I have all kinds of appetizers, treats planned. Hubs keeps saying this is too much for me, but like I've said, step-granddaughter is coming for the first time in 3 years, with her boys, and cousin and his daughter (Aunt Nina, who passed away this year) will be here too. They have no other family. So, however the house looks, or when the food's ready, it will be grand.
                                Wishing you all a FABULOUS Christmas Eve. I'll try to check back in, but you all make my life SO much fuller. Thank you SO much, those who have taken the time to send me cards, wonderful gifts; each one absolutely makes the season for me, as I feel most of the time I'm trying to give and make things right, but those unexpected words, giifts, truly lift me.
                                Merry Christmas, all. I DO love you, each and every one.
                                Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
                                awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.awprint:

