thanks saffy, life stinks at times
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Saff - what is it about MWO that has helped you more than all the other things you tried?
ML - so glad to see you venturing out onto new threads!!
Draggy - you should post - it doesn't matter if you have problems. We all have them and we still post. You need support.
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Choochie;1016249 wrote: Saff - what is it about MWO that has helped you more than all the other things you tried?
ML - so glad to see you venturing out onto new threads!!
Draggy - you should post - it doesn't matter if you have problems. We all have them and we still post. You need support.
First and foremost I think that being able to access information and talk to folk 24/7 is fantastic. I also like the diversity of people from all across the globe...different cultural experiences; different stories, all coming together with one common theme. The desire to stop the madness. I like the controversy and the passion that sometimes presents itself here, over different treatment methods etc. I think that it is healthy to have that debate, it makes us think about where we stand with our own ideas and also presents us with lots of options. there are so many links provided by members to other sites that they have sought out and then shared with the community. Its like a massive research facility with unlimited access to information on studies and personal experiences with treatment methods. I love the sense of community and belonging that i feel here. It is fabulous to make new friends in other countries as well. I do well with a mix of humour and fact and this site provides all that and more.I am a part of the family of humanity. Not one person on this earth is a stranger to me. Rev. Ted Noffs
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Saff, so eloquently put. I love reading your posts and find the information you write extremely valuable. We are all very lucky to have each other. And, you're right, we get the benefit of all the collective wisdom in geometric proportions, because not only do people bring their own experience, they bring all they things they learn from other places, websites, etc. You've defined it exactly. I couldn't quite put a finger on why this place seems so amazing to me and why it's making the difference in my sobriety, but it most definitely is!
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I agree with the 24/7 too Saph! It's always daytime somewhere in the world, and for those nights when I'm struggling to sleep it's great to have people to talk to! Although I have to say my sleep just gets better and better...!!
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For me this is like self-directed rehab. I spend at least two hours per day here and when I sit down on my chair and switch on my PC I feel an amazing sense of calm. Its like coming home to a great big family who can all share my highs and lows and vice versa. Contributing to forums and offering advice, especially in the areas that I have extensive experience (holistic healing and exercise physiology), makes me feel valued and worthwhile. I had to sell a successful Fitness Centre (My dream) because my drinking had made working impossible. so sharing my knowledge and experiences is very important to me. At the height of my drinking,I had become very reclusive and lacking in confidence, being here and developing relationships on MWO has helped me to get back into the community and hold my head high again.I am a part of the family of humanity. Not one person on this earth is a stranger to me. Rev. Ted Noffs
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Choochie;1016278 wrote: ML - I'm so glad you're doing well. The sleep alone will make me stay sober - I can't believe it. I thought I was an insomniac but my sleep problems have totally vanished!
And sober sleep is sooooooo much better than passing out, waking up in the dead of night in mental turmoil. Getting up in the morning (if at all) sick as a dog and feeling hideousI am a part of the family of humanity. Not one person on this earth is a stranger to me. Rev. Ted Noffs
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Hey Guys! I know this isnt a good advert for great nights sleep as its 2.30am:H
BUT like you Chooch my sleep was crap when I was drinking, id go to bed unconscious then wake up around 3.30am half drunk/half hungover, id get anxious and toss and turn for hours.
Now I have the best sleeps in my entire adult life and usually get 7-8 hours straight without stirring, its just fantastic!!!!"In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
AF - JAN 1st 2010
NF - May 1996
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mylife;1016284 wrote: I have to say last night was the best nights sleep yet. Keeping my fingers crossed it will last! Thanks Choochie!
No reason why your sleep shouldnt stay this way mylife. When the body is repaired to its former wellness....eveything is so much better. And knowing and feeling the difference between a half life and a full engaged healthy one with all its ups and downs is so worth the effort.I am a part of the family of humanity. Not one person on this earth is a stranger to me. Rev. Ted Noffs
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i'm a habitual lurker, only cos, as has been previously said, if there's nothing good to say, i feel like a real sad sack seeking sympathy (nearly a tongue twister there!) BUT i've come to realise the importance of posting when i am sad & despairing as it helps me as an individual to put it all out in words, & i'm truly flabbergasted by the many lovely supportive replies that come back. no-one HAS to reply, but people do because they WANT TO HELP. which is the most amazing thing about being on here & goes a long way to restoring my faith in the human race.
i read here nearly every day, & thanks to Choochie & Sapphy & Techie & Ktab & Chilli & DG & mario & bridgey & tawny & g-bloke & reggie the veggie & RC & Cranky Pants & Det & One2 & the great JC & stirls & lav & Zennie the nutty Scot & Betty Boop & Sweaty Betty when she's around & Mishy & Zeppie2 & & & ...well the list is endless.... i can find something informative, funny & REAL every single day.
So i'll echo the sentiments mentioned above. POST. No matter what you think will be the response - i fully expect you will receive the warm, fuzzy welcome i recieved when i first came on & indeed each & every day i post on here.
there. that is all.:aussie: