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    i asked this question when i first came here but there are lots of new people since then so ill ask again. are any other insulin dependant diabetics out there. from my last post about it there appears to be only 2 of us which surprises me.
    the reason im asking is there have been a lot of posts recently about blood sugar and alcohol... effects and cravings. Its obviously a huge factor and being diabetic with huge blood sugar swings im not helping matters. ive not been able to find much info on the internet about it.... basically i think its thought that if you have a condition such as diabetes you should have more sense than to make things worse by drinking excessively... unfortunately it hasnt worked like that for me. My drinking actually got a lot worse after being diagnosed 15 years ago.
    having read the info about blood sugar and diabetes it certainly makes me realize that i should take it more seriously... the complications of diabetes are bad enough without adding alcohol into the mix..... but i know that anyway.
    Today is the tomorrow i worried about yesterday and it turned out fine
    Keep passing the open windows


    You just answered your own question, Hun. Regardless of diabeties, al in the type of quantities we ingest is just plain wrong. Maintaining blood sugar levels is very important in battling alcoholism though. Keeping your blood sugars up is vital, and I suggest getting some glucodin tablets to carry in your handbag for those moments when you feel like a snack. Works for me. XOXO
    :h Mish :h
    Never give up...
    GET UP!!!

    AF since 25th November, 2011

    What might have been is an abstraction
    Remaining a perpetual possibility
    Only in a world of speculation.
    What might have been and what has been
    Point to one end, which is always present. T.S. Eliot



      Alcoholism & Diabetes

      I had blood work done and was diagnosed with Pre-diabetes Type II ? What ? I exercise 6 days a week and I am not over weight. OK, it was my alcohol consumption. So I cut down on the days per week I consume, switched to a low glycemic diet, exercise even more, and after 3 months, my Ac1 level and blood glucose levels are back to normal. Long term alcohol abuse takes more of a toll on your pancreas than your liver. Liver can repair itself. Once the pancreas stops producing insulin, that's it. Diabetes for life. Scared the crap out of me.

      Here is something I copied from the Internet. There is so much out there on this subject.

      "Can Alcoholism Cause Diabetes?

      Alcoholism can lead to many adverse health conditions and may even cause diabetes to develop in some individuals. Those individuals who already have diabetes may also suffer additional adverse affects of consuming excess alcohol.

      According to the Mayo Clinic, drinking alcohol excessively can lead to pancreatitis. Pancreatitis can damage the pancreas, so it is no longer able to secrete adequate amounts of insulin to control blood sugar. This can cause diabetes to develop.

      Glucose Intolerance
      Alcohol consumption may also lead to glucose intolerance and eventually lead to diabetes.

      Impairs Insulin Response
      Excessive drinking may cause the body to stop responding appropriately to insulin. Over time, this can cause diabetes to develop.

      Raises Blood Sugar
      Drinking alcohol excessively can increase the secretion of hormones that raise blood sugar levels.

      Weight Gain
      Being obese puts individuals at a greater risk of developing diabetes. Drinking excessive high-calorie alcoholic drinks may lead to obesity and increase this risk."

      Spuddleduck, good luck to you controlling your diabetes. Try the "low glycemic index" way of eating. Of course it includes no alcohol. But it works wonders. Keeps your blood sugar stable.
      Miss October :blinkylove:



        Great posts all - just more nails in the "Why We Shouldn't Drink" coffin!!

        I read yesterday that alcohol stays in the spinal cord for 18 months - yikes - had not heard that one before. Evil S@#t!!



          thanks so much guys.... looks like theres not a lot of us diabetics out there. every day i do a finger prick test to check my levels when i wake up, after that i check several times a day... when i eat... when move.....when i do anything.. this is what i have to do everyday.. shit shit shit..... unfortunately i have some shit inside me which is alchololsim ....... i dont like it buta polly diabeti and polly alcolholsit is gonne deal with it
          Today is the tomorrow i worried about yesterday and it turned out fine
          Keep passing the open windows

