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another attempt

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    another attempt

    Sorry - welcome back Medic, whatever works - do it, it's worth it as you know!!
    Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
    contentedly NF since 8/04/14


      another attempt

      Medic his is day one for me, we can do this!!!!!!! Draino belongs sown the drain!
      "I've done it. I don't need to drink anymore. I'm free!"-Jason Vale


        another attempt

        Thanks people. I wasn't expecting so many responses. All info seems valid - many approaches and ideas. 24 hours later and still haven't opened the cleaning cupboard. I did almost buy a bottle earlier but changed my mind. The auto-pilot failed on this occasion thank God.


          another attempt

          Been taking St. John's Wort. Hoping this will chill out my stupid brain.


            another attempt

            Hi medic. I'm taking liquid Valerian for the anxiety, and it's surprisingly effective as most things that are supposed to have a soporific or sedatory effect do nothing for me. I bought it from a naturopath in a Health Food Store (no charge that way), and was surprised when it had a mild, relaxing effect.
            I'm a real fan of Baclofen. I've been trying to get it for a few months now and finally succeeded getting it from an addictions specialist a couple of weeks ago. I'm also taking Naltrexone and Campral and I can honestly say I'm actually starting to feel something switching off in my brain. I'm exhausted by this disease and just want to put it behind me once and for all and get off the merry-go-round. I can say that without fear now, which I never could before this, so something has to be happening to the Beast. I can feel the power and life of Al bleeding out on the ground in front of me and I just want to laugh. Poor Al. Muahahahahah!
            (Seethepony, is that how it felt for you?)
            :h Mish :h
            Never give up...
            GET UP!!!

            AF since 25th November, 2011

            What might have been is an abstraction
            Remaining a perpetual possibility
            Only in a world of speculation.
            What might have been and what has been
            Point to one end, which is always present. T.S. Eliot


              another attempt

              Mish, valerian is pretty stinky - is it the same stench in liquid form? Come to think of it, St. John's Wort smells similar to valerian.

              I'm not really interested in trying the others because 1. I don't want to tell my doctor and end up on some prejudiced database. 2. I don't have enough money to start the pharmaceutical route anyway.

              I think my problem stems from habit, boredom, and depression. Maybe if I can address those things, the drastic chemical coercion won't be needed.

              I'm glad you're in a better place Mish. Long may you stay!


                another attempt

                Thanks medic. Yep, Valerian in liquid form is pretty stinky and tastes, well, disgusting. However if it helps...
                I'm not worried about prejudice databases. I had a choice of the database or a coffin and I've chosen to go the database route. But I am past my use-by-date and already on a disability pension and our government provides treatment at Fresh Start Recovery Programme here in Perth (how lucky am I?...the doctor is leading the world in addiction treatment) free of charge and prescriptions for $5.40 AUD so it is available at an affordable cost. I appreciate how great an opportunity it is for me when dear folk here do not have the resources that I have. Hence the reason I am determined not to waste what would make this journey so much easier for everyone at MWO, if that was a path they would like to take. George O'Neil's vision is to end addiction worldwide. His Naltraxone plants are very interesting if you want to Google George O'Neil and read about it. Or Fresh Start Recovery Programme.
                Working on habit, boredom and depression has been key in my reaching this point. I strongly urge you to follow up on it. I wish you every success, medic, and I'll follow your journey and help if you ever need support and encouragement.
                :h Mish :h
                Never give up...
                GET UP!!!

                AF since 25th November, 2011

                What might have been is an abstraction
                Remaining a perpetual possibility
                Only in a world of speculation.
                What might have been and what has been
                Point to one end, which is always present. T.S. Eliot


                  another attempt

                  Just wanted to say hello, Medic.

                  I like your avatar. Makes me think about the future.
                  AF since May 6, 2010

                  Forget the past, plan for tomorrow, and live for today.


                    another attempt

                    Thanks for being candid Mish. Despite the pro-NHS propaganda you'll see in such documentaries like Sicko, unfortunately nowadays - when our country's physicians decide to see us whilst taking notes for insurance companies - the NHS pretty much neglect people in the outcome unless you're high profile. Maybe I should emmigrate to Oz hahaha.

                    Yes, Gaia. Well perceived. The avatar was chosen deliberately to symbolise the journey to a better future.


