Hi threre LFP,
i take my hat off to you for standing by your son. As Girly said so many people with disabilities are in care because families either couldnt or wouldnt try to cope. I empaphise with you totally of the difficulty of caring for your child with problems. For eight years, I lived a nightmare life with my second son suffering from schizophrenia. My drinking became totally out of control whilst I struggled to cope with the relentless stress. You must find some respite from the responsibility or you will lose yourself to illness as well. Others have suggested social workers and family/friends to give you a break. If there is a way that you can have some me time on a regular basis, then you must get it. As you mentioned learning to live in the present moment and not projecting into tomorrow is of utmost importance to you. Living your day as consciously present as possible will help alleviate the worry about what may or may not happen tommorrow and what did or didnt happen yesterday. I find the books by Eckhart Tolle - 'The Power of Now'; 'Stillness Speaks' and 'A New Earth' really help me to understand and bring prescence into my own life, affording a peace of mind and a comfort that I could never have gained on my own. Even amidst crisis, unheaval these days, I remain calm, optimistic and grateful. I wish you all the peace and grace in the world. love Saff